Naruto: Otsutsuki Moon Letter

Chapter 31 Re-entering the Wet Bones Forest

Chapter 31 Re-entering the Wet Bones Forest

After seeing that there was nothing wrong with the Yokota family, Yuexin was also relieved. Since there was nothing to worry about here, the body strengthening that the slug sage had told him before should also be put on the agenda.

"Ninja, Psychic Technique!"


"Mr. Yuexin, what do you want from me?" The little slug looked at Yuexin and asked.

"Little slug, I want to ask how long it will take for me to strengthen it." Yue Xin frowned and asked, his biggest worry was missing the chakra fruit. Carat fruit is really important to me.

"It will take about ten to 20 years. Yue Xinjun needs to develop his potential to the maximum extent at present, and then strengthen it. The development time is not long, only more than ten days, but the time required for strengthening It’s very long, and it depends on Yue Xinjun’s level of adaptation, if the level of adaptation is high, it will be faster, if it is low, you can only take it slowly.” Slug also explained slowly, this kind of There is no way to rush things.

"I see. I'll discuss it with the Yokota family. If they feel that there is no need for me within ten years, I will go to the wet bone forest after I leave the ninjutsu. Please." Yuexin bowed Thank you.

"It's nothing, then I'll go back." The slug was polite for a while and then disappeared into a cloud of white mist.

"Lord Yuexin, are you leaving again?" The wanderer behind him looked at him reluctantly, Yuexin smiled wryly, ten years is not a short time, and I'm afraid things will change by then.

Taking the wanderer back to the compound of Yokota's family, I found room to discuss with the other party and said: "The situation is that I need to go to the wet bone forest to strengthen my strength. It will take at least ten years. I want to ask Uncle Nei, do you think the clan needs me to do anything."

"Ten years!" Ruma looked at Yuexin in surprise. He really didn't expect that Yuexin, who had just returned, would leave again, and this time it would be ten years since he left. At that time, the new generation of the Yokota family might have grown up. Alright.

"There's nothing you need to do, but isn't ten years too long? See if you can come back every once in a while, so that everyone in the family can get to know you." Liu Jian said with a sigh In fact, it's nothing wrong, he's just afraid that some people in the Yokota family will talk nonsense in ten years' time.

It's not that the Yokota family doesn't have radicals, but there's a month's letter under pressure and they're living a pretty good life, but ten years is enough time for some people to have thoughts they shouldn't have in their hearts, and it's been a long time. Older people tend to forget the monthly letter, and I'm afraid it will cause some misunderstandings.

"Uncle, I believe that you can handle these well, and Qingmei and the others are very talented. I believe they will grow up after a while. I will leave ninjutsu to you. As for who will practice it for you or not? Take it easy." After hearing this, Yue Xin said that these are small things, and he can still trust him.

Moreover, Yokota Kiyomi and Yuko's talents are very good. Recently, he also feels that these two people are about to break through to the peak of Genin. If they practice more ninjutsu left by him, they will definitely be able to overwhelm the whole clan.

"If that's the case, I have no problem." Rujian nodded. If he got the trump card of ninjutsu, he really didn't need to be afraid of anything, and Qingmei's strength is indeed the strongest in the clan. It was the result of Yuexin giving them a small treatment.

"Then if there is nothing else, I will go there in the afternoon. Oh, and, Kaguya will probably cause a big incident in the next ten years. You must restrain your clansmen and don't go out. Kaguya is affected by the sacred tree." It will become more violent and cruel in the future, you must be careful!" Before leaving, Yue Xin exhorted Liu Jian.

"I understand, Lord Yuexin, don't worry, I won't let a single clansman leave the forest within ten years!" Liu Jian nodded solemnly and agreed.

Yue Xin nodded and felt relieved, and then went back with the wanderer, looking at the mansion she lived in, Yue Xin smiled wryly and shook her head: [It seems that I really don't have such a rich life, I just lived here for a day and I can't live anymore. 】

Sitting at the desk, Yuexin kept writing on the scroll. He wrote down almost all the ninjutsu training methods he could remember. Seeing Yuexin's vigorous writing, Yuzi opened his mouth and wanted to say something. , but she didn't say it in the end. Although she wanted to follow Yuexin, she also knew that she was not qualified by virtue of her identity and strength.

Finally, Yuexin finished writing all the scrolls at around two o'clock in the afternoon. Looking at the pile of scrolls beside him, these were all the results of the outbreak of secondary illness when he was in junior high school.

"Youzi, go and ask Uncle Liujian to come over." Yue Xin put down his pen and said to Youzi next to him.

"Yes!" Youzi went out, Yuexin looked at Youzi's back and thought that he might be able to see Youzi's child ten years later, he knew that he must still fall asleep when he was strengthening, so at that time I am still 16 years old, or 26 years old.

He came after a while, looking at the scrolls piled up next to Tsukinobu, he knew that these were ninjutsu left by Tsukinobu, watching Tsukinobu Yokota Ruma who was sitting there kneeling down respectfully A big gift was given to Yuexin, these are the foundations for the Yokota family to settle down and live in the future.

"Put away all these uncles. In addition, there are some talisman cultivation methods in it. You can let people study them too. I have modified some sigils of the Otsutsuki clan into the twelve-seal version. , You also try to create some new sigils when you are studying, after all, only innovation can make progress."

"Ninjutsu is the same. If someone in the clan develops a new ninjutsu, that would be a great thing." Yue Xin patted a pile of scrolls next to him and said, looking at Yokota who saluted him. said with a smile.

"Yes! Thank you, Mr. Yuexin, for everything you have done for the Yokota family. We will remember your great kindness and virtue for generations to come, and our children and grandchildren will become your subordinates and fight for you for the rest of our lives!" Yokota Ruma knelt down Swear loudly on the ground.

"Then I'll leave it to you, Uncle Ruma!" Yuexin stood up and walked out, Yokota Ruma also raised his head to send Yuexin away.

After quickly ascending to the sky, he looked at the endless forest and smiled. He didn't expect to leave again today after returning yesterday, and this time it will be at least ten years after leaving. He is looking forward to seeing it again in ten years. The way he looked when he arrived at Yokota's house.

Yuexin soon came to the Slug Immortal of the Shibone Forest. After recovering from the previous recovery, Yuexin felt that his Chakra had improved significantly. After practicing last night, Yuexin has confirmed that his Chakra has a Shinobi. It can be said that as long as one's own fighting literacy is cultivated, he will be an elite jnin, and he is only a thin line away from the kage class.

Yuexin is looking forward to his strengthened strength. I don't know if he can directly become a super shadow level. If that's the case, he might be able to wrestle with Huiye. Yuexin admits that he swelled after healed, And it's about to float...

"Mr. Yuexin, shall we start now?" The Great Immortal Slug looked at Yuexin standing on his back and asked, since he was already familiar with him, there was no need to be polite.

"Well, please, Great Immortal." Yue Xin nodded with a smile, and then slowly sank into the back of the Great Slug Immortal. It didn't take long for Yue Xin to fall into a deep sleep. This time, he would sleep for at least ten years.

"Yue Xinjun, I look forward to seeing you again. The cultivation method of Xianshu Chakra has almost been completed, and when you wake up, you must have satisfied the cultivation conditions of Xianshu Chakra. At that time, I will Let me tell you about the cultivation method, how strong are you with Immortal Chakra? I am really looking forward to it..." The Great Immortal Slug felt the majestic potential in Yuexin's body and murmured in anticipation.

On the side of the Yokota family, Yokota Ruma moved these ninjutsu scrolls into his own secret room, and announced the news to the whole family. If anyone wants to practice ninjutsu, just find him and get his approval to get the practice of ninjutsu method.

This news was announced to the whole family together with the news that Yue Xin went to Shibone Forest for a ten-year retreat. Suddenly, the Yokota family was boiling. The ninjutsu training method mobilized their enthusiasm. Wake up, anyone with a bit of qualifications has come to Ruma Yokota.

"Patriarch, if you can't use ninjutsu, let you keep it alone. Mr. Yuexin left ninjutsu to our Yokota family, not to you alone." He said at the time that he was the head of the radical faction of the Yokota family, Yokota Hayori.

"Hehe, Yuexin said before he left that I will keep these ninjutsu on my behalf. I can show them to anyone I want to see. It all depends on me. If you don't believe me, you can ask Lord Yuexin's personal maid Youzi." Yokota Ruma glanced at him lightly and said, there can only be one voice in the clan, and it seems time for this Yokota Hayori to warn.

"Indeed!" Yuko sitting behind Yokota Ruma confirmed that Ruma's words were true. No one would doubt that Yuko's words were false. If Yuko lied, it would be impossible for Yuexin to trust each other in the future. They didn't believe it. The wanderer would be so unwise, otherwise it would be impossible for the deep trust of Yue Xin to be with him all the time.

Regardless of Yuzi's status or current strength, Yuzi has a talking position in the Yokota family. She is no longer the maid of the Yokota family, but the servant of the master of the Yokota family, Kizuki Otsutsutsu. Dare to do anything to her, besides, Youzi can be said to be the top ten masters of the Yokota family.

And the No. [-] master is Yokota Kiyomi, who is like good sisters with Youzi. The two can be said to be Yuexin's most trusted Yokota family members. Their arms can't twist their thighs. Although they are very unwilling, Yokota Hato Don't dare to make mistakes, so we can only silence the drums.

"In addition, Master Yuexin also warned us of one thing. During the ten years of Master Yuexin's retreat, no one in the family is allowed to go out of the forest, and even in the forest, don't let others notice."

"Master Kuzuki Nobu said that Kaguya has been infected by the evil will of the sacred tree and will become more violent and cruel these years. If anyone goes out, Kaguya will probably be discovered by Kaguya and made into a kind of thoughtless puppet soldier."

"The news from Mr. Kuzuki Nobu said that Kaguya has already started to make this kind of puppet soldiers, but now they are made by people who use the rebels. In the future, innocent people may be involved in it. Now Kaguya is not us. The existence that can be provoked, everyone here must restrain the younger generations in the family."

"I know it is very difficult to stay out of the forest for ten years, but this is related to the survival of the family, please be sure to abide by it, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless." Yokota Ruma's cold eyes swept over everyone's eyes Face, everyone who was stared at was shocked by the coldness in his eyes, and after knowing that the other party was not joking, they solemnly nodded in agreement.

"From tomorrow, manned patrols will be arranged around the enchantment. Anyone who needs to leave the enchantment must come to me to apply for a certificate of exit. As long as the patrol team finds someone who does not have a proof that they want to leave the enchantment, they will immediately arrest them and impose genocide. Rules!" Yokota Ruma once again solemnly declared and established the rules for leaving the barrier, and everyone present knew that this was a major event.

(End of this chapter)

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