Affectionate [Published + Full Version]

201 Chapter 1 Make a small temper

201 Chapter 1 Make a small temper ([-])
Lu Cunyu called his younger brother Lu Xingrui to inform him of this.

Zhang Yulian woke up, the news couldn't be hidden from the Lu family, so Lu Cunyu called his fourth uncle and aunt first.Then, the news was passed to Lu Cunyu's father by his four uncles and four aunts.

Lu Cunyu was thinking in his heart that his father probably didn't have much emotional change when his mother woke up or passed out.

After all, it was a happy event. Many people came to the Lu family one after another, including Lu Cunyu's father.

Mr. Lu went in to take a look at his wife who had been in a coma for many years, and said a few words, but he didn't know if his wife heard her.Lu Cunyu, who was his son, watched from the sidelines, filled with anger and had to suppress it, it was not like a husband talking to his wife, his rude and polite attitude seemed to be an outsider, and it seemed to be perfunctory.

There were many people in the ward, but they all cooperated and were exceptionally quiet.

Jiang Man quietly grabbed Lu Cunyu's big hand, looked at his profile, and hoped that he would not be angry with his father.

Dr. Lu didn't get off work on time. He came to the ward and chatted with the elders of the Lu family for about forty minutes.

Lu Cunyu's mother, Zhang Yulian, who woke up from a coma for many years was an exception.

The Lu family has strong financial resources and can afford to support a comatose patient like Zhang Yulian.Dr. Lu thought that this was God's best opportunity for him.Often in reality, poor people can't afford to get sick, not to mention being in a coma for many years and paying super high fees to stay in hyperbaric oxygen wards or wards.

During Zhang Yulian's hospitalization, many comatose patients died because they did not receive hyperbaric oxygen treatment in time.

Doing hyperbaric oxygen therapy is like doing surgery. There are indications and contraindications. There are also indications for whether a patient can enter the cabin for treatment. It is not that a comatose patient can enter the hyperbaric oxygen chamber immediately if he wants to inhale oxygen.Dr. Lu has always been obsessed with achieving higher attainments in his career as a doctor. Now that Zhang Yulian has awakened, it can be said that he has been greatly fulfilled.

Tomorrow morning, Dr. Lu will accept a series of interviews arranged by the hospital as a representative of the hospital.

In the ward, Mr. Lu had been listening to Dr. Lu talking about medical matters. After Dr. Lu finished speaking, Mr. Lu seemed to be very interested and continued to ask questions, and the chat was lively.

Lu Cunyu went out, strode to the smoking area and lit a cigarette.

Jiang Man approached from behind, and said to him worriedly: "Don't be angry with your father, your body has only recovered for a few days."

Lu Cunyu turned his back to Jiang Man, frowned, and said in a cold tone: "Look at him! My mother woke up, his legal wife woke up, and when he woke up after being in a coma for many years, there was nothing on his face. excited."

"It's a fact that you don't have feelings. Your dad has been like this for a day or two. It's not worth being angry with him." Jiang Man walked up to Lu Cunyu and looked at his extremely gloomy and furious appearance.

Father and son are angry, his mother will no longer be deaf, she can hear everything and see it.

Lu Cunyu didn't take a few puffs of his cigarette, he stubbed it out, and flicked his fingers into the trash can beside him.There was impatience between the eyebrows, and he said: "Let him come, I really wronged him."

He goes to the ward.

Jiang Man naturally knew that he was talking about his father.

Back in the ward, Jiang Man also began to hate Lu Cunyu's father. If you have something to say, just say a few words, and if you have nothing to say, just sit silently on the edge of the sickbed for a while.

When you are old, who will make it difficult for you and force you to stay with your wife in the hospital all night.

The son has already prepared a step for the father. When the time comes, he will say to his father, "It's too late, Dad, go back and rest first." In this way, his father can take advantage of the situation and leave.

Zhang Yulian, who was on the couch, could feel a little bit happier after hearing this, and she was in a good mood, which was also helpful for her recovery.

The current situation is that Mr. Lu is sitting in the ward, drinking tea, and the topic of chatting with the doctor is endless.Completely forgot about his wife just waking up.

Lu Cunyu got angry with his father, looked at his father and that doctor Lu without saying a word.

It seemed to be to see how long they could talk, and what excuse could his father use to divert his attention after the chat was over.The person on the couch was his wife, who was afraid to face it and always had to face it.

Dr. Lu told the old man about the patient in Arkansas who woke up after being in a coma for 19 years. At the same time, seeing Lu Cunyu's displeasure, he quickly found an excuse to stop the chat and left.

Dr. Lu knew what was going on in the Lu family. Zhang Yulian was hospitalized. In the first two years, the old man of the Lu family came to visit his wife during the Chinese New Year.

From now on, there will be only one Spring Festival throughout the year.

Last Spring Festival, the old man of the Lu family did not come at all, only the two sons of the patient Zhang Yulian and the fourth uncle and aunt of the Lu family came to have a look.

Jiang Man was worried that Lu Cunyu was arguing with his father, and when his mother heard it, she asked Xu to drive the old man back to rest first.

His father had no intention of staying, so he went to the sick bed and said, "Yulian, I will come to see you some other day. My sons are all grown up. Get well soon and enjoy the blessings of your children and grandchildren."

Jiang Man frowned, what do you mean... come back another day...

I don't know what Zhang Yulian felt when she heard this.

Maybe it won't be too sad, and the two didn't have much relationship as husband and wife before they passed out, but they will definitely feel disappointed and chilled.

Chen Ru would have at least one phone call with her daughter Jiang Man every day, so she knew that Zhang Yulian was awake, and said that she would come over to take a look at it tomorrow.

Jiang Man nodded and said to her mother, "Tomorrow I will come with my dad and you, and Lu Cunyu."

Without saying too much, Jiang Man hung up.

At ten o'clock, Jiang Man left the hospital with Lu Cunyu behind.

Lu Cunyu's fourth aunt will stay in the hospital overnight to accompany Lu Cunyu's mother.His fourth aunt was the woman who had the best relationship with Zhang Yulian in the Lu family.

The bright night in the city is like the look in his eyes, intricately intertwined.

Back home, Lu Cunyu actually took care of Jiang Man and took a bath.

Jiang Man couldn't sleep by himself, so he had to call him. When Lu Cunyu finished taking a shower, Jiang Man moved in his arms and asked him, "What are your plans?"

You don't need to ask about his official affairs, but Jiang Man must understand the family affairs as his married wife.

Lu Cunyu suddenly wanted to smoke again.

He hasn't completely quit smoking, he still smokes occasionally, and he doesn't smoke when he rests at night or gets intimate with him, as smoking will only make her unhappy.

The two wriggled and rubbed their bodies lightly on the couch, kissed passionately for a while, and both stopped panting.

Lu Cunyu stiffened his body, and said: "When my mother's condition is stable, I have to ask who pushed her back then. I don't believe that my mother jumped downstairs because of depression. My mother is awake now, with Consciousness, I must have thought about those old things now."

Jiang Man lay in his arms, flapping her eyelashes, and asked tentatively, "If your mother said who pushed it, what would you do?"

Lu Cunyu seemed to be thinking, but also didn't seem to want to tell her, in short, he didn't make a sound.

"Don't do extreme things. You have me and our children. Before doing anything, you must consider our existence first. You are no longer alone. You are responsible for me and our children for the entire life now." Jiang Man was afraid from the bottom of his heart. He knew that Lu Cunyu was a very shrewd person, but because he cared and loved him, he didn't want him to be too tired and struggling, and his emotional behavior became out of control because of revenge.

Lu Cunyu smiled and kissed her: "I should reflect on why you are so worried about me."

Jiang Man couldn't help laughing, and pushed him away: "You have the ability to go to heaven and earth, should I worry about you or worry about you, it has nothing to do with you."

Kissed again and again for a while, and gradually fell asleep under the torment of the body trembling.

The next morning, Jiang Man and Lu Cunyu went to the hospital first.

At ten past seven, Lu Xingrui arrived at the hospital with his pregnant wife.

Jiang Man met Lu Xingrui's wife who was a few years younger than her, and asked Qiao Xin with concern, "Are you all right?" She was pregnant for several months.

Qiao Xin shook his head: "It's okay, thank you, sister-in-law. I remember my mother said that when she was pregnant with me, I had a fight with my father. I always felt that my father didn't love her. I took several planes back and forth to travel in China by myself. Nothing happened. And My body is really good."

Jiang Man smiled, thinking that this younger sister was easy to get along with.

In the ward, Jiang Man and the others were all by their side, and they would talk to her mother-in-law appropriately.Ever since Zhang Yulian opened her eyes, she has seen everything strange.

The two sons know each other, and the husband knows each other, but their appearance has changed a little bit.

Lu Cunyu didn't ask any urgent questions, but only said happy things to make his mother feel better.I hope that my mother will recover as soon as possible, and it is best to attend his wedding.

At [-]:[-] in the morning, Lu Xianzhang made a call in his apartment.

I didn't pick up the first time, didn't pick up the second time, and didn't pick up until the third time.

"What do you want from me? I told you not to contact me again!" Feng Anya's voice became furious.

Lu Xianzhang frowned, smoked a cigarette and said to her, "Don't give me such a fucking tone. Let me ask you, does Lu Fei know that her grandma is awake?"

"What?" Feng Anya asked again as if she didn't understand, "Who are you talking about? Who woke up?"

Lu Xianzhang coughed. There were too many bad things these days, and his anger was too high, causing a sore throat: "Lu Cunyu's mother is awake, did Feng Yun tell you?"

"No. How is that possible?"

"It's not uncommon. If you're not dead, you might wake up." Lu Xianzhang told her in a cold voice, "I called you to tell you that you can't let Lu Fei go to the hospital to visit her grandma. If I find out, the responsibility lies with you." Also, treat Lu Fei better, you are not even qualified to scold her!"

Chen Ru and Jiang Zheng came to the hospital and bought what they needed to bring to visit the patients.

Zhang Yulian was also very unfamiliar with Chen Ru and Jiang Zheng's two in-laws, so she had no intention of neglecting her, but felt powerless because of her extremely sorry physical condition.

Lying on the sickbed, speech is vague.

The wedding day is approaching day by day, Lu Cunyu is much busier than before, busy with the wedding, busy with his mother, busy with guarding against unruly people inside and outside the Lu family.

Jiang Man couldn't figure out what Su Qing was thinking, but if Su Qing didn't say anything, she had no choice but to find a chance to ask.

At lunch time, Jiang Man and Xia Weiyi asked.

The child in Su Qing's womb was a deformed child, and the heartache was so painful that it was the last thing to be born.Reluctantly induce labor, don't force yourself, don't give your child such an unbearable life.

Xia Weiyi repeated the doctor's words: "The doctor also told you. If you give birth to this child, you will not be able to raise this child who may be deformed. One is the child's pain, and the other is that the child may not grow up safely. May die. Don’t want it, liberate yourself, and at the same time let the child’s soul not cause him pain, let him go to reincarnate elsewhere. The doctor also said that your child may die in the womb at any time.”

This topic is too cruel, it is like sprinkling a handful of fine salt on Su Qing's wound, but there is no way.

Su Qing's tears came out immediately, and she couldn't help it anymore: "I will do it as soon as possible."

Jiang Man went over to appease Su Qing with red eyes, opened his handbag and took out two tissues to wipe Su Qing's eyes carefully: "Don't cry, your eyes will be swollen later."

Su Qing thought about it for another half a day, but she still didn't make an appointment with the hospital immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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