Affectionate [Published + Full Version]

Chapter 217 What is going on

Chapter 217 What's the matter (1)
Lu Fei waited at the police station for more than ten minutes. Lu Cunyu came to the station. Lu Fei cried and leaned against her mother's chest. Uncle get in the car."

"Yes." Lu Fei nodded.

Lu Cunyu looked at Lu Fei who had gone out with Zhou Wen, and when he waited for others to go out, he turned his gaze away and went up to meet the captain of the Criminal Brigade directly under the police station.

The news of Feng Anya's death exploded in and out of Lu's home in the early morning.

Lu Cunyu wasn't sure whether Feng Anya died of being murdered, or if it wasn't because of being murdered, Lu Xianzhang had been to the hotel again.

Lu Cunyu remembered the few words his mother said to him in the morning.After Zhang Yulian heard the news, she only said: "Cunyu, you and Lu Xianzhang have a grudge. This feud has existed since childhood. It is inevitable to look at the things he participated in too much. He went to the hotel, but it doesn't mean that everyone who went to the hotel killed people. This matter Son, you just need to protect Lu Fei more. It doesn't matter who the child is. After all, he has called you Dad for so many years. The case will be investigated by the police. Pay attention to the evidence. Don't turn around in this muddy water .”

The team leader said: "After the incident, our special case team first carried out on-site reconnaissance, visits, and investigation and evidence collection. Second, in accordance with legal procedures, we obtained the original surveillance video of the hotel and brought back relevant evidence. Third, we subsequently We also learned about the details of the deceased's gathering with friends last night to before and after his death."

Lu Cunyu heard from the captain that the autopsy had determined Feng Anya's cause of death.

"During the investigation, our task force learned from friends of the deceased Feng Anya and her adoptive mother that Feng Anya lived a very chaotic life. There was an unpleasant quarrel, and she asked her for money because of taking drugs. There was a quarrel in the office, and many company employees saw it. After on-site investigation, we learned that the deceased probably had a quarrel with the little boyfriend. At that time, both of them touched drugs and lost their minds, which eventually resulted in the death of one of them."

Lu Cunyu made insinuations about Lu Xianzhang's appearance at the hotel.

The team leader said: "We all know that there are so many surveillance corners in the hotel, how can there be cameras everywhere? Your brother Lu Xianzhang went upstairs to look for the deceased Feng Anya, and the surveillance video saw the two face to face. Your brother then left. The deceased, Feng Anya, had an affair with the suspect found by the abandoned swimming pool. The two kissed outside the suite. According to the investigation, the suspect had already taken drugs at that time. This hotel surveillance I couldn’t hear the person talking clearly. Then your brother went downstairs and left. He came to assist in the investigation and said that the car was at the entrance of the backyard of the resort hotel. The surveillance showed that when he got out of the hotel, someone pushed a wheelchair to the backyard. There was no surveillance in the backyard. The deceased, Feng Anya, went to the backyard after 7 minutes. The suspect who overdosed by the swimming pool and the deceased Feng Anya went to the backyard after 15 minutes. The figure finally tracked by the surveillance was the entrance of the hotel’s backyard. The backyard is really big. No one knew what was going on in the backyard, and the security guard said that driving from the back door is not the same as going to the abandoned swimming pool, but our monitoring found that several people had been to the backyard, and nothing else."

When Lu Cunyu asked again, the captain was unwilling to say more, and the case was still under investigation. It was difficult for Lu Cunyu to inquire about this matter, but other people saw it as the captain.

He didn't embarrass anyone, got up and left.

According to the team leader's investigation and analysis, the truth is close to that. Lu Xianzhang went to the backyard and left. Under interrogation, Wu Zi, the driver who pushed Lu Xianzhang, said that he went back to the hotel to find the car keys. It took him a long time to remember. He put it in the briefcase casually, and every day when he came out with his boss, he would bring a briefcase with him, so that the boss could handle business at any time.

Investigating Feng Anya's mobile phone records, he had several calls with Lu Xianzhang. Lu Xianzhang explained that it was because his niece was thrown at home by this irresponsible mother. He felt disappointed and persuaded her mother to go home for the poor child, but It was weird to see the things these people were playing at a party, so I left.

One minute after Wu Zitui Lu Xianzhang went to the backyard, he called Feng Anya, and the call lasted 1 minute and 24 seconds.Wu Zi said that he called Feng Anya to let her go out and see if the key had been dropped in the corridor outside the upstairs suite or in the elevator.The reason why she called this call was because she was afraid of being picked up by someone, but Feng Anya didn't help to go out to look, but said that she still had something to do, and then hung up.

Lu Cunyu asked Zhou Wen to drive Lu Fei back to Lu's house first, and he went to school to ask Lu Fei for a few days off.

Lu Fei couldn't go to school, she was either crying or in a daze, the child was alone, but she was chanting what grown-ups were chanting, was it because her mother committed crimes in her previous life, and everything was not going well in this life, or was she committing crimes in her previous life, and her family is so unsatisfactory in this life? Whose fault is it all? wrong.

When the grandfather comforted his granddaughter a few words, the granddaughter didn't listen.

The two nannies in the family are not young anymore, and they know the affairs of the Lu family so superficially. Although Feng Anya is not good to her daughter, there is Lu Fei's mother in this world after all.It's a bit uncomfortable to die now, it's sudden.

The nanny said to another nanny: "Lu Fei is such a good child. She hasn't lived happily for a day since she was born. Her mother is the shadow in her mind that can't be happy at all. Adults always talk about it. When the child Lu Fei was beaten by her mother, I still cursed in my heart, people die every day in this world, there are various ways to die, why don’t more people like the child’s mother be killed. Now it’s really It’s so pitiful to die.” I lamented that these big and small accidents in life come without warning, and you should live happily every day without fear of anything.

Feng Yuan and Lu Cunyu arrived at Lu's house in the afternoon.

When Lu Cunyu saw Fifteen, he just glanced at him, so he didn't have the mood to touch Fifteen, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Feng Yuan listened all the way, and Lu Cunyu told Feng Yuan what he had heard. Feng Yuan was not sure how his sister died, so he could only wait for the case investigation team to investigate.

When Feng Yuan heard the news in the team in the morning, he frowned, and his heart seemed to stop beating at that moment.He didn't like what his sister did, but it was his biological sister after all.

Feng Yuan was heartbroken. He was adopted when he was a child. He said that we will not go with my younger sister, and that my elder brother will earn money to support you when he grows up.The younger sister longed for a life with good food and good clothes, and insisted on leaving that young, beautiful and rich woman.I proposed to be with my brother, turned around and hugged my brother and cried, brother, don't want me, I'm afraid of being bullied, you go.

He followed.

Year after year, I am not happy. My younger sister has grown up, she is both cute and rebellious. He often scolds her, but it will only have the opposite effect.

He would ask familiar adults, what should girls of this age do?
The adults said that everyone has puberty, and some children pass after a while of rebellion, and then they are good people in society.Some children look like that no matter what you do.

He still said that if you don't believe me, you can't manage a good boy.

The adults laughed, which child has not been supervised?But there are always bad boys and bad guys in this world, and there are not many.On the contrary, good children and good people do not necessarily mean being managed well, and many children are left alone.There are thousands of ways to manage people, and there are thousands of kinds of people in this world. Who dares to say that this child must use this kind of management method?No one dared to say.After all this is said, when will the right and wrong answers be revealed?It is estimated that it will not be revealed until the day the person in charge dies. To sum up, what did the person in charge do on the day of his death, how many mistakes were made, and whether the mistakes were serious?
Feng Yuan understands that there is no absolute in this respect.

Especially when he is 37, he understands more things, people with different values ​​are everywhere, and others have no right to say what to do, sometimes he will be confused.For example, the neighbor who rents a house, the male owner is having an affair, the wife forgives every time after finding out, and others are angry, but the wife seems to never get tired of forgiving the husband.

The opposite door is not soundproof, and he often hears his wife's friend say during the day during the rest day, so you still stay?Live in vain, useless dead!
It is wrong for a wife to stay with her husband and continue to live, in the eyes of the wife's friends.Later, after leaving, the ten-year-old son who was sentenced to his father was bullied by his classmates when he went to school. Being able to pretend to be something, I went to my grandmother's house in the country for dinner on weekends, sneaked into the fish soup and drowned to death.

A suicide note was written crookedly in the homework book, and the last words were still pinyin.

The child's mother came to make trouble at the door of the child's father's house, and Feng Yuan heard it clearly.The mother of the child regrets the divorce, and regrets the divorce after listening to her friends.

But there are countless divorced families, and some children's parents live well after divorce.So things are always unexpected, Feng Yuan thinks about this along the way and worries about Lu Fei, his sister's only daughter, his only niece related to his sister.

The friends of the wife of the man at the opposite door regretted that their words had radically influenced other people's marriages and choices, because they could not have imagined that the ten-year-old boy in that family would commit suicide.Just like many parents do not expect their children to fail in the college entrance examination and commit suicide by jumping off the building.

Feng Yuan heard Lu Fei crying, and seeing the child's pitiful appearance, he held back his eyes until they turned red.

Standing outside Lu's house smoking, coughing and wheezing, the old fire fighting disease made his respiratory tract and throat bad, and he often had to take anti-inflammatory drugs.He felt as uncomfortable as crying, but in reality he hated his sister.Why are you greedy for those delicious and easy-to-wear clothes, so what if you grow up wearing princess dresses?With deep love and deep responsibility, he can forgive his younger sister when he was a child, but he can't forgive his younger sister until now. He especially hoped that Lu Cunyu could marry his younger sister and give her happiness in the later stage, but her younger sister did something that hurt Lu Cun encounter.

Feng Yuan seemed to be slapped severely by his sister.

In front of Lu Cunyu, how he praised his sister and how he liked her was vividly remembered.

There are people in the buddy circle who know, pointing at his nose and scolding, you tell Cunyu this is a cake, this is a delicious cake, he trusts you, buddy, open the box and look at it, frowning to see clearly up.Do you still have the face to call him a brother?
Lu Cunyu enlightened Lu Fei for a while, and then came out.

Feng Yuan looked at him.

Lu Cunyu frowned, lit a cigarette and sat on a chair in the yard, and threw the lighter on the mahogany table: "The suspect is the man who kissed your sister, and there are marks on his neck where your sister's nails scratched. The arrest was heavy. When he was discovered, the man had passed out after taking a drug overdose, and all the people who were playing with him were arrested, and none of them was missing. The police interrogated each of them, and they couldn't explain clearly."

Before Jiang Man got off work, he called Lu Cunyu and asked Lu Cunyu to bring Lu Fei with her. Men don't understand girls' psychological conditions, so they can't be negligent at this time.

When Xia Xia heard about this, she asked Jiang Man, "How is Feng Yuan?"

(End of this chapter)

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