full-time lord

Chapter 280

Chapter 280
The situation in front of them caused panic to appear in the eyes of the remaining three magic generals.Originally, they thought that Hades, the king of the underworld, was coming in person, and finally someone supported them.But at the beginning, things went as smoothly as they imagined.

However, the situation changed suddenly.

Zhao Feng's "Sunshine Shining" trick in "The Canon of Light" was enough to make them feel emotional.And the verbal confrontation between Sonny, the sun god, and Hades, the god of the underworld, and the retreat of Hades, the god of the underworld, left them stunned and had no time to react.

Things happened so fast that they didn't even have time to react, and they were about to run away.

Fortunately, Hades, Hades, did not completely give up on these three magic generals at the end.When he left here, he donated the last [-]% of the dark power in his body to these three magic generals.At this time, the four magic generals who got his help.The strength has been improved to varying degrees.

But the only fly in the ointment is that the strength is averaged among the three people, and the improvement is not too much at all. It is still a bit difficult to deal with a master like Zhao Feng.

"Damn it, run!" Seeing that the momentum in front of him was wrong, the three major demon generals turned into a cloud of black mist and ran towards the port.At this time, the three of them returned to the island of the undead first, obeyed the order of Hades, the king of the underworld, and recharged their energy for a while before talking, so as not to die here.

Compared with Zhao Feng, the strength of the three major generals is weaker.

Moreover, because of Zhao Feng's performance just now, they didn't have much courage and confidence to fight against Zhao Feng in their hearts.Escaping is their last choice.

Before Zhao Feng could react, he realized that these three guys had already run far away, and he couldn't help hesitating in his heart, whether to chase them down or stay where they were, and fell into a dilemma.After thinking about it, he said: "Forget it, let's wait for them to come down and discuss it!"

He knew that it would be difficult for him alone to pursue these three great demon generals.In this case, it is better to wait for Alice Maria and the others to come.


When seeing the three great demons below the city turn into black mist and flee, the entire city wall burst into cheers.Originally, these people thought they were bound to die.Unexpectedly, at this moment, Zhao Feng was able to turn the tide and save everyone from such a situation.

Such a crazy performance caused countless people to drop their glasses.

"As expected of God's patron, really strong!"

At this time, the priests around Maria couldn't help but sigh.Originally, they were very puzzled that His Majesty the Pope treated Zhao Feng so courteously.However, today they finally saw the powerful fighting power of this young man.

And those magicians also surrendered with joy: "Master, it's doable!"

The scene where Zhao Feng's "Sunshine" of the light department confronted Hades' "Dark Judgment" just now made the magicians present very excited.In Zhao Feng, they found a direction to strive for, something to be excited and proud of.This is rare among magicians.

On the faces of the original residents of Okel City, the expression was much more complicated.They were not only happy with the retreat of the three great demon generals, but also felt sorry for their loss.During that breakout, countless residents of Okel City died at the hands of the Four Great Demon Generals and their subordinate skeletons.

Of course, some of them died by trampling on each other or killing each other.

When the city gate opened, these people all rushed out.Some people cried bitterly at the corpses below the city, looking for their relatives.And some people ran in front of Zhao Feng, expressing their approval and excitement.And Maria and her priests walked to the side of Pope Illuminati VIII Saga who had turned into a zombie, and burst into tears.

After enjoying the joy of victory just now, these people were shocked by the miserable and devastated scenes after the war, plus they lost their relatives and lovers, and they all felt very sad.

Alice handed Zhao Feng a jug of clean water, and said, "Master, you were exhausted just now!" Then, she carefully handed Zhao Feng a towel, acting like a real maid, doing her duty.

Gudong drank the water in one gulp, Zhao Feng looked at his eyes and said: "Oh, the loss is heavy!"

Looking at the shocking corpses and blood on the ground, he couldn't help but shook his head and said, "Those damned undead are really annoying!"

Originally, when the magician Hardy asked him to take over the task, Zhao Feng was not much touched at all.But seeing the damage caused by the undead in front of him, he couldn't help but shook his head and said, "It's really too bad here! Those undead are really annoying!"

At this time, Maria had already wiped away her tears, and ran to Zhao Feng and said, "Thank you very much. If there were no one, I'm afraid that all of us, like those lying on the ground, would all turn into corpses." gone."

"You don't need to thank me, this is what I should do! It's you, who is becoming more and more polite." Hearing Maria's words, Zhao Feng felt a little strange.In normal times, she would rarely thank herself.It seems that this sudden change has made the girl in front of her mature.

Maria said: "I must thank you, for everyone in Okel City, for His Majesty the Pope, and for everyone."

"Okay, needless to say." Zhao Feng pointed to the devastated place and said, "I think it's better to clean up here. Otherwise, it will easily cause plague!" At this time, the entire city of O'Kell, All are white skeletons and black zombie remains.

In addition to these, there are some human corpses, including some stumps and broken arms, and there is blood all over the ground.

In the air, a strong smell of blood could be smelled.The blood must have soaked the ground several inches.If the grass grows here in the coming year, it will be stronger than other places.

Maria nodded and said: "Yes, this is what our pastors should do." Then, she said to the remaining pastors under her command and the surviving residents: "Everyone help, gather all the dead bodies together , and then I found some dry firewood, and I will perform a purification ceremony."

"Should it be burned? Can't it be buried?" Her proposal aroused doubts from some residents present.

Maria nodded and said: "These people were all killed by the undead, and their bodies are highly poisonous. If you are not careful, everyone may be poisoned. Otherwise, they may be resurrected. Therefore, we must completely Burn it to ashes, this is the safest way, and will not give those undead a chance."

Seeing that some people were still unwilling, Zhao Feng roared: "Look, even His Majesty the Pope of the church must be cremated. Naturally, your relatives have to do the same."

"it is good!"

Under Zhao Feng's words, these people behaved very obediently, packed up all the corpses one after another, put them on the fire, and started to burn them.

"It's still more effective for you to speak." At this time, Maria smiled bitterly at Zhao Feng: "I don't know why, when I speak, I'm always not so convincing. I'm really depressed." She talked about what she had advised the residents of Oakell City not to do.

Hearing her words, Dan Kun said, "Little girl, you look too young to be convincing. If I were you, I wouldn't listen to you either."

Rijkars said: "People only listen to the opinions of the strong. Master is a peerless strong man, so naturally everyone listens to him. Whatever your strength, your strength is similar to his, so you can order others."

"I will definitely work hard." After hearing what the two said, Maria clenched her fists and swore to herself.The death of the Light Eighth Saga greatly stimulated her.She, who had been lazy all this time, began to be serious and active, and began to devote herself to the next incineration and purification process.

In the next few days, huge bonfires were ignited around the city of Okel, and thick black smoke was continuously sprayed into the air.The huge flame burned the destructive results left by the tide of darkness.The smell of firewood burning bones and burning corpses made the air in the whole city of Eucall very bad for several days.

In the past few days, under the maintenance of Zhao Feng and his group of magicians, the law and order in Okel City returned to normal.People finally came out of the pain and started a new life.And the people from the major forces who originally escaped from the city of O'Kell returned to the city of O'Kell.

These guys, because of the escape, were dishonored and very embarrassed.However, after a brief recovery, they began to compete for territory and power again.For Zhao Feng, all major forces have thrown out olive branches, intending to recruit this powerful savior of Okel City.

However, Zhao Feng was not moved at all, but stayed in the cathedral of the Priests Association, recuperating and recuperating.

And at this time, Zhao Feng received a petition, which was written by many people with blood.It said that Zhao Feng was asked to take advantage of the victory to pursue and go to Undead Island to eliminate the remaining three major demon generals and completely save mankind from the threat of the tide of darkness.

After receiving this thing, Zhao Feng did not make a decision on his own, but called his subordinates to discuss how to deal with it and see how they reacted.After reading the blood book and hearing it, Zhao Feng said, "It's really interesting. I never thought that something like this would happen again after I can't rest for a few days."

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng was the first to ask for Alice's opinion: "What do you think?"

Alice said: "Master, this is a conspiracy, a complete conspiracy. We can't fall for it." At this time, she said very indignantly.In her opinion, these should be an undercurrent secretly promoted by those mercenary guilds and some members of the magic union who returned to Okel City.

Otherwise, ordinary residents of Okel City would not understand this at all, let alone those guys who let Zhao Feng take advantage of the victory to chase after Undead Island.

"Don't listen to these guys, these guys will fan the flames and have no other skills at all." Alicia was very indignant about those people.The fact that those people chose to use the residents of Okel City as bait to break out of the siege made her always have a grudge against these guys.

At this time, Maria also agreed with Alice's statement: "This is their conspiracy."

These days, with the retreat of the undead, the atmosphere in the whole city of Okell not only did not calm down, but instead had some undercurrents.Those members of the mercenary guild and the magic association who had suffered failures all had shame on their faces and wanted to save face, but they were a little afraid of the three great generals of Undead Island.

After thinking about it, they prepared to call Zhao Feng to take the lead, organize an army, and attack Undead Island.In this way, they can also take the opportunity to gain some credit and wash away their shame.Otherwise, they would not be able to gain a foothold on the mainland.These days, the residents of Oakell City have given those guys a lot of trouble.For those guys who almost killed themselves, the anger in their hearts can be imagined.

At this time, Rijkars and the other three gods also said: "Yes, this is a conspiracy."

Zhao Feng nodded and said: "I know, this is a conspiracy. But, even if it is a conspiracy, I will still go. Because we can't wait passively. Only by placing the battlefield on the enemy's side can we minimize losses. Compared to Okel City, Undead Island is a more suitable battlefield."

"Have you decided, Master?" Hearing Zhao Feng's words, the three magic gods and his magician apprentices were all very nervous and excited.

Zhao Feng nodded and said: "Instead of staying here, we might as well take the initiative to attack. I would like to go to Undead Island to have a look and experience. What do you think?"

Hearing Zhao Feng's heroic words, everyone present was stunned for a moment, and finally Alice said: "Master, I will go wherever you go, even if it is going through fire and water, I will not hesitate to do so. Undead Island, what is scary, I will go! "At this time, she was the first to express her opinion.

Maria said: "Of course I went, just to avenge His Majesty the Pope. Although I am not strong, you will protect me, won't you, Duck?" As she said, Maria looked very pitiful , and said to Zhao Feng: "Besides, there are a lot of information about Undead Island in the materials of our Guangming Church. I went there and can provide you with a lot of help."

"I go."

"I go."

"I am coming too!"

Hearing Zhao Feng's statement, all the magicians present expressed their willingness to go to Undead Island with him to experience it, even if it means going through fire and water, they will do whatever they want.It can be seen from this that Zhao Feng's appeal is very strong.

Zhao Feng said: "In fact, this is not my impulse, but after consideration. In the history of mankind, I have attacked the island of the undead five times. Although I finally returned without success, it also boosted morale. I don't believe it. I can't fight on Undead Island, and I can't deal with those demon generals. I want them to fight an eye for an eye, and blood for blood."

At this time, thinking of the tragic situation outside the city gate, Zhao Feng clenched his fists and said word by word.

(End of this chapter)

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