The Greatest Uncle of All Heavens

Chapter 70 Blue Phoenix

Chapter 70 Blue Phoenix

The short fat man and Zu Qianqiu looked at each other, and then said in a deep voice: "You don't have to ask, we won't talk about it."

"Actually, even if you don't tell me, I can guess that it was the saint who asked you to kill me, right?" Hua Moshan drank a glass of wine and said indifferently: "It's just that I don't understand why he asked you to kill me ? Is it because I am an elder of the Sun Moon God Sect, or because I haven't seen her for a long time?"

"Forget it, I'll ask you guys, I'm afraid you don't know. That's all right, let's go!" Without waiting for Zu Qianqiu and the old man to speak, Hua Moshan waved his hand slightly to them.

Zu Qianqiu and the short fat old man were stunned for a moment, they didn't expect Hua Moshan to let them go so easily.Immediately, Zu Qianqiu reacted, first handed over his hands to thank Hua Moshan, and then dragged the old man away in a hurry, as if he was afraid that Hua Moshan would change his mind and want to kill them if he left late.

"Hey woman!" After they left, Hua Moshan couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, then continued to drink.

Early the next morning, the boat lifted the anchor and sailed to the lower reaches of the Yangtze River.Just as the sun was just rising and the morning mist hadn't dispersed, clusters of white mist shrouded the billowing water on the river.

After less than half an hour, the sun gradually rose, illuminating the river water like golden snakes dancing wildly, dazzling people's eyes.Suddenly, a large boat on the river in front of it spread its sails and sailed towards it. There was a slender and beautiful plain foot embroidered on the sails, which looked a little strange.

After approaching, there was a singing voice coming from inside the building boat. The singing voice was soft, with strange meanings, and no words could be distinguished, but the tone was thick and vague. It didn't seem like a song at all. It is the sound of joyous reunion between men and women, with infinite joy and unrestrained wildness.

"Is Elder Hua of the Sun Moon God Sect on board?" A clear and sweet female voice came into the boat that Hua Moshan was on. Drunken with a headache, he got up and walked outside.

When I came to Huamo Mountain at the bow of the boat outside, I saw a beautiful woman jumping out of the boat in front of me. She was wearing a blue cloth printed with white flowers, from chest to knee. An embroidered apron, wearing a lot of silver ornaments on the body, shining brightly in the sun, and a pair of gold earrings the size of a wine glass on the ears, which are even more dazzling.Seeing that she is about 27 or [-] years old, her skin is like snow, her big eyes are shining like black pearls, her jade feet are bare, and ribbons are fluttering around her waist. She is really charming in every way.

The woman who saw Hua Moshan couldn't help smiling with her beautiful eyes bright: "You are Hua Moshan? You are really young and handsome! It is said in the world that you are good at martial arts, but I don't believe it."

The woman who hadn't finished speaking, jumped up from the building boat, flying towards Huamo Mountain like a phoenix spreading its wings, and with a flash of jade hands, she was already grabbing towards Huamo Mountain like a phoenix's claws, smiling coquettishly Yanxi, she is merciless in her hands.

Hua Moshan, who was dodging sideways, raised his hand and patted casually, and met the woman whose palm was turned over, forcing her to fly to one side, and a little water under her feet flew over again like a nimble osprey On board, they continued to attack Mount Huamo.

The bow of the boat is not big, Hua Moshan and the woman are both very good at lightness kungfu, their figures moved around, and they exchanged more than ten moves in a blink of an eye...
Peng... once again exchanged palms, and the women who flew back from the boat stepped on the river again and again, looking at Huamo Mountain, which was standing on the opposite side of the river with the ups and downs of the waves but not sinking, couldn't help saying: "You are in the middle How can there be nothing wrong with my poisonous palm?"

"What do you think?" Hua Moshan, who raised his eyebrows lightly, smiled teasingly, causing the woman to snort coquettishly, and then dashed forward again: "I don't believe that you are not afraid of my poison!"

This time, Hua Moshan, who was playing with her unintentionally, used Shaolin Dragon Claw Hands, but with a few moves, he grabbed the pulse gate in the woman's hand.

"Ah..." The woman who felt a pain in her wrist suddenly didn't dare to struggle any more, her beautiful eyes stared at Huamo Mountain which led her to fly and land on the deck of the building ship.

At this moment, several Miao women appeared in the boat again, seeing that the woman was restrained, they wanted to step forward to rescue her, but they had some doubts.

"Do you have any treasure to avoid poison?" The woman couldn't help but asked.

Hua Moshan, who smiled noncommittally, shook off her hand, and was about to turn around and leave, but suddenly a small green snake shot out from the woman's sleeve.

Seeing that the green snake was about to land on Hua Moshan's neck, Hua Moshan who turned his head and turned around raised his hand to pinch the green snake's seven inches, and then played with it in his hand, making the woman stare: "you"

"Master Lan, don't use these little tricks in front of me. Don't say this little thing can't bite me, even if it bites me, it will kill me, believe it or not?" Looking at the woman, she said calmly. Hua Moshan, who was in love with her, returned the little green snake to her casually.

Taking over Lan Fenghuang, who was secretly gritted teeth by the little green snake, she couldn't help but turn her beautiful eyes and said, "Really? Elder Hua, do you dare to come aboard this poisonous ship of mine?"

"You don't need to provoke me, since you invite me, why don't I dare?" Hua Moshan said with a faint smile, and went straight to the cabin of the building.

As soon as he entered the cabin, Hua Moshan smelled a strong scent of flowers, and he clearly felt that the scent was poisonous, but he didn't care, instead he looked at the people crawling around on the cabin floor with interest. Scorpions, centipedes, poisonous snakes and other poisons.

Originally, those poisonous creatures were going to attack strangers when they saw strangers, but as an invisible evil spirit emanated from Hua Moshan, all of them retreated quickly as if they sensed danger.

After entering the cabin, Lan Fenghuang saw that the poisons he raised were actually afraid of avoiding Hua Moshan, so his expression changed slightly.

"Master Lan, since I'm here on your boat, even if I don't have any tea or snacks to entertain you, why don't I ask you for some drinks?" Hua Moshan turned to look at Lan Fenghuang and said with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Lan Fenghuang couldn't help smiling and said, "It's not easy for Elder Hua to want to drink. We have self-brewed five-treasure flower honey wine, so I'm afraid you won't dare to drink it."

" long as it's really wine, there's nothing I dare not drink," Hua Moshan said with a chuckle, "Get it quickly, let me taste it."

Lan Fenghuang, who smiled and turned to order someone to bring the wine, turned around and saw Hua Moshan unceremoniously stepped forward and sat in the main seat above, he couldn't help but feel a little angry, this guy really doesn't treat himself as an outsider what!
After a long while, Hua Moshan couldn't help smiling and got up when he saw the wine that Lan Fenghuang ordered Miao Nu to bring, and saw the snakes, centipedes, spiders, scorpions and toads soaked in the pure white wine like spring water, and said, "What am I supposed to be?" What? It turns out to be wine made from five poisons! Here, let me taste it!"

Lan Fenghuang, who originally wanted to see Hua Moshan make a fool of himself, didn't seem surprised to see him, and couldn't help but feel depressed. Hearing this, he even winked at Miao Nu and asked him to send the wine over. She wanted to see if Hua Moshan was real. dare to drink this wine.

Hua Moshan, who is well aware of Lan Fenghuang's carelessness, looked at the bowl of wine handed over by the Miao girl, took it with her hand, then simply and neatly drank it with her head up, chewed it a little, and nodded He commented: "Well, it's okay, but the taste of the five poisons is not very good!"

Unexpectedly, Hua Moshan not only dared to drink, but also chewed and ate the five poisons in the wine. Lan Fenghuang could only feel a nausea welling up in his throat, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

"Master Lan, there are beautiful wine and beauties here, how can there be no fruit and delicacies to accompany it? Don't you think so?" Hua Moshan walked towards Lan Fenghuang while talking with a smile.

"Yes" Lan Fenghuang reluctantly nodded and smiled in response, and winked at the Miao girl beside her, who immediately turned around knowingly and went out to prepare dishes.

"Come on, Master Lan, have a drink with me!" Hua Moshan said and grabbed Lan Fenghuang's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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