Kuai Chuan is saving the mad villain every day

Chapter 733 The short-lived prince's white moonlight substitute 44

Chapter 733 The short-lived prince's white moonlight substitute 44
There was an eerie silence in the hidden woods. Qi Yan stood on the horse, his eyes were cold, and he looked at the killer who surrounded them without emotion.

The killers were all masked, carrying their own weapons in their hands, all of them were tall and strong.

There were really too many people here, there were only ten of them, and the other party outnumbered them by five times.

The other party held the head of the sledgehammer, looked at Qi Yan with a calm face, and couldn't help laughing loudly: "When death is imminent, His Royal Highness is still so calm?"

There was a cold and indifferent smile on the corner of Qi Yan's lips: "Let me guess, who wants my life this time."

Qi Yan tidied up his sleeves slowly, lowered his eyes slightly, as if he was really thinking about who was going to kill him.

The other party snorted coldly: "It is Lord Yan who wants to kill you."

After the words fell, the man suddenly stepped on the horse's head, jumped into the air, and holding the sledgehammer weighing one hundred catties, he slammed it towards Qi Yan.

"Your Highness, be careful."

The worried cries of the hidden guards and the tearing sound of the man's sledgehammer piercing the air could be heard.

If the hammer hits him, half his life will be taken away if he is not dead.

Qi Yan raised his eyes casually, his thin lips evoked a smile, his fingertips moved slightly, and a touch of silver flashed across his sleeve.

The next moment, the man suddenly opened his eyes wide, stopped short of Qi Yan, paused for a second, and fell to the ground without warning.

He stared, with a blush between his brows spreading to his whole face, his death was strange.

As soon as the man died, the others froze for a moment, and immediately swarmed up in rage.

The hidden weapon in Qi Yan's hand is only suitable for melee combat, and he can't use internal force. The opponent's moves are ruthless, obviously wanting his life.

The hidden guards died and were injured, and soon Qi Yan was the only one left.

If you don't use your internal strength, you may not be able to escape.

But if it is used, it is also a dead end.

"Give the sword to Bengong." He jumped off the horse, and said to the dark guard next to him in a gloomy voice.

"Your Highness, you can't..."

"No problem."

Qi Yan pulled the sword from the dark guard's hand, and the tip of the sword touched the ground, with blood stains on it, and thick blood flowed down the sword body little by little.

The smell of blood was getting stronger and stronger in the air.

In the dark woods, His Highness the Crown Prince wearing a black cloak looked at them coldly, as if looking at some dead people.

The killers were stunned by his eyes.

You know, before Qi Yan was poisoned, he could defeat a hundred with one.

But right now, it is just the end of the battle, even if he can escape, it is not inevitable that he will die.

"Let's go together!"

Someone yelled loudly, and all the killers rushed towards Qi Yan unstoppably like the water flowing from the gate.

Qi Yan squeezed the hilt of the sword slightly, and when he was about to use his internal strength, suddenly there was the sound of a horse whistling in the distance.

"Qi Yan!"

With a cold voice, passing through the unpleasant smell of blood, it hit Qi Yan heavily.

His crow-feather eyelashes trembled slightly, looking at the person who came on horseback not far away.

She was wearing a white dress, with gorgeous and fragrant lily-of-the-valley flowers embroidered on the hem of the skirt, and the purple bells around her waist made crisp and striking sounds.

The moonlight fell on her body, dyeing her jet-black hair into a touch of silvery white, shining brightly.

She covered her veil, her eyes were misty, holy like a god, and she just broke into Qi Yan's sight.

A wind blew past, and the veil on her face was blown off, that flawless, overpowering face was no longer covered by the moonlight.

Qi Yan saw her slightly evoking a smile towards him.

Moment of youth.

"Ayan, I'm here."

(End of this chapter)

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