Chapter 246 Choice
Moreover, the little white dragon not only has relatively short limbs, but also has small horns, and is not as majestic as in the legend.

But this is already very good, Zhang Tao is quite content.

Like the image of the white horse before, Zhang Tao really didn't know whether to call it the little white dragon or the little white horse.

Apart from Xiaobailong who has changed the most, Nanli is next.

There is no big change in appearance, but the tail has changed from two to three, and it does not have the black feeling before, but has become pure black.

The most obvious change is the color of its body. From the previous main yellow to the current blue all over body, the change really surprised Zhang Tao.

And the black air surrounding his body before has also turned into black flames.

The overall temperament is completely different from before, becoming deep and strange.

However, Zhang Tao still prefers this change.

After all, the previous appearance gave people the impression that it was completely different, without any special feeling, it was very messy.

At least the style is relatively clear now, and Zhang Tao also prefers this weird style.

As for the last Bian Que, the change is not too big.

That is, the plain long gown he was wearing turned into a large boa robe with a dark black base and a dark green pattern on the outside.

The eyes have also become extraordinarily deep, and the hair has changed from pure white to pure black.

At a glance, there is a sense of sight of a big devil.

As for the face, there is no change, it is still the image of the old man before, but it looks younger because of the support of the clothes and hair.

This change of theirs should indicate that their strength has improved a lot.

But there was no breath on them, and Zhang Tao was also in the mausoleum now, so Zhang Tao didn't know where he had reached.

It must be very strong.

Zhang Tao didn't get too entangled in this matter.

The mental power withdrew from the guardian spirit space, and Zhang Tao also slowly stood up from the ground.

Counting the changes in himself in this short period of time, he couldn't help showing a happy smile.

Originally, I thought that I would be forced to implant some memories that didn't belong to me, but I didn't expect that it would be a blessing in disguise. It's really lucky.

Walking slowly to the broken custom screen, Zhang Tao was going to pick up its fragments, after all, he helped him so much.

As a result, his hand just touched the fragments of those paintings, and his body disappeared from the gallery.

And Zhang Tao also found himself in a space completely different from the gallery in a flash.

There are no walls, no large pillars.

Yes, just two rows of tall steps.

The stairs are neither particularly high nor long, so Zhang Tao may clearly see what is at the end of the two rows of stairs.

On the right is a platinum door that is exactly the same as the one seen in the corridor before.

As for the stairs on the left, the last point is actually a huge black seat, and the backrest is still two dragon bodies made of black gold stone.

And on the chair, there is a luxurious black and gold armor, which is lying there quietly, as if waiting for the appearance of its master.

"Is this for me to choose? Do you still need to think about it?"

Without hesitation, Zhang Tao prepared to walk up the stairs on the right.

No matter what he said in his previous life, he was also a middle school boy who had read many novels.

This kind of trick is really too lazy.

Under normal circumstances, many walk-on players would choose an armor that looks domineering and sideways, thinking of gaining the power of the ancient king, and then being invincible and ruling the world.

As a result, this armor already had its own thoughts, and it was just a trap, and those who played tricks were directly reduced to the nourishment of others.

How could Zhang Tao, who thought he was extremely smart, be fooled by this kind of thing?

"and many more…"

Zhang Tao's script was already about to land on the ladder on the right, when he suddenly thought of something, he took his foot back.

"Since I came into this mausoleum just now, my judgments have been wrong, so must my choice this time be right?" Touching his chin, Zhang Tao felt that this matter seemed not so simple.

"Right, that is it."

As he said that, Zhang Tao was about to step up the stairs on the left.

But this time it stopped again.

"No! I can think of this, so can the ancient king who designed this tomb not think of it?"

The opponent is the originator of the undead system, the master of the space system, and maybe there are other particularly powerful things.

For such a person, can this simple reverse logic not understand?So he is extremely likely to predict his own prediction, so set the correct path to the right.

"This doesn't seem right, what if he predicts what I predicted and put the dangerous thing on the right?

But if I choose the left, then if he predicts what I predicted, then he will be gone.






After about 10 minutes of self-entanglement, Zhang Tao finally decided to choose the one he predicted, the one he predicted, the one on the right.

"Tm, why hesitate about this kind of thing, go!"

After saying something to encourage himself, Zhang Tao directly stepped onto the stairs on the right.

It was not very tall, so Zhang Tao arrived in front of the platinum gate in two strokes.


Taking a deep breath, Zhang Tao slowly put his hand on the door.

It was still a small pain, but last time it was mainly because it was too sudden, so Zhang Tao was not ready, and this time he was prepared, so naturally there was no overreaction.

After the blood gradually spread completely, the platinum door was slowly opened.

But this time, Zhang Tao did not immediately see the scene behind the door, but a white barrier appeared, and he should have passed through this barrier before he could see the scene behind.

"Bang bang bang..."

The voice behind Zhang Tao caught Zhang Tao's attention. Looking back, he found that the stairs he had just walked up and the one on the left were all broken.

The black dragon chair and armor disappeared at some point.

Knowing that there was no escape route at this time, Zhang Tao silently glanced at the platinum gate behind him.

"I hope I made the right choice this time!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Tao plunged into the white barrier.

With the disappearance of Zhang Tao's body, the platinum gate also slowly closed, and finally disappeared into this space like the black dragon chair.

And this dark space fell into eternal silence again.

(End of this chapter)

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