open sea

Chapter 1034 Marseille

Chapter 1034 Marseille
Queen Margaret still failed to put on Huang Xi's painstaking preparations, and finally Chen Jiujing was the only one who put on the earplugs.

When Marguerite was about to put on the earplugs, a maid came to her through the city wall and told her that Henry Navarre was on the left bank of Bordeaux and that he had been carried here.

This prevented her from watching the fight.

However, when she left the city tower, she was almost scared to pee her pants by the collective bombardment of large-caliber naval guns that were moved to the top of the city. Let alone her, Henry on the wooden row car at the gate of the left bank was woken up again, and then knew that he Why did she faint after being frightened awake by the incident itself?

But the fighting continued, with Marshal Billund's ideas contrary to his.

Before the battle started, the Ming army left him enough time to make plans and deal with the war.

Billon did indeed do the same. During the long period of confrontation, many nobles and monks who originally lived in castles and monasteries on the outskirts of Bordeaux escaped the army and went north to the king's army. Of course, there were also people who were hostile and fearful of the Ming army. , but they are far less meaningful than Billon.

From nobles and monks, Billon tried his best to collect information about the battle process of the Ming army looting the outskirts of Bordeaux half a year ago. And beautiful girls', 'The artillery is very powerful' or 'Soldiers don't stink if they don't take a bath for days, and General Chen Jiujing is very handsome'.

In particular, the last news came from a handsome young male knight with shawl and blond hair in a manor outside Bordeaux. After hearing this, Billon could only helplessly spread his hands and planned to send him to the Louvre.

Like this kind of good-looking and useless little boy with alternative hobbies, he became a knight in the backcountry, and King Henry III raised a lot of them in the Louvre in Paris.

Of course, the nobles and the monks criticized each other. The monks said that the nobles in Bordeaux reached an agreement with the Ming army, and they handed over all the weapons, armor and war horses to the garrison without fighting at all; All the money was spent on repairing the burnt monastery and on prostitutes.

Billund is also very helpless: First, I can't hang the nobles who reached an agreement, second, I can't demolish the monastery repaired by the priest, and third, I can't let the prostitutes be laid off.What's the use of telling me this?I'm a soldier in battle.

But the artillery of the Ming army was very powerful, and Marshal Billon remembered it.

In Billund's cognition, there is an iron law in artillery: the more powerful the artillery, the slower it will be reloaded.

There is nothing wrong with this. The bigger the cannon, the bigger the shell, the more gunpowder, the more powerful it is. The more everything is more and heavier, the reloading will naturally be slow.

The reloading process of the six rounds of Fran's cannon salvos before the battle also confirmed Billon's conjecture. The Ming army did not use any decent artillery for artillery battles, so they certainly didn't want to expose the artillery for too long. Or if you want to fire the artillery out when the battle is at its height.

It takes a long time to reload the artillery, but the turning point that tears the front to attack the city and changes the outcome of the battle often occurs in a very short period of time.

Then, there are not many choices left for Billund. His troops will definitely suffer from these artillery pieces. Since they will definitely suffer, let the most useless troops suffer-his left wing recruits.

The whole battle was almost in accordance with his ideas. Although he did not expect the tiger squatting guns in front of the Han defense line, he also overestimated the combat effectiveness of the Han soldiers. The central army and the right wing were stalemate, yes.

The largest troops of the two legions were on the left flank. Of course, the recruits could not beat the enemy, and they were defeated; the second phalanx mixed with veterans was able to retreat and maintain the front line; Then the two phalanxes will fight back, break through the line of defense, and be bombarded by the enemy; the enemy's artillery that has lost its deterrent power is being loaded, and another cavalry will randomly assault the center or right wing under the cover of artillery salvo, and they will be able to capture down the front.

Retreat is the moment that tests the army's ability the most. As long as the enemy's retreat is not good, his own troops can be dispersed, and he can take down the defense line one after another and start besieging the city. When the siege artillery is placed under the city, the city has already been broken.

After the city was broken, the people and nobles in the city joined forces inside and out, and the enemy had to leave in a hurry by boat, and Bordeaux was successfully recovered.

Almost perfect!

But what happened to the murderous knights in the south?

Why are there knights coming from the south? That's the way of Arang, and the three thousand king's army didn't stop Narva?No way, isn't Narva just a group of farmers with dung forks?

How could there be such an elite knight?And so much more.

Marshal Biron was very confused. In the confusion, the Ming army really fired, and it was not from the position, but from the head of Bordeaux.

At an extremely long distance, dozens of shells were fired into the air, and the shells that passed through half of the battlefield were scattered so that no one knew who the shells were trying to hit, but it was very dense, not dense shells, but more than [-] French infantry companies very dense.

To be honest, the power of the cannonballs hit like this is extremely small. They draw an arc in the air, and they can't bounce up again when they hit the ground. They are directly built into the ground. One cannonball can kill two or three people. Shooting a cannonball from a distance of [-] meters kills a row of people.

But it was scary.

These cannonballs hit from a distance of 'I will only take off my pants in that direction and shake it, and hahaha let it hit you', and then killed the person next to you, what do you think?
Can't run!
The infantry was stunned. Before they could panic, the knights killed from the south rushed into the scattered phalanx. The infantry could not form an formation against the cavalry. It was an unequal battle at all. The helpless infantry could only Pray for their valiant knights to come back and destroy these enemies.

Their knights did come back, driven back from the trenches.

Some tall black men wearing red blankets and armor, holding iron shields and spears jumped out of the trenches after them. They did not form large formations and formed small formations. They faced a knight in a team of three or five, which was somewhat tempting. , Someone throws a spear to stab the leg, someone blocks from the front, someone strikes from the back with the shield, seize the opportunity and suddenly a flying spear goes out and stabs the gap in the plate armor accurately, and a knight is gone.

The speed at which they killed knights was much faster than five knights fighting five knights alone.

Marshal Billund got his wish. From the beginning to the end of the battle, everything was according to his ideas. Even the rout was as he expected, starting from the left wing.

Only, the rout came from his army.

Chen Jiujing on the city wall let out a long sigh of relief. The battlefield in his eyes was the African army of Yang Ce's department, with the help of Kanggulu's cavalry who tore apart the enemy's flanks, counterattacked with great morale, and used Francophones and tiger squat guns to counterattack. With the Spanish muskets, they smashed the glued front in one fell swoop.

Billund retired.

(End of this chapter)

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