open sea

Chapter 1060

Chapter 1060
The leader of the Mongolian army who appeared on the north bank of the old Hamlin River was called Chaohua in the Ming Dynasty. He was the son of Hulahachi, the leader of the Khalkha tribe, and the brother of Subahai.

Their father, Hulahachi, had less than a thousand people at first. During the Jiajing period, he first married his daughter to Tainingwei and married the leader Huada. After receiving his full support, his power increased sharply. Over the past [-] years, he gradually moved to Liaoyang and Shenyang. , Kaiyuan, Tieling and other places are approaching, and it is now at its peak.

His five sons, Wubasai, Subahai, Wuban, Dabu, and Chaohua, were divided into five divisions in Neikarka, controlling a large area of ​​land in the north-east of Jizhen and grazing.

The leader of Taining Guard is Hua Da, and Subahai is stationed near Taining, while Chaohua's territory is in Fuyuwei, which is farther north than the Duoyan tribe. The elder brother quickly fought the battle of Hai, and led his troops to follow in the footsteps of Duoyan leader Chang'ang all the way to the west, wanting to go to Saihan Mountain, go to the west to clean up Chang'ang, and then go to Qingbadu to fight Tumen Khan Place to join in the fun.

While others were fighting to death on the grassland, he took advantage of the fact that everyone in the eastern grassland was busy fighting, and let his horses, cattle and sheep eat enough in the vast world, so that he was not in a hurry to meet Tumen Khan's call to the west. And to fight.

In fact, although Chaohua has not yet figured out why the eastern Mongolian Khalkha tribe and the Harashen tribe suddenly became chaotic, he is indeed going to fight in the past.

Just who to fight?He hasn't decided yet.

It depends on who takes the most loot after the war in the west.

As a result, on the way, they ran into riders fleeing under the rule of Tainingwei, and learned that a Ming army had left the fortress and invaded the south of Tainingwei all the way north.

Chao Hua's eyes lit up when he heard the news.

Ming army!Thousands of Ming troops!
This is simply like hearing that there is a discount in the vegetable market. In the dog days, I picked up a big watermelon as soon as I went out with a vegetable basket, and it was still iced.

Not to mention how happy I was.

In fact, the Ming army still had a great deterrent force north of the Great Wall, which was no less than that of the Mongolian army south of the Great Wall.

But there is a problem with the difference in magnitude. The fear of the Mongolian army south of the Great Wall is that tens of thousands of cavalry pass by on horseback. No one would be afraid of dozens or hundreds of Mongolian cavalry suddenly appearing inside the Great Wall.

But north of the Great Wall, what people fear is the sudden appearance of dozens or hundreds of Ming troops—an idea that has been ingrained for nearly two decades.

Because the Mongolian army crossing the border means that no one escapes, and the Ming army's fine cavalry breaks the formation, it also means the separation of wives and children outside the Great Wall.


Chaohua thinks that if he is fighting against a large army, he should be able to win... He has never fought against Qi Jiguang, but he has fought against Li Chengliang, and he has lost to Li Chengliang every time. The memory is still fresh.

There is a saying that for beginners, the result of playing chess with an idiot and a master is actually the same. The former does not know how to win, and the latter does not know how to lose.

That's what Chaohua felt. In every battle that broke out with the Liaodong Frontier Army, he won some battles without knowing what happened, and lost some battles without knowing what happened.

But regardless of victory or defeat, the Ming army has always had a lot of supplies.

The army of Fuyuwei frying flowers like an outing wandered to the old Hamlin River.

But the Ming army he will face next is obviously different from what he imagined.

Human beings live on this land, and since they are divided into you and me, they occasionally imagine the harmony of the world, and they always kill each other repeatedly.

The panicked herdsman Feiqi even had his felt hat turned upside down, but he rushed to the fried horse, but he couldn't tell the specific configuration of Qi's army. After listening to the fried horse for a long time, he could only hear that the Ming army was camping by the water, and it looked like they were already waiting there They are half a year old.

He looked at the troops he couldn't see at a glance, weighed the difference in strength between the two sides, and finally twirled his beard and made up his mind: "Everyone is here... Go and have a look."

In the final analysis, even if he had three thousand armored cavalry and eight thousand troops, even if he faced Li Chengliang, wouldn't he be able to run if he couldn't beat Li Chengliang?

The Qi family's army really seemed to have camped by the river for half a year. The two thousand commanders under Chaohua's vanguard led [-] armored cavalry and more than [-] troops. After seeing the formation of the Ming army, he dared not step forward.

In their field of vision, what the Ming army stationed on the bank of the river was not a camp, but a city.

The city is very low, but the horses can't jump in; the one-sided chariots are interlocked end to end to form the city wall. The city wall looks very thin, but it can't be hit by people and horses, and the bow and arrow can't be broken; the lower part of the city wall protrudes The muzzles of the two black holes, the caliber of the guns are not large, but those who hit them will die.

Flags were flying around the city, Qi's army had many flags, and behind each officer above the captain was a flag of recognition, and the captains of each team also held flag spears in their hands.

The position where the carts are connected is the lowest. From that place, you can see the spears held high inside like a jungle in the mountains. The spears, boring handles, and wolf whisks on the carts are shining coldly; beside those cold weapons , standing on the car were gunmen holding bird guns, their bird guns were beside them.

The whole city was quiet and quiet, except for the iron hooves of the Mongolian army that was coming from the distant horizon.

Chaohua turned around in front of the formation, looked at the formation of cars from a distance of more than a thousand steps, didn't blame Qianchang who dared not attack, beat the horse back to the formation, and took a few deep breaths where no one was paying attention. tone.

When a few generals from the department approached him and asked him how to fight this battle, Chaohua looked up at the sky for a while, and asked with a sad face, "Do you think this meeting can persuade Subahai?"

The elders breathed a sigh of relief.

The appearance of this Ming army is not easy to mess with!

A few days ago, he was still hundreds of miles away, and today he has set up camp by the old Hamlin River, and even the Juma trench outside his mother has been buried and dug.

Do you want to jump into the fire pit when fighting with others?
The confidantes looked at each other, and a senior Qianchang dressed in the Ming Dynasty's general armor thought about it: "Can't you persuade me?"

Chaohua twirled the short beard on her chin and nodded slowly: "It's a bit don't want to fight with them?"

Che Ying makes fried flowers feel very tricky, this thing is like a stone standing there, what can you do, use bows and arrows, sabers, firecrackers to hit it?Whether it can be approached or not is one thing.

Hitting it with the only armored horse in hand may not be able to smash it away.

Even if a gap was opened, didn't you see those spears behind?
Chaohua had never fought against Cheying, but I heard from my brother that Cheying was mentioned. This wall could not be broken through, so he could only get in through the gap below, and then he was beheaded by the Ming army hiding behind the car.

None of the confidantes do anything, but in the eyes of Chao Hua, he has already admitted cowardice. He patted his confidant's face and said: "That is, they don't want to fight. If they don't want to fight, they say they don't want to fight. What are they afraid of? I don't want to fight either! "

"But we can't retreat. If we retreat back to the tribe, we won't be able to go to Saihan Mountain. If we go to Saihan Mountain, Fuyuwei will be gone. Now we can only ignore Subahai, hatuer, you are good at Chinese, take thirty Go to that cow, they will go to ask before the battle."

Although Chaohua doesn't feel ashamed, it's still very embarrassing. He said: "Ask why the Ming army came here. If they ask you, you can say that you are the commander of Fuyuwei, Chaohua's subordinate." Qianhu, was ordered to bring [-] war horses to Qingshan Pass to pay tribute to the emperor, and I want the emperor to enshrine it!"

Ha Tu'er is the Qianchang wearing the Ming army's general armor, and immediately widened his eyes and said: "This is not good, I said that Khan did not confer tribute to us, and the villain died when he went... This is a trivial matter, but give it to them." Cattle and horses, this?"

"Oh, the Ming army is all fools, they don't know who the commander of Fuyuwei is, don't worry if they can't see through it!" Chao Hua said while waving, and finally almost pushed Ha Tu'er out of the battle, hitting the left and right while pushing With a wink, they asked them to look for cattle, and said: "Remember, if they won't let you go, don't force it. See what's behind their city walls, and ask them where they are going. If you can keep Taining, you can keep it. It doesn't matter if you can't. , the main thing is to keep our Fuyuwei."

"Don't talk about your own situation, tell them that there is a war in the west, let them go there, and I will go with them."

"I don't believe it, they can still carry the city wall!"

(End of this chapter)

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