open sea

Chapter 1065 Believe me

Chapter 1065 Believe me
In front of the Qianqing Palace in the Forbidden City.

Emperor Wanli put a golden crown inlaid with beads and filigree painting on the head of the little Mongolian prince Butasili. : "Well, bring the hairpin here."

Lu Wang thinks that the emperor's habit is very bad. There are so many eunuchs and maids in Mingming Palace, no matter how bad it is, there are also Wu eunuchs and Jin Yiwei, but whenever he is present, he will do errands by himself and let others rest.

What is the most embarrassing thing about this matter to Lu Wang?He is always there, the Forbidden City is his home, where else can he go if he is not here.

Prince Lu could only obediently present the silver hairpin, raised his head and looked at the raised eaves of the Qianqing Palace with envious eyes. Beside the eaves, the sworn brother who was obtained in the fire that burned the sails in the military room He was resting his head on the glazed tiles, his arms around the dragon, his tail swaying gently under the eaves of the palace, snoring like thunder.

Lord Lu has a little mood.

Why does the second younger brother eat and sleep all day long, eat and sleep, and when he is full, he can bask in the sun and sleep in the sun, so this king has to do chores!

"It looks much better this way. The golden eagle crown, the silver feather hairpin, and the eight-treasure flower brocade are sprinkled, and this is worthy of my King Jin of the Ming Dynasty."

The so-called Jin Kingdom of the Ming Dynasty is the Tumote Department. I answer that I became the emperor with the help of Zhao Quan a long time ago. It will be called the Kingdom of Jin. It has great ambitions to follow the path of Genghis Khan... and then promote the lord Zhao Quan After others sent it to the Ming Dynasty, under the tribute, the Kingdom of Jin also became the Kingdom of Jin of the Ming Dynasty.

It's just that this short-lived regime is like a joke, and few people in Ming Dynasty call it that.

After tidying up Buta Shili's clothes, Emperor Wanli stretched comfortably, turned his head and gave a look, and Wang An took a dust whisk to clean up the few steps in front of the palace where the emperor's grandfather liked to sit.

Wanli yawned and held one in each hand, hugged Buta on the left to salute, and embraced King Xiaolu on the right. He sat down on the white jade steps, turned his head and saluted Buta, "Salute, King Guiyi wants to build a temple. , I funded the big materials and named Yanghua Temple, but why do I still hear that Guihua City is expanding?"

Buta Shili felt uncomfortable with the emperor wearing a golden crown on his head, let alone an arm around his shoulders. He leaned his neck forward slightly and replied with a stiff posture: "Receive the living Buddha, spread the yellow religion, and ban shamans." .”

Wanli tilted his head slightly, but Buta saluted and said that he knew all this. Alda Khan had reported to the imperial court to convert to the Yellow Sect, and replaced Mongolian blood sacrifices with Lamaism chanting, worshiping Buddha, burning incense and other ceremonies, and burned all Weng Gun statues , replaced by the image of the six-handed master of wisdom from the Yellow Sect.

These emperors have heard about it, and this is a good thing. Shamanism makes the Mongols unable to do without swords and bows day and night. The introduction of the Yellow Sect makes them unable to do without chanting and praying.

"But what does it have to do with the expansion of Guihua City?"

Buta Shili looked at Emperor Wanli like a fool with wise eyes. These questions are unpleasant secrets for young emperors, but they are common sense for the little Mongolian prince who has just entered the youth: "It is proved by the Yellow Sect lama that my father is a transfer. The wheel kings Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan reincarnated."

Speaking of this, the little prince clenched his fists in front of his chest, and said with a resolute expression: "Seize the power of sweat, order the sky... order the ministries!"

Wanli's eyes lit up: Oh, it's interesting.

The old and sick King Guiyi in Guihua City was rekindled by the Yellow Sect?
"But how did I hear that King Guiyi spent all day on his sickbed studying Buddhism, and there is a way to turn King Guiyi into a remnant of the Northern Yuan Dynasty in Buddhism?"

Butasli's little head went limp along with the stiff neck, lowered his head and sighed slowly: "The Huangjiao is a dead thing."

"My father thought he was smart, so he asked the lama to seal the Kravaldi Chechen Khan who turned the Thousand Golden Wheel, but the Khans on the grassland are all smart people." Buta Shili raised his head and counted to the emperor: "The orthodox Khan Tuman Khan invited lamas immediately; Horqin and Khalkha are also building temples, and my brothers are also asking lamas to confer them Taiji.”

As he spoke, Butasli sniffled and said, "Mother said that everything will be the same in the future, but there will be more scriptures."

Wanli blinked, the Lamaism might be the biggest winner!

Isn't this the same as the Pope of Rome passed down from the Great East? After passing on the teachings of the rulers, the lower class people followed suit.

"King Guiyi has fallen behind. He clearly has the best support, but he wants to pursue that Yellow Sect. If he had talked to my Eastern Commander earlier, would these things still happen? Hmph."

The emperor stretched his arms around the shoulders of the two of them: "There are countless Khans and Taijis on the grassland, but how many kings are there? I only conferred the title of King Guiyi!"

In fact, Altan Khan's Tumote Department worked very hard. From a family of ten thousand households, they struggled all their lives, fought south and north, and conquered a vast territory, but they were unable to obtain the position of Great Khan because of their blood.

In his heyday ambition, internally he wanted to win the Khan position and become Altan Khan, the second Genghis Khan; externally, he wanted to dominate the north and respect the two emperors of Ming Dynasty.

But in fact?In name, Altan Khan was just a little Khan who guarded the Khan Court, and he respected Tumen Khan from afar; after the tribute was paid, there was another master, the Son of Heaven, who had to hold back the Datong Calendar every year.

He was King Shunyi of the Ming Dynasty and Tuxietu Khan of the Han Court of the Northern Yuan Dynasty.

Every year, while leading the Datong calendar and enshrining Daming as Zhengshuo, he must also perform the duties of the Northern Yuanping Fan just like Chahar Wanhu, Kalkha Wanhu, Ordos Wanhu, and Yongshaobu Wanhu. His eldest grandson Lalik served in the barbarian Khan Court.

No, the eldest grandson was sent over there, and the youngest son was sent over here.

How difficult it is to have one servant and two masters.

"In the past, I was willing to introduce the Yellow Sect to Mongolia, but when you are by my side, I treat you as one of my own, so I don't want to."

Emperor Wanli withdrew his arms from the shoulders of the two and hugged them around his chest. His posture lacked the demeanor that an emperor who grew up in the Forbidden City must have.In fact, not to mention growing up in the Forbidden City, even the Emperor Longqing who grew up in the Prince Yu's Mansion was much more dignified than him.

In terms of posture, even Jiajing, who was picked up from the outside and became the emperor, was better than him.

It's not that he doesn't understand, it's that he doesn't want to be restrained... Since the telegraph wire was laid in the Forbidden City, no one can restrain him except Zhang Juzheng.

In this world, only Zhang Juzheng has enough prestige to make the gatekeeper general dare not report.

"Let others believe in the Yellow Sect, but the pagoda salutes, don't worry about the gods and Buddhas all over the sky, you don't believe it, you have to believe in me like other big khans believe in gods and Buddhas."

"You are the youngest son of King Guiyi, and you cannot inherit the military amulet that Beiyuan sent to Al Da Khan, but as long as you believe in me, I will let you inherit the title of King Guiyi, let you be in charge of the seal of Gongshi, and help you Gods and Buddhas beat the sky all over the grassland looking for teeth. Believe me, do great things with me, don’t worry about the big sweat on the grassland holding my jade seal, that jade seal doesn’t represent anything, it’s just something my family doesn’t want ——You will be my prairie king."

At the same time, the footsteps of the palace gate approached, but the three young people who were immersed in imagination on the white jade steps did not pay attention.

Buta Shili, who was sitting next to Emperor Da Ming, nodded in confusion. He didn't know where the emperor's confidence in defeating the gods and Buddhas came from, but he was very envious of this kind of confidence that could conquer the sky, and wanted to learn.

Staring at the cat's tail hanging down from the eaves above his head, Lu Wang was fascinated by the fact that a few days ago, his imperial brother urged him to study Wanli's new elementary school textbooks with almost the same enthusiasm and the same firm tone, urging He grew up quickly, so that he could join hands with the emperor to 'do great things' in the future, and even the same words made him suspect that the emperor secretly prepared a manuscript in the military room in advance.

Basically, replacing 'Prairie King' with 'Asian King' is what the emperor brother said to him.

With the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer, the big Han general pushed down the golden mountain and turned down the jade pillars to bow down, and presented the urgent report of the Ministry of War.

"Your Majesty, the battle report outside the Great Wall!"

 Good morning!

(End of this chapter)

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