open sea

Chapter 1078 Lamb

Chapter 1078 Lamb
"Your Highness, this confirms Yang's speculation that there is indeed an excellent dragon vein under Windsor Castle. The ancient kings slept on the dragon vein, which can keep England prosperous and prosperous forever. It's just that the dragon's tail was cut off by the strait, and there are more variables. ...the dragon has resentment and turns it into a weapon."

Located in the magnificent Tudor-style royal palace in Richmond, London, the green bamboo blind cane knocked on the red patterned carpet, and the stone pavement under the carpet made a muffled sound. Yang Gao wandered aimlessly in the Whitehall, his The pace is amazing-as a blind person, with his eyes closed, he can accurately avoid any obstacles and talk freely.

A rookie in London, known as 'Mr Wise Lamb', he was introduced to the palace by the Queen's favorite, Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester

The earl is supreme in England by the love of the queen, and is present at any royal ceremonies as a husband-in-law, and at times the queen calls him another monarch in public—and, besides, Drake's voyage Also sponsored by him.

At this time, the Earl of Leicester was standing beside the queen, explaining the fortune teller's origin in a low voice, and said, "Mr. Lamb's name comes from a storm that happened in Southampton and is related to prophecy."

"The merchants of the Ming Dynasty arrived in England for the second time. There were six ships docked in Southampton. The lamb wanted by Chen Mu was hidden on one of the ships full of porcelain." The Earl of Leicester described softly: "He is lonely Yi was in a terrible state of distress, with nothing but a stinky blanket on his body except for the green stick, and he looked like he was about to die when he was kicked off the boat."

The queen seemed not interested in the secret about the lamb's gods and spirits, and only regarded it as an unexpected pastime in rare leisure time, and asked lightly: "Then you saved him?"

"No, no, no, it's another Captain Daming from the New World. His name is Second Tang, and he is a very capable person."

The Earl of Leicester winked at the queen and said, "General Chen's outlaw."

Elizabeth adjusted her wig, absent-mindedly: "Thief, liar, or robber?"

"According to Drake, people in the New World call him Tang Er. Perhaps the thief is more accurate. He was indeed imprisoned by General Chen because of this, but because he bribed an important officer under General Chen's surname, he was saved from death... Queen Your Highness, what is on your boat worth the second soup?"

"Laver egg flower?" The queen fanned her fan with chicken feathers, and smiled exaggeratedly on her pale face: "I like to drink that, just like those who call themselves Huizhou merchants bring cigarettes, it's a good trade Taste."

The earl also laughed in catering, and finally shook his head seriously: "No, he stole General Chen's arsenal. The ship was equipped with [-] Ming army-style matchlock guns and twelve large bronze swivel guns. The Ming army used these to defeat the enemy. the Spaniards."

Hearing this, Elizabeth finally got a little interested and asked, "Is that his trade product? Or his weapon... [-] matchlock guns, doesn't he sell crossbows and longbows?"

Not to mention England, a small country with few people, [-] matchlock guns, especially Ming-made matchlock guns, even Fei Laoer, who ruled half of Europe, would be happy for a while-this means that the equipment of the entire musketry company is standard.

Europe does not have the concept of a standard at the moment, not to mention weapons, even military uniforms have not formed a standard. This is incomparable with ancient China. They almost have no professional army belonging to the country.

But there are already signs of a professional army and equipment system in Spain.

The musket is not standard, what will it be like?Just like what Chen Mu seized in Haojing in the early years, matchlock guns, early flintlock guns, and large matchlock guns come in all kinds, lengths, and calibers, and England is even more backward.

Their matchlock guns and snake-barrel muskets without front sights and reeds are arranged together with matchlock guns, and their range, damage, and accuracy are far smaller than matchlock guns.

Even so, this number does not surprise Elizabeth, because Great Britain has its own national conditions.

The subordinates of each lord are almost all longbowmen and crossbowmen, and few lords are willing to spend money on gunpowder for their conscripts.

This is not because muskets are difficult to manufacture. There are many craftsmen and apprentices in England. They built more than a dozen warships of more than [-] tons in three years. Making muskets with rolled iron pipes is not enough for them who can make wrought iron Francois machine guns. not difficult.

The difficulty is that the country is increasingly short of gunpowder, and the international situation at sea is becoming more and more complicated... The urine nitrate that was picked from the church chairs was bought by businessmen engaged in overseas trade, and the price of nitrate was soaring that the army could not afford it.

Why was Gustav II able to sweep Shinra with muskets decades later?Because there is a mine at home, a Swedish saltpeter mine.

Not in England, England has nothing but a lot of woolen factories.

There are only two sources of gunpowder, either bought at a high price from the European continent, or picked up excrement and urine in cesspit, stables, and church chairs.

Church chairs are also a high-yielding place for nitrate, because people have three urgencies, and church services cannot get up - this already shows that England is more enlightened than France, and France does not know the high-end technology of collecting urine and feces. Cut out of the chair.

The people of the whole country pulled for half a year, and the pirate Drake went out to fight a battle.

What kind of arquebus do you want? The longbow is pretty good.

After getting the reply from the Earl of Leicester about not having a longbow, Elizabeth was a little disappointed, but she quickly moved on to the twelve big bronze cannons. There was a Spanish Fei Er who had always wanted to beat her up. It is the only way to fight defensively.

"Have we bought them yet?"

"Tang Er didn't sell the muskets and cannons. Although his cannons and muskets were very good, they were too expensive, so expensive that no one would accept his price; but he saved Mr. Lamb, and in return, Mr. Lamb First uttered his prophecy in England—if he went to sea, he would return in vain."

The Earl of Leicester tilted his head and said: "The result is true. They encountered a storm when they went out to sea, and many people died on board. In return for warning, Tang Er gave one hundred of the muskets and six cannons to the black sheep. I just bought these weapons from Black Sheep at a lower price."

Speaking of this, the Earl of Leicester's expression became serious, and he whispered: "He also predicted that I would be assassinated by assassins from the East. You know, Anjou of Valois in France, he wants to be the king of England."

Elizabeth looked at Yang Gao's expression also changed. She knew that the assassination happened not long ago. A Catholic from France mingled with the Duke of Anjou, hid in the attic, and shot the Earl of Leicester with a matchlock gun made in France. After the assassination failed, a second shot rang out from the attic, and when the palace guards went upstairs, they found that the assassin had already shot himself in the heart with another flintlock pistol.

It was a very strange assassination with no evidence of being framed.

"He also told me that there will be food shortages in Ireland." The Earl of Leicester seemed to have no doubts in Yang Gao, saying: "I think it would be a good thing for Ireland to have a rebellion at this time, if it really happens Now, Her Royal Highness must send me to suppress the rebellion, and I will use honor to crown you Queen of Ireland."

(End of this chapter)

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