open sea

Chapter 1090 Surgery

Chapter 1090 Surgery
The road from Mexico City to Acapulco is not far away, and Chen Mu can really feel at ease on this road, even more at ease than when he walked to Guangzhou Mansion in Qingyuan.

Everyone walking around this land, except for the Banner Army who listened to his orders, was also his Baojia militia. Is it a reassuring place?

The first thing he did after returning to Changsheng was to send a message to Chen Shigong, a first-class doctor in the military hospital, asking him to come to the Yamen of the Military Mansion. Juniper and Tang Er were also sent out at the same time.

Tang Er met Chen Mu on the road. He returned to Daxigang from England one day later than Chen Mu arrived in Mexico City. Chen Mu left from Mexico, and he went to report to Yang Tingxiang on the back. He heard that Chen Mu was on the way. He followed without stopping.

He has two things to do, one is to go to the military warehouse in Acapulco to find out what other second-hand goods captured in the Mingxi War, and let the Ordnance Bureau refurbish them and sell them to England; the other is that he is in England At that time, he relied on his skillful tongue to step inside, and secondly relied on his agility to steal. He got some things from the royal armory in London and wanted to show it to the Military Bureau.

Chen Mu was looking forward to what he got, but after looking at it, he found that it was not very useful. It was nothing more than strange hammers and forging dies. I don't know why this guy took a huge risk to find himself in the arsenal of England. Made these tools that jingle when they come together.

"But that spirit deserves encouragement."

When Tang Er was sweating profusely with a strange-shaped anvil of twenty or thirty catties in his hands, and the tools piled up under his feet could open a blacksmith's shop, and his shiny eyes were full of anticipation of being praised, Chen Mu encouraged him. , what else can I say?

"Don't be in a hurry when you come back this time. Go to the Imperial Clan University to learn how to draw paper from Mr. Xu, and then go back. Don't keep thinking about going to the armory. There is nothing good there. Go to their mill or the iron shop in the village. Look at those places more, and do more things that are not dangerous but also have high returns."

Chen Mu looked at Tang Er and said, "You are very important to the military government and Daming, don't put yourself in danger again."

The words of the Minister of the East made Tang Er's ears full of gratitude. He was a little thief who stunned the flag army and stole military weapons. Entrusting him with a heavy responsibility was already enough for him to be grateful.

Now Chen Mu, who is the Minister of the East, still values ​​him so much that he doesn't know what to say, and immediately bowed down and said: "The villain committed a capital crime, the commander cherishes my talents, and this five-foot body will definitely repay the commander's kindness! "

"Get up quickly, the military government is not happy to kneel down, what I told you to do is not honorable, but the fault is not yours but mine, you just follow orders and don't have to worry about it."

Stealing is not only dishonorable, it is wrong, it is wrong in itself.

However, Chen Mu believes that there is no moral right or wrong in the competition between countries for the living space, and there can never be a lower limit for the morality of competitors, only strength and weakness.

When a competitor uses spying, stealing, etc. to gain an advantage, a gentleman of course will do his best to defend.

But Chen Mu is not a gentleman, he only wants to win.

When Chen Shigong arrived at the yamen of the military mansion, he looked in a hurry. He had not had time to change the clothes he wore during the operation, and his abdomen and sleeves were stained with light-colored blood stains. Cleanliness looked at Chen Mu, and apologized: "Marshal, I'm sorry, I heard the summons to rescue the self-proclaimed man, so I hurried over because of the delay."

"It doesn't matter." Chen Mu waved his hands, looking at Chen Shigong like this, he was curious, and asked, "Can you save yourself if you kill yourself?"

The first-class doctors mainly do research and teaching, and usually they don’t need to save people by themselves, but Chen Mu felt that it was difficult to save the patient just because he heard the reason for the injury, so he committed suicide... Can this thing be saved?
"I have tried my best, and whether I can survive depends on my luck, but I have saved seven people with the operation of breaking both sides of the neck." After speaking, Chen Shigong put his fist to his mouth and thought for a while, and said: " There should be six, there was a prisoner from the Western Kingdom, the wound had only lasted for a day, when General Shao’s adopted son Bianjiao heard that he was alive, he was dragged out of the wounded barracks and killed.”

What Chen Shigong said was easy to understand, that is, half of the neck was broken, but Chen Mu found it unbelievable, and even forgot the reason why Chen Shigong was called here, and asked, "How did you save it?"

"This is very difficult. We must hurry. For example, in a large county with more than [-] victors, there are many self-killers, wounded in battles, and many who were cut and punctured on the battlefield. They have not yet been sent to the wounded barracks and military medical barracks. I've already lost my breath, and I can't do anything about it."

"If the commander is interested in this, I will tell you about it." Chen Shigong pursed his lips and said, "Only when the injured person's forehead is not cold and his breath is exhausted, can he suture the crossing with silk thread. Needlework must be familiar, and novices are best avoided. Apply more peach blossom powder, quickly spread four or five layers of tissue paper to cover the incision, and tie the silk around five or six times, make the patient lie on his back with a high pillow, so that the neck is not straight and the incision cannot be opened."

"When the patient's qi is released from the mouth and nose, most of the dangers have been eliminated. After three days, ginseng, ginger, and rice will be used to supplement the vitality, and the dressing will be changed after three days. After the fifth day after the operation, thick onion soup can be used to wipe Wounds and wounds were replaced with peach blossom powder, and then Yuhong ointment was applied to cover a thin cotton sheet, covered with black ointment, firstly to promote blood circulation, and secondly to remove pus and blood festering. .”

"In this way, naturally there will be no more pain, and the flesh will gradually grow from the two ends, and then take Bazhen Decoction orally for more than a month, but this will make the stool dry, and it can't be used to benefit it. It can only be poured into the hub with pig gallbladder. "

Sitting upright, Chen Shigong looked at Chen Mu lightly tapping the tea table with his hands, and said, "Those who have been broken on one side will be able to recover in forty days; those who have been broken on both sides will be healed in a hundred days."

Hearing this procedure, Chen Mu expressed emotion, shook his head and said, "The doctor spent so much effort to save one person, but General Shao pulled him out and killed him. This is really..."

"Maybe it's his fate."

Chen Shigong arched his hands and asked, "I don't know why the commander-in-chief is looking for you, why?"

Chen Mu was so enthralled by the neck anastomosis taught by Daming Surgery No. 1 that he was reminded to react, remembering that he had something else to do with Chen Shigong, so he said: "Chen asked Mr. to come over to ask , how much do you know about the Spanish disease?"

"Spanish disease, what the commander-in-chief said is bayberry sore."

When mentioning this disease, Chen Shigong, who was still full of confidence and radiance just now, looked dignified. From his expression, Chen Mu could tell that the first-class doctor thought it was a more difficult disease than neck anastomosis.

"This disease can be divided into Qi Hua and Jing Hua. Qi Hua develops on the face from the upper sores, which is milder than the disease; while Jing Hua from the lower sores, the onset is severe. It is not difficult to treat for a single person, but its condition is changeable, and it is extremely difficult to prescribe the right medicine; In China, it is completely different from Asia, there are still people in China who suffer from seasonal changes and sudden illnesses when evil forces attack, but in Asia, they appear all at once; the most time-consuming and heart-consuming, and Asia has the most diseases."

"Until now, there is no quick cure for this disease. We can only prescribe the right medicine and adjust internally and externally. If the treatment is successful, mild cases will recover within half a year, and severe cases will disappear within a year."

Chen Shigong shook his head slightly and sighed, and then he was worried that Chen Mu had the disease, so he reminded him in advance: "The disease is not similar to other diseases, and the quick recovery must leave the poison behind. Whenever a patient comes to the door for quick recovery, I dare not say goodbye." rule."

"Someone later went to another doctor and rubbed his hands, feet and heart with mercury, bile alum and other medicines. Within half a month, the sores healed, but then the poison penetrated into the bone marrow. The medicines did not respond. The poison rotted within half a year, and the pain was unspeakable. In the next two years, I will be crippled for the rest of my life, deaf, and my temperament will change drastically."

"There are also prostitutes and prostitutes who seek quick recovery, seek other doctors to get pills, roast them with charcoal and smoke them, or use smoked sticks indiscriminately to fight poison with poison.

Gasification, refinement?
Chen Mu didn't quite understand these terms of Chen Shigong, he just listened carefully, and after Chen Shigong had finished speaking, he asked slowly: "Does the doctor want to make a mirror so that people can see smaller things, and see your whole life?" These enemies who fought?"

 Surgery and treatment methods are from "Surgery Authentic"

(End of this chapter)

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