open sea

Chapter 1140 Treasure

Chapter 1140 Treasure
In the summer of the ninth year of Wanli, an old-fashioned thousand-material battleship with a yellow-bottomed dragon flag flying on its mast and 28 general Zhenshuo cannons on its double deck, carried Chen Shigong, the first doctor in Ming Dynasty who opened his eyes to see bacteria, to Beiyang port in Tianjin.

The Beiyang Banner Army who was in charge of unloading the cargo that day was very disturbed because the first-class doctor who was attached to the Beiyang Medical Academy refused to enter the military mansion to rest. , To the place before willing to leave.

Chen Shigong didn't have that much luggage, and twelve boxes belonged to the Dongyang Military Mansion. For this year, there were official documents such as tax reports for the eight counties in Youjing, employment status of officials, railway construction specifications, status of mines, fishing grounds, forest farms, and farmland, and newly added precise maps.

Another nine boxes belong to the machine style of bacterial culture and microscope made by Changsheng.

The rest are all books, more than half of which are translations of Western books acquired in the library of the Eastern Army Mansion this year.

Among them are several newly edited textbooks of the Imperial Clan University, mainly Xu Wei's new art of drawing combined with Western post-painting creation methods, shadows, light and other techniques; Zhu Zaiyu's music theory, and the mathematics compiled by his colleague Cheng teaching materials.

The rest are all dictated by Chen Shigong, and many medical techniques were compiled by his military medical team. The team originally consisted of six Taoist priests who performed surgery, weighed, ancient books, notes, and sorted out the Dragon and Tiger Dojo. Later, Taoist priest Cao Changqing was sent to In England, another general Fengguo of the clan with a little medical skills was added.

General Fengguo learned a section of line drawing from Xu Wei at the Clan University, and he drew more than 160 volumes of medical book illustrations.

All books are in double transcripts.

This is a treasure, which was originally left in the Zangshu Pavilion of the Dongyang Military Mansion.

Because the instigator Chen Shigong didn't know how to make this treasure public, he followed Chen Mu's suggestion and separated the two sets of manuscripts first. Sent to the Forbidden City.

The things in this set of books are too shocking. As the textbooks of the imperial clan university, the subjects of architecture, water conservancy, and agriculture and animal husbandry are not bad. There is almost no progress in these subjects. They are just a summary of previous experience; but music science?Zhu Zaiyu's conclusions are up-to-date, incompatible with the ancient music theory of the Ming Dynasty, and may not be adopted by others.

The most difficult thing is his medical books, like "The True Explanation of Bones, Muscles and Muscles", each of the more than 200 bones in the human body is introduced individually, including its appearance, use, and illustrations. The standard size and thickness are written on the picture interval.

Every muscle, every tendon, most of the blood vessels, and even the thickness of the skin, the thickness of the fat, etc. are comprehensively and clearly introduced. What does this mean?
Explain that everyone who reads this book will immediately think of: what did the person who wrote the book do?
Of course, Chen Shigong didn't need to think about why the Dongyang military government sent him back. Just as he took the military medical staff and the banner army to settle things, the Beiyang important minister Ye Mengxiong had already arrived with a telegram list.

"Don't rest, Dr. Chen, the Forbidden City has sent a telegram. Your Majesty wants you to take Chen Shuai to reply to the letter and set off immediately. Go to Tsinghua Garden as soon as possible. After a tiring boat trip, you will go to Zhang Gelao's later to rest."

Ye Mengxiong said with a helpless expression, closed his eyes and sighed while raising his eyebrows, shook his head and said: "Ge Lao waited hard for you, first ask His Majesty to be appointed, last month's manuscripts used words begging for bones .”

There is no such precedent in the imperial court.

It doesn't matter whether it's an old man, an important minister, or an ordinary official, or even a commoner, as long as he hasn't committed any crimes, how can the emperor put pressure on him to prevent him from being treated?

No one could persuade him about this matter. At the beginning, someone in the court said that the emperor should not delay Zhang Ge to see a doctor.

Is it not human nature to treat illnesses?

If it is said that the doctor he hired was not good at medical skills, that is not the case. Zhang Ju is the famous doctor Zhao Yu hired from Xu Jie's mansion. Like this, he even specially found two people who had suffered from hemorrhoids for several years, and treated them first. Now The root of the disease of those two people is gone, and they are extremely healthy.

"Beg, beg for bones?"

This word is very serious in terms of context. Usually, regardless of whether it is a powerful minister or an ordinary minister, it is usually in the prime of life and healthy, so it is enough to ask for an official post; Whether the emperor is allowed or not is fine.

For example, Ma Fang, it's not that old and injured for a long time, the imperial court directly arranged to go to the Beiyang Medical Academy for training, not to mention begging for bones.

Begging for bones, this is because they are afraid that they will not be buried at home after death.

This word startled Chen Shigong, and asked, "Is Old Ge so sick? It shouldn't be."

"I was fine at first, but it was an old illness. I have been eating Su Dongpo's Poria cocos cakes, eating less meat and less oil, and I am safe and sound; until this year's Chinese New Year, there have been wars outside the Great Wall, and the affairs of the court cannot be broken. No one dares to relax. "

Ye Mengxiong talked with Chen Shigong as they walked, looking at the crates brought back by Chen Shigong, and said: "After winter, the soldiers outside the Great Wall have winter armor supervised by His Majesty himself, and they can send sentries thirty or fifty miles out of the snow. It’s okay to spend the night occasionally, but the northern captives rely on meat to carry the wind, and the imperial court’s heart is relieved.”

"People who get used to being tense and loose when they loosen are easy to get sick. Who doesn't eat a lot of meat and oil and drink some wine during the Chinese New Year, to be honest... I will go to see Mr. Ge, and the doctor guesses how Mr. Ge describes his illness."

"Explode the chest." Ye Mengxiong let out a long breath, and said with a sympathetic fearful expression: "He said that it looks like an explosion, um, General Zhenshuo exploded the chest."

"Writing a letter to His Majesty also made use of the topic, saying that the country's treatment of a serious illness is like a person's treatment of a serious illness. It cannot be delayed. His illness was dragged out, and the root cause of the disease must be eliminated decisively."

"Your Majesty doesn't think so. Your Majesty thinks that there must be a comprehensive plan before consideration, and there must be no mistakes."

Ye Mengxiong said: "Whether it is against the country or the old man, it has been delayed until now, half a year... The old man is getting sicker and sicker now."

Chen Shigong saw the complex expression on Ye Mengxiong's face that flashed away. There was both emotion and a little uncontrollable ridicule in that expression, and said, "I think it's probably because of His Majesty's anger."

Originally, hemorrhoids in the buttocks were a matter that not many people knew about. He told the emperor that he would take half a month off to apply medicine to treat the disease, but the results were good, so he waited for a long time. Zhun Zhang Juzheng is treating illnesses.

"I feel that what His Majesty said is very true, and the main reason for my coming back this time is because of this."

Chen Shigong checked that all accompanying books and utensils were in good condition, and took the doctors and students to bring the things to be presented to the emperor, saluted and said goodbye to Ye Mengxiong, saying: "Chen Shuai ordered me to seek treatment for sick people in Dadongyang. Forty-six patients who had been ill for more than five years were treated with various methods, including surgery, Kuzhi powder, fumigation and washing, moxibustion, guiding, ironing, and even the ancient iron method."

"Diet method, moxibustion method, guiding method, ironing posts, fumigation and washing method, until the boat below, still can't eradicate the root, but the symptoms have indeed been relieved to varying degrees; and the 22 patients with Kuzhisan and surgical resection, there are The blood flow in the four cases of surgery not only seriously injured the vitality, but the six Kuzhisan patients lost their vitality after being cured, and they were too old to bear it."

 Good morning!

(End of this chapter)

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