open sea

Chapter 1145

Chapter 1145
The emperor made a list of a few things he wanted to do and carried them with him. There were too many things he wanted to do in the next few years.

But there is something more important than Zhang Juzheng's illness and his clueless primary school education.

The officers and soldiers garrisoned in Hangzhou City complained about their salaries, and the local government sent a message to transfer the frontier army to the south to suppress it.

This happened not long ago, and the emperor who received the news was shocked: "If you make trouble, you can pay him. You should pay him, why should you suppress it, and even if it is suppressed, transfer the frontier army? Saibei is fighting a war, the frontier army It’s been a New Year’s Eve.”

This is very strange, and the emperor has nowhere to complain.

But following the telegram the next day, the emperor understood the ins and outs of everything.

Hangzhou City, located in the southeast of the city, the officers and soldiers make a noise, and the salary should be given to others. The soldiers should be divided. After careful questioning, I found out. .

In fact, when the emperor knew about this, it was already very late.

The pay is the veterans who prepared the Japanese in Hu Zongxian's era. They were nearly fifty years old and thirty years younger. Because the Japanese pirates gradually subsided, they no longer recruited soldiers. They have been using these people, a total of 5000 people in the nine battalions In the past, it was to prepare for the Japanese, and later it was the seventh battalion to prevent floods, and the second battalion to defend the city. The military salary was nine silver coins per month.

Due to the Japanese invasion in the past, the number of battalions and recruits in the southeast exceeded the normal period. There were too many soldiers and the cost was too high. However, they had been in the army for half their lives, and they were unwilling to disarm and return to the fields.

Therefore, Wu Shanyan, the governor of the capital, suggested to the imperial court to reduce the local military salary by one-third.

However, the imperial court now issued Wanli Tongbao, which is not the banknotes of Asia, but the new copper coin Tongbao issued by the Wanli Emperor, who gradually felt that his martial arts and martial arts had the ability to go far beyond his father and ancestors.

In Beijing, where many copper coins are used, one Wanli Tongbao can be exchanged for two old coins.

But in Zhejiang, it is just the opposite. There is a price but no market for exchanging money, and this price is one old coin for two Wanli Tongbao.

At this price, you can’t change it if you want, because they don’t want to use copper coins. There are psychological reasons for this. In the southeast where the commodity economy develops and flourishes, people use a lot of silver. Only silver has face.

Originally, the military salary was reduced, and the military salary was also paid by Wanli Tongbao. It was very difficult for these veterans to go shopping in the market, so they had to make a noise about the salary.

Forced by their livelihoods, they had to appeal to Zhang Wenxi, the inspector censor, to ask for the payment of silver because the copper coins were not easy to carry, and to return the reduced military pay, otherwise they would not be able to live.

Zhang Wenxi had no other choice, so he went to Wu Shanyan, the censor Zhongcheng, but Mr. Wu was a powerful official, and he threatened the soldiers: "The payment reduction has been decided, and those who don't want to be soldiers can go home and farm."

Blast away the soldiers, and, Wu Shanyan, Mr. Wu also sent electricity to the imperial court, requesting that the frontier army be transferred into Zhejiang along the Caohe River to suppress the mutiny.

The emperor pretended not to hear it and tore up the telegram.

Anyway, whether he tears it or not has little effect on the matter, Ting Yi is really in charge of this matter, and has nothing to do with him, an emperor who spends all day driving a steamboat in the Tsinghua Garden and punching his fists.

While the court discussion was still going on, the second telegram came, this time it was not from the governor, but from Zhang Wenxi, the imperial censor, impeaching the governor Wu Shanyan for his incompetence in governance, improper handling of affairs, and self-inflicted humiliation.

Zhang Wenxi used the word insult very spiritually, which won the emperor's heart. When Wanli read this telegram, he always had a bewildered smile on his face. Although he was very angry when the officials scolded him, he saw seven Pin's supervisory censor sneered at the beaten governor, feeling extremely comfortable.

Zhang Wenxi just said that you, the governor, did not do a good job, and you deserved to be beaten up by veterans. You asked for it yourself.

Zhang Wenxi's telegram was sent at noon, and he carefully explained the reasons why Wu Shanyan reduced the military pay and threatened the officers and soldiers to raise their pay.

Then, on the second day after Wu Shanyan had finished threatening the officers and soldiers who made money, the guards of the Second Battalion, led by Ma Wenying and Yang Tingyong, gathered a crowd early in the morning to set up regulations, issue safety notices, and collude with each other. The officers and soldiers guarding the gate were wearing armor and holding soldiers, their swords were in sheaths, and their bows and crossbows were not stringed. Ma Wenying and Yang Ting bound themselves to the front with two generals, and led them to the street.

First surrounded the Governor's Yamen, then rushed into the Governor's Yamen, the soldiers caught Wu Shanyan who had no time to escape, and gave him a heavy beating. In the end, Zhang Wenxi and other officials rushed into the army, screaming with open hands, and finally persuaded the other censors, He promised to give five months of grain rations this year, and then found grain merchants to borrow grain for three months.

Zhang Wenxi himself took out [-] yuan to the officers and soldiers, and asked them to use the money to buy some wine and food first, so that the chaos of the soldiers would be extinguished.

And then there's this impeachment.

This is something that Emperor Wanli knew about, and the matter could be resolved later, so there was no need to think about repression at all. The emperor personally issued an edict to dismiss Wu Shanyan and return to his hometown. He also dispatched Zhang Jiayin, the former minister of the Ministry of War and governor of Xuanfu, to inspect Zhejiang to quell the military chaos.

Zhang Jiayin didn't bring troops or guards, not to mention dispatching troops or recruiting Lishi, he didn't listen, so he drove the carriage to Zhejiang by himself.

For no other reason, Ming Dynasty was fighting in the north at this time, and the military affairs in various places were still undergoing changes. A slight mobilization of troops would not only turn the wages into a real mutiny, but also stimulate the officers and soldiers in other places.

The emperor was also very interested in this incident. He believed that this army was a good soldier, so he specifically pardoned two participating generals and officers and soldiers who made troubles, and sent a telegram to them, sending all those under forty years old in the army. Gather up and transfer to Beijing North.

Master Wanli's brain circuit is different from other people's. Others think that the mutiny is to be suppressed; Wanli thinks that these people are asking for money and making a fuss, and they have done nothing to the people... This is not a good soldier what is this?
Aren't these people the Ming Dynasty's dream?

They may be on the opposite side of the bureaucracy, but the emperor, the largest landlord in the world, not only does not think that the mutiny is on the opposite side of himself, but also believes that the soldiers who mutiny are his own.

Who is our enemy and who is our friend?
The mediocre and corrupt officials Wanli wants to deal with, the people and soldiers at the bottom naturally stand with him.

But Master Wanli didn't know that during the mutiny, apart from the officials and the officers and soldiers making noise, there were also a large number of people in the noisy city of Hangzhou who were rejoicing about it.

When the officers and soldiers lined up to cross the streets and alleys, they screamed and shouted to cheer for the officers and soldiers, and when the officers and soldiers beat the governor Wu Shanyan, these people who would never make their voices until they starved to death shouted loudly, accusing the officials of their mistakes .

In this process, they absorbed the experience of the mutiny, received the call of the mutiny, and prepared silently.

Until this day, trembling eunuchs in the telegraph room of the Forbidden City sent a telegram from Hangzhou to Emperor Wanli in Tsinghua Garden.

The telegram used an expired cipher text, and the cipher text reported to the emperor that the telegraph room in Hangzhou City was occupied by thieves. Official houses are being plundered wantonly, please send troops to suppress it immediately.

The emperor gritted his teeth after reading the telegram, and said to the eunuch Wang An while clutching the telegram: "Within one month, there will be an uprising among the people. Do the officials in Hangzhou think I'm blind?"

(End of this chapter)

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