open sea

Chapter 1167 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

Chapter 1167 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

The so-called Spanish revolution started from Daming Port.

Although Chen Mu expressly prohibited merchants going to Spain or England or Ireland from doing anything other than making money and doing bad things, it was difficult for people not to show their superiority in communication.

This superiority was a disaster for the Spaniards.

Spain is the richest kingdom in Europe. It used to be, is now, and thinks it will be forever in the future. Under the leadership of King Philip, they made great achievements. The myth of being able to lay down a large territory in the New World.

In order to show their unrefined wealth, they wear Parisian and London top hats, Ceylon diamonds, Indian gems and Panama pearls on their bodies, Naples stockings, and Venetian glass products. Persian carpets, Arabian perfumes on the body, Chinese porcelain on the table, and the most authentic Dutch high-end embroidered clothing made of silk and textiles.

They are jeweled, and they are invincible.

Thinking that they have participated in the establishment of the greatest empire of mankind, so that the monks who have nothing to do have started to study different human beings from all over the world, and classified all human beings except themselves into another species, even if they have the same belief and blood as themselves .

They set up a strict hierarchy in the colony. Under the governor, as long as you are born in Spain and Portugal, you can be called a peninsula noble, and your parents are a peninsula noble. But as long as you are born in the New World, you are a Creole and can only be in the second rank. , Mixed blood is also divided into grades according to bloodlines, half mixed blood is higher than one third mixed blood, and the lower level is no different from livestock.

Worse to be an Englishman, not only a barbarian of the islands, but a heathen worthy of being burned, the great Philip would not care to rule you; Just rednecks with twice the population.

As for the Italian countries, they are the dogs behind their backs, not to mention the Pope, we Spaniards are noble and pious, so pious that we never listen to the Pope.

An extremely beautiful dream.

It's just that it was too short, so short that they discovered in the golden age that there was an empire on the other side of the ocean that was very similar to them in terms of style and thinking-Da Ming.

The same is not scary, just afraid of comparison.

Mingxi's defeat in the second war was like Daming stretching out his arms and slapping Spain's big mouth hard, blowing away the Parisian hat on his head and the saliva that flowed out of his mouth in a dream.

As for people, if the situation is too bad, it is envy, and if it is not too bad, it is jealousy. If there is jealousy, there will be comparison.

Spain, which had just developed a sense of national honor and evolved a slightly distorted European-style celestial kingdom thought, suddenly encountered an enhanced version of the celestial kingdom.

Spain has been hit hard from top to bottom.

The dreamlike kingdom turned out to be extremely fragile, and the invincible throne turned out to be in jeopardy.

The most important thing is that everything about them cannot withstand collisions. Their proud battleships crashed into the sand in front of the Ming Dynasty Navy. In front of Daming, it is even more difficult to see. Even their beliefs, their culture, and their thoughts cannot withstand collisions in the limited exchanges with Daming merchants and banner troops.

Communication is unavoidable, even if Chen Mu strongly forbids it, even if Li Dan strictly guards against it, even if Philip strongly opposes it, even if the church sacrifices the stake... People with flesh and blood are not machines, and no one can completely control them. The superiority of the merchants and bannermen of the Ming Dynasty spread their pride, but it could not prevent the extremely oppressed Spaniards from exploring the truth about the power of the Ming Dynasty.

Of course, no one from Ming Dynasty wanted to tell Spain the real truth, but even a few words would have a huge impact.

These shocks are often counterproductive.

They thought they were the darling of the Lord and the mainstream of the world, but when the Ming Dynasty appeared, these foreign visitors who had a better life felt that they were just a blind flow, but in fact, the modest flow limited to the humility and politeness of Chinese culture was just a result of improving their impression. statement.

You think you are an idiot in the eyes of others, but in fact the nobles of the peninsula you are preaching are just idiots in the eyes of others.

In every shock, the Spaniards were terrified. This panic caused anger, and anger brought more panic, and panic led to more anger. In countless times of incompetent anger, they became more closed and could not tolerate heresy. , becoming more...more and more extreme and out of control.

When the two generals talked farther and farther on the topic of the kingdom's future navy and army construction, and finally aimed their destined enemy at Daming, in the afterglow, they saw a two-masted fast boat approaching the mouth of the river. Several cavalry hurriedly ran under the Tower of Belém.

Facing the two top generals in command of the Spanish Army and Navy, the cavalry didn't know which one to salute first. After a pause, they said to the two Excellencies one after another, and then reported: "Sea Sentinel reports that a Ming army fleet passed the cape. , heading towards Lisbon at an extremely fast speed, and will arrive in Lisbon tonight."

"They did not allow us to board the ship for search. The [-]-ton St. Martin was accompanied by three armed merchant ships. This is the official document they submitted."

Bazin, the Marquis of Santa Cruz, glanced at the wax-sealed envelope, frowned when he saw a line of Chinese characters in the middle, and raised his hand to let the cavalry hand it over to Duke Alva.

He should read the letters at sea in terms of duty, but this stubborn old man does not know Chinese, but Duke Alva has a strong interest in Chinese because of his experience in the New World, so he knows a little bit.

General Bazin just asked the cavalry: "How many ships do they have and what are they doing here?"

"More than fifty warships..."

Before the cavalry finished speaking, Alva, who opened the envelope, took the words and said, "The Daming navy is used to domineering. First, they won't let people search their ships at sea, and second, they won't let more than one communication boat approach them. They won't. There is an exact number, the fleet admiral Fu Yuan said in his letter, 67 ships."

"67 ships, that is a Liujia ship leading six Chihai-class fleets, the fleet admiral Fu Yuan, I seem to have never heard of this name, General Shao is not here?"

Compared with the relatively unfamiliar name of Fu Yuan, Shao Tingda, who led the army to defeat Legion Chief Jesús and Legion Chief Bernal in the Battle of Baima River and Canyon, was even more thunderous.

"I know him. When I was in Mexico City, he was on the opposite side of the border. He was in charge of the Bailige defense line. He was Chen Mu's confidant."

Duke Alva's expression was solemn, but it didn't look like it was because of Fu Yuan's name. He held the channel: "He said that another fleet to assist Spain in resisting foreign enemies has landed in the Azores. His fleet will be replenished in Lisbon. I hope We have prepared supplies for 1 people sailing for 30 days, and the list is here."

The list attached to the letter was too numerous for Alva to read, biscuits, wine, ham, cheese, fish, beans, oil, vinegar... even rice, and there was no mention of payment or exchange of goods.

"They asked for a lot of supplies, and in the letter he mentioned the reason for going to France, because the common enemy of Ming and Xi, the puppet king Antonio and Catherine reached an alliance to hand over Brazil to France, so they wanted to punish France for Brazilian coveting, the word coveting, means wanting something that shouldn't be thought about."

"It's like killing chickens to scare monkeys...uh." Duke Alva pursed his lips, and slammed the cane down twice: "I want to kill a chicken and show it to monkeys to scare him."

(End of this chapter)

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