open sea

Chapter 1171 1 Miles

Chapter 1171 A Thousand Miles
After two months in the army, Fu Yuan felt that the commanders of the Spanish legions were crazy.

After every unit under his command had the opportunity to go ashore for air in the first month, he tried to get his subordinates to gradually allow the units to take a rotation of hundreds of households on vacation and enter Lisbon.

No general dares to directly let the troops roar ashore after the long voyage, unless they are about to set foot on the battlefield.

Life at sea is already very depressing. Eleven or twelve people are crowded in the air-polluted military cabin. It is not because there is not enough space on the ship to make the military cabin small, but it is useless if the military cabin is too large. The sailor bed must be small enough to reach the top of the head. In order to ensure that the sailors on the bed will not be thrown off when the battleship is bumping.

You can’t take a bath for two or three months, and when fresh water is scarce, drinking fresh water distilled from seawater for a few days will consume a lot of wood. Not to mention, it can only quench your thirst. People who lack minerals will start to lose their hair; On the shore, the island-like space will turn the temper of the most well-behaved bannerman into a temper, and a little bit of trifle will ignite everything.

It is very normal for people to fight during the voyage. The longer the voyage, the easier it is to fight; the most bloody case in the army happened under the command of Yuan Zizhang, the captain of Fu Yuan's squadron. During the journey from the New World to the Gulf of Mexico, there were not many bannermen on board, which made people even more lonely. The cooks killed and wounded one bannerman each with muskets.

The reason is funny and cruel, just because the bean sprouts he planted on the deck were overturned by a sea wave.

That was the straw that broke the camel's back.

The sea eats people.

Fu Yuan didn't think Lisbon was their battlefield, so he could only let the Banner Army land a little by little, reacquainted with the down-to-earth feeling, let them eat fresh food, and then entered the city little by little.

As the garrison time becomes longer, the Ming army will inevitably have intersections with Spanish soldiers, and they will be envied and flattered...Spanish legionnaires are generally owed three to six months of military pay, but they have to serve the Ming army in various villages in the suburbs. Raising food, wine and food that I can't bear to eat, and finally driving a donkey cart to send to the Ming army, who can not be jealous?
The Spanish legionaries will buy things from the generals of the Ming army.

For example, an infantry regiment commander under the Duke of Alva approached the squadron commander Yuan Zizhang, and with a translator hired from Seville, he expressed his request in poor Chinese to buy two rolls of wire, but he still survived after being rejected. Sincerely hope to buy those used wooden fences and wires on the shore after their fleet leaves.

Anyone can make iron wire, and Spain is no exception. There is no wire drawing machine that needs to be piled up with manpower. The Spanish legion commander just hopes to buy them at a relatively low price, because the price of goods in Daming is lower in comparison; Competent military officers can recognize the benefits of this thing when they see the way the Ming army uses the iron wire of the wooden fence.

Of course, it is not used universally, but in critical times and narrow areas, it can briefly and effectively delay the enemy's attack.

Isn't this neurosis?
In a country like Daming, the cost of any piece of equipment needs to be considered in the manufacture and use, and these iron wires are no exception... Whoever says that it can be sold after being used, it can be used twice or three times, even if it is not used enough Once used, it can be melted down and used again as scrap iron.

Although the Ming army was invited by Philip to garrison Lisbon, the three fleets sailed farther and farther in the past two months. After drawing the west coast of the peninsula, the two fleets led by the squadron admiral Yuan Zizhang entered the northern Bay of Biscay , It is connected with the coastal defense area of ​​​​Chen Jiujing's Ministry, and boarded the land belonging to France.

The warship arrived at the fortress at the mouth of the river, and the citizens of Bordeaux warmly welcomed the Ming army into the town.

"General Yuan, I'm Chen Jiujing. With your heart to come to my lonely overseas, I will have the bottom line."

Chen Jiujing led a group of generals from the Baishan Battalion, the Sixth Battalion of Xiyong Military Academy, and more than [-] nobles from Bordeaux to greet Yuan Zizhang at the gate of the city.The emotions in my heart are the same as what I said in my mouth. Watching the majestic Beiyang army marching in line with the military music, they are extremely at ease.

"General Chen doesn't need to be too courteous if he has not made an inch of merit in a humble position."

Yuan Zizhang got off his horse and saluted, maintaining respect for Chen Jiujing that surpassed his official position, and then said: "I have led thousands of troops here in the name of Commander Fu, firstly to survey the terrain of the battlefield for the vanguard army, and secondly to see if General Chen can help you. You can do your best.”

Chen Jiujing knew that Yuan Zizhang was born as a Wu Jinshi. After graduating from the martial arts hall, he became an official and admiral. He traveled to the East just to catch up with the border confrontation at the end of the Second War between Ming and West. He has not been able to catch up with the war. I have done a lot, and this time I entered Europe with a lot of energy in my heart, so I returned the gift and held the latter's arm while walking forward and said with a smile: "Don't worry, General, the Francie faction just negotiated peace last year, this is a rare year of peace , but, General... talking while walking."

Chen Jiujing got on his horse and sent his subordinates to lead the way. After Yuan Zizhang got on his horse, he explained: "I was ordered by my father to garrison here. At first, it was just to find out the situation. I didn't do much to join the war between the two factions. I waited for the two sides to negotiate a peace. , Wang Jun is also unwilling to hand over Bordeaux to me, and has repeatedly provoked."

"We have no backup for our soldiers and horses, and we have no right to mobilize the army of Daming Port of the Western Kingdom. However, we have a slight advantage in the sea, and the merchants of the country and dynasty are worth a high price. Only by hiring desperadoes from the Western Kingdom to fill the army can we protect the people and the people within a radius of [-] miles from the city of Bo. Enjoy peace."

Chen Jiujing applauded immediately: "Therefore, no matter the general or Fu Shuai, they came at the right time."

In Yuan Zizhang's eyes, the situation in Bordeaux is probably a little worse than what Chen Jiujing said. When passing by both sides of the road, you can see some obviously injured Jurchen or Koreans in the fields in the distance directing the local farmers to work; Soldiers, the Western armor they wore was also rusted and dented.

Coupled with the collapsed and disrepaired estuary fortress, and the occasional castle with traces of bombardment in the extreme, it is obvious at first glance that this is a battlefield.

Seemingly realizing that these things attracted Yuan Zizhang's attention, Chen Jiujing said with a relaxed smile: "General, don't think too much. The traces here were all laid down by Mr. Chen and his army at the beginning of the attack. That fortress was blown up when I attacked. Going to fix it."

"The King of France's army has never fought here, and their front has only been repelled by the Dordogne River in the north recently, but they may be attacking Spain recently, and their offensive has slowed down."

Approaching the gate of Bordeaux, Yuan Zizhang saw a cavalry team wearing a full set of western plate armor, men and horses. Some of them were holding huge spears, and some were using heavy soldiers such as chain hammers and gourds. Gulu's Jurchen cavalry, the division of the king's army is an opportunity for Pau, and I am planning to attack north and cross another river in the north... What is Fu Shuai's plan?"

"A thousand miles."

Yuan Zizhang inspected the horse team, said a number, and said: "The distance from Pau, from the northwest port, and Paris is a thousand miles."

As he said that, he turned his head and glanced at the Beiyang infantry marching in the official road beside him, and said: "Break through in depth, and the soldiers are approaching the city."

(End of this chapter)

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