open sea

Chapter 1176 Armor

Chapter 1176 Armor
A simple camp of the Ming army was set up in the wilderness. Xu Jin from a hundred households sat by the well that had just been dug. With a glass of water, he slowly wiped his helmet.

This is a standard Beiyang military officer's bowl helmet, with golden copper bird feathers covering the brow of the helmet, the wings covering the sides of the cheeks, and the tall blue tassel on the top, which is very conspicuous.

The tassel of the helmet was stained with dirt, and Xu Jin wiped it off first as they waited for the hundreds of households behind to bring the gunpowder.

Mr. Chang Ji of the Eastern Military Mansion said in his book that military uniforms and flags should be clean and tidy, and weapons and armor should be powerful and bright, so that the enemy will feel ashamed before fighting, and even if the enemy's city is occupied, it can win the hearts of the people.

Although most officers wondered where Mr. Chang Ji, who had never fought in a war, got so many fallacies, but since he said it, they followed suit.No one knows whether it can make the enemy feel ashamed, but before the battle, seeing the cold light of one's own army and the colorful enemy's formation can really boost the morale of one's own army, and it is easy to distinguish who is the real elite division.

Before the hundreds of households who escorted the gunpowder came, there was the sound of horseshoes outside the camp, and the silent camp seemed to come alive for a moment, whether it was the people who were boiling water or the bannermen who were warming up by the campfire and melting lead. All of them buckled up their helmets and lifted their blunderbuss to climb onto the wooden wall at the first time.

Baihu, who was cleaning his bowl, also ran up to the wooden shooting wall with a height of one and a half people. He saw Ma Bole, the general banner under his command, leading two banner soldiers galloping forward, holding a rope in his hand and leading an iron gun behind him. Canned, at this time, was letting go of the reins and taking off his pocket, holding a helmet and gun flag and yelling to tell the flag army not to shoot.

When Xu Jin saw it, he frowned, and carried the blunderbuss in front of him on his shoulder: "Ma Laoliu, Xu has repeated orders, don't take prisoners, why don't you understand?"

"Both of you, take off the armor and take it to the pit behind the camp to bury it."

"Captain Captain!" Ma Bole, the Chief Banner Officer heard the words, quickly jumped off his horse and raised his hand to stop him: "This is very rare, and it is useful to speak Xiyi dialect!"

Xu Jin was awarded the rank of Lieutenant Zhaoxin, the false rank of a military officer is equivalent to a military rank, and the lowest officer is this Lieutenant Zhaoxin.


Xu Jin let out a long breath, raised his arms and pointed at the general flag, "Lead the horse in for me."

Then he looked at the two flag soldiers outside angrily and said: "Execute."

"As ordered!"

The banner troops outside the camp took orders, and two banner troops came out of the camp to assist them at the gate of the camp.

Seeing that he was powerless, the chief banner officer walked into the camp dejectedly, holding his pocket and leading the horse, and was immediately patted on the back of the head by Xu Jin, a hundred households gnashing his teeth, and then pulled aside.

"I know you have a big family to support. Your parents are healthy. The eldest brother died early leaving behind his nephew, the second brother and the third brother fled the famine and got lost, the fourth brother ran away with a gambler owed a debt, and the fifth brother in the family grabbed water and smashed it. Broken leg, but can you stop being so fucking short-sighted?"

"Fu Shuai has an order, don't take prisoners, don't ask for ransom, we are not teachers of benevolence and righteousness, Ming Dynasty doesn't like nobles, what's the matter, he eats well and lives well, and when he dies, he is more comfortable than ordinary people. Is it enough for a little money?"

Ma Bole explained embarrassingly: "No, Captain, he really understands Xiyi language... Don't I want you to make a contribution too?"

"Make a fart, if you kill a few more of these things in the future, it will be considered a great contribution to me."

As Xu Jin spoke, his tone eased: "I know, their ransom is quite a lot. If you catch one, you can pay off all the debts your fourth brother owes. If you catch one, you can even cover the expenses of the fifth brother for the rest of his life. The military government's rewards and punishments in this battle are indeed harsh, and the leaders will not be rewarded with silver."

"We joined the army and practiced in Beiyang for two years and Dongyang for one year. We have learned a lot of skills, and we will go back in more than a year. We didn't catch up with the big battle and didn't make money. I was anxious-but this is not enough. Battle achievement?"

"Compared with promotion, come tell me." Xu Jin patted Ma Bole and said, "How much is this ransom?"

Ma Bole became short of breath the more he listened, and finally sat down on the ground, fumbled out of his pocket and took out a crooked Muye cigarette, lit it and sighed: "But this military achievement is too difficult. It's only meritorious work if you wear the armor, and when you go back this time, once Fu Shuai's army arrives, you don't know if you will be able to catch up with the battle next time."

"Three hundred miles have to be covered, not to mention me, the entire Hundred Household Department has only taken seven complete sets of plate armor with flags, and the armor-piercing must be killed, otherwise it will be considered a lie."

In fact, Xu Jin's Hundred Households Division has won the most. They are Yuan Zizhang and Wang Youlin's eighteen Hundred Households at the forefront. Together with them, five Hundred Households Divisions cooperated to advance, and they fought twelve battles, big and small, before they were killed. Seven nobles.

Not to mention the small encounters on the road, they are all stragglers, even if there are troops assembled, it is only a nobleman with dozens or even hundreds of troops. Can't catch up.

As for the record and casualties, it goes without saying that the regular army goes to fight these stragglers, not to mention sometimes having an advantage in strength. Even if the strength is not superior, in most cases, no support is needed. Xu Jin, the flag and arrow, thought it was a waste of gunpowder and was too lazy to release it, so he swept across after forming three rows of horizontal arrays.

Twelve battles, only twice, one time the enemy's troops gathered together in a large number, first ate a meal of small flag arrows, and then shot forward twelve steps next to the bird gun wheel, until 33 grenades were thrown to the ground. In the bosom, it was only then that the remaining 200 people were driven for three miles by the Beiyang Banner Army of a hundred households with their thorns, and the defeated army crashed into the arms of another hundred households.

Xu Jin saw the appearance of his general banner, looked left and right, then approached, sat down and said in a low voice, "I shouldn't have told you about this, you know it in your own mind after hearing it, don't let me go anywhere else Blindly flamboyant, Fu Shuai, you really think of us recruited flag officers as brothers, you know that we came here across the Atlantic Ocean to punish the Queen Mother Francie for coveting Brazil, so you know how to punish?"

Ma Bole shook his head in confusion: "Kill their nobles and not let them redeem them?"

"Isn't there something wrong with that? It's these armors. One armor is a nobleman, and there are their seals on them. The more the better, when they surrender and negotiate, all these territories will be cut off, and will be canonized by the commander who holds the imperial sword. , manage horses and grow grain on the spot.”

Xu Jin sat beside Ma Bole, raised his face, squinted his eyes, and said, "Now you know why you don't use them in exchange for ransom? Opening up territories is a universal celebration, and those people who were searched for ransom for ransom may not Just under one of us, do you really want them to squander their wealth for irrelevant people?"

 Good morning!

(End of this chapter)

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