open sea

Chapter 1189

Chapter 1189
In this arms race that took place in Spain, England, France, and the Netherlands in Europe, Fu Yuan was a direct participant among the generals of the Ming army.

During his garrison in Lisbon, he witnessed the launching of seven Spanish warships over [-] tons.

The intelligence shared with Philip's court let him know that in the three hostile countries, more than 24 smaller warships were built overtime.

Make him a little impatient.

But compared to the ready-to-go naval battle, the land battle that has already begun is more worthy of his attention.

Chen Jiujing sent a message from Baishan City that the Yuan Zizhang Department he sent to explore the road might be besieged by the enemy. When he saw this letter, Chen Jiujing's Department stationed in Baishan City had sent reinforcements, hoping that he would send a batch of winter clothes from Lisbon as soon as possible Go to Baishan City with a decent military tent.

It was Kang Gulu, the general of the Baishan Battalion, who went to the rescue. He led the [-] Jurchen troops out of the city and crossed the river, and divided his troops.

Seven hundred cavalrymen of the former army cleared the way, numbered plate-armored iron pagoda.

[-] Baishan step archers in cotton clothes and armour, as the rear formation, took [-] Spanish donkeys, escorted the luggage to the Kelan River battlefield, and sent Yuan Zizhang six urgently needed General Zhenshuo cannons and enough ammunition.

Dingjiazhuang in Dinghai has unknowingly become the second supply station for this battle. All the soldiers who set out from Bordeaux will camp near Dingjiazhuang the next night, and the wounded soldiers on the front line will also be sent back. several.

In Ding Hai's eyes, the situation on the front line is not bad.

The troops will send out a hundred cavalry today and two hundred archers tomorrow, and the wounded soldiers will come back three times in one go, and then they will be gone.

The three wounded soldiers belonged to Xu Jinbiao of a hundred households. They were all injured in an ambush at night. One of them blocked the mountain road and injured his left arm. Patients may have some impact on vision after recuperation, it is recommended to return to Bordeaux for recuperation.

The last person was Zhang Dachuan. He was wounded by a musket. The lead pellet rubbed his helmet and hit his forehead, embedded in his forehead bone. However, he was unscathed as if by a god. He just lay on the ground for a while, then got up and tried to The enemy who came to pick up the musket pinched him unconscious with his hand, and then completed three charges with the standard charge action, knocked down an enemy again, and finally rushed up with the bird gun to knock another enemy who failed to hit the ground , After doing all this before fainting again.

After the battle, the military doctor removed the lead pill embedded in his forehead and examined him. He found that his frontal bone was cracked, his pulse was stable, and he was fine. However, he could not recall the injury process, and he had persistent headaches, dizziness, and vomiting. , mixed with strong tinnitus, he was helpless and suggested to send him back to Bordeaux for observation. If the injury deteriorated and the poor medical conditions in Bordeaux could not be cured, he could only be sent back to Changsheng Military Hospital by boat.

In fact, he was the one with the best combat skills among the three wounded soldiers, so the guerrilla general Wang Youlin asked the three of them to form a small team, with the blind Xiao Wang carrying the luggage, the broken-armed old Zhou as the guide, and the dizzy hunk Zhang As the guards, they marched towards Dingjiazhuang along the post they set up when they set off. On the way, they met seven defenders from Luocheng, pushing a small cart full of ordnance, intending to sell it to Ding Hai for food.

What will happen to seven defenders of Luocheng who are suffering from hunger and cold and plan to sell their weapons, and see three Ming soldiers in cotton armor armed to the teeth and carrying food in the wilderness, and two of them are wounded soldiers?
Nothing happens.

When Ding Hai, the owner of Dingjiazhuang, received them outside the gate of the village, the six Luocheng defenders pulling carts were more tired than donkeys.

The youngest buddy of them was sitting in the car with the blind Xiao Wang, and Zhang Dachuan, who was watching behind him with a bird gun, complained endlessly. The bird gun with the thorn on it can overturn seven.

It was heartbreaking enough for the six survivors to be knocked to the ground by a guard guarding the wounded soldier, but it was not until Dingjiazhuang that they realized that the guard in their eyes was actually a wounded soldier.

Later, the six of them almost cried and begged Ding Hai to take them in, saying that they would never go back to Luocheng—just kidding, the seven of them had never beaten a single wounded soldier, so what would it be like if they were not injured?

Can Luocheng, which is so close to the Kelan River, survive?
They even thought that only eighty fighters like Zhang Dachuan could capture Luocheng.

In any case, owner Ding was in a very happy mood. In order to prevent Luocheng from sending people to buy food in the future, he asked the translator to understand the six defenders with reason, and finally persuaded them to go back.

The three of Zhang Dachuan also thought that they would not need this batch of weapons, and after jointly submitting a report to Bordeaux about encountering the defenders of Luocheng, they left all the weapons and armor to Ding Hai.

In a daze, the landlord regiment of Dingjiazhuang has twelve breastplate farmers holding Swiss halberds and thirty muskets.

Coupled with the forty catties of gunpowder allocated by Chen Jiujing, Ding Hai finally felt that he had a firm foothold within a radius of twenty miles.

He even has the energy to discuss with the seven or eight nearby Zhuangzi to call the Zhuang Ke to practice the 'great cause' of the militia.

And on the banks of the Crane River, more than a hundred miles away, on the morning when the siege was withdrawn, there was a bang on the river. The Earl of Shire could only watch helplessly as the bridge that took several days to build was blown up, and all the luggage was destroyed by 500 people from the Ming army. Even so, he dared not lead his army down the mountain.

His troops were dragged down by wounded soldiers. The ambush at night brought him 44 wounded soldiers. During the rescue process the next morning, landmines and tiger squat artillery bombarded from a distance caused many casualties to his soldiers again. In addition to these There are also non-combat attrition caused by hunger and frostbite. There are more than 400 sergeants in the army and there are nearly [-] wounded soldiers.

There was even a little joy in my heart-finally there was something that could effectively slow down the marching speed of the Ming army.

The source of the secret joy was the same as the reason why the Ming army withdrew the siege. The reinforcements led by Marshal Matteon had appeared on the east bank of the Crane River. Throughout the day, there were well-equipped knights riding across the highlands on the opposite bank on tall horses wearing horse armor. When the wind blew, the swallowtail flag was hung straight on the spearhead pointing straight to the sky, and it was dragging straight back, unhurried and full of threats.

Although the traces of the large troops had not yet appeared, both sides of the siege knew that French reinforcements were nearby.

Maybe ten miles, maybe closer.

There is only the Crane River between them.

On the day when the bridge was blown up, Earl Shire saw the Ming army packing up cart after cart of luggage and coming out of the forest, stationed in the open space on the south bank of the river, as if they were only waiting for night to come.

The retreat of the Ming army is imperative.

It seems to be tonight.

The morale of the French army was high. People said that the long suffering was over, and the Ming army would soon be surrounded. Even the veterans injured in the previous battle clamored for participation in tonight's pursuit.

However, Earl of Charles did not expect that, that night he organized the army to go down the mountain, and planned to take advantage of the darkness to chase down the retreating Ming army, but what greeted him was the full-time Ming army, who fired muskets at his troops in the dark. He was beaten head-on.

The earl was so scared that he hurried back to the mountain with his whole army... That night, amidst the intermittent wailing of the wounded soldiers in the camp on the top of the mountain, the earl of shire, with moist eyes, watched the torches held up high below the mountain to form several bright flames under the night. The snake meanders towards the south and drifts away.

(End of this chapter)

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