open sea

Chapter 1192 Montaigne

Chapter 1192 Montaigne
The French army on the east bank was led by Marshal Biron, an old acquaintance of Chen Jiujing, with five thousand troops, and more than two hundred noble generals under the Duke of Joyez.

Among these French cavalry generals, there is a very special person. His name is Michel Montaigne, a native of Bordeaux.

The family was a wealthy merchant in the fish and wine trade. His father served as a soldier in Italy during the Italian War and became a new aristocrat. Montaigne was fostered in a farmer's house since he was a child, and studied Chinese, English and sentence making at the Guienne College... Sorry, French, Greek and rhetoric.

Later, he worked as a judge in Bordeaux until the death of his father, inherited the territory and title, and then returned to the Fort Montaigne in the countryside, writing books, which is regarded as a hermit.

The reason for hermitage is that this person is very interesting, or this era is very interesting. Nobles are proud of being soldiers and kings. It is only said that it is written casually, without even polishing.

Rather than retiring, it is more about escaping from society, yearning for a quiet and peaceful pastoral life, and traveling around the world without incident. Last year, he was awarded a certificate of qualification, and was accepted by the representatives of the Roman citizens and the Senate as a citizen of the Roman city-state and enjoyed citizenship.

At the end of this trip, Montaigne originally planned to be invited back to Bordeaux as mayor. He understood the legal provisions of Mediterranean countries and was highly respected in the local area.

Moreover, he also planned to persuade Henry of Navarre, Montaigne's younger brother and sister, to convert to Protestantism, and he is a devout Catholic, which allows him to mediate in it. After all... religious wars for any reason are to divide France war.

Especially when there are not so friendly neighbors like Spain.

It was really a long journey. When he was in Rome, he heard that Bordeaux was occupied by the Navarre rebels, so he waited until the two sides negotiated a peace before he set foot on the way back; Common sense: Bordeaux is still under enemy occupation, and the enemy is the Ming Empire from the east.

The Orient is a strange idea for Europeans, and this idea means that the German region and the east are all the East.

Where is Daming?No idea, but they've all heard about that magical land.

In the camp, Sir Montaigne, who was in charge of the commander-in-chief's infantry carrying wood and repairing the camp in the dark, was wearing neat armor, standing beside the torch and giggling. The foot knight patrolling with his long sword yawned to drive away sleepiness. Looking at a strange map, it seems that the mystery that makes him laugh lies in that map.

Out of concern, the knight approached to salute, and reminded with a young voice: "Sir, you shouldn't stand under the torch, the Duke of Joyez thinks that the Daming knight who attacked the camp is still wandering around, the attack has happened three times, who There is no guarantee that there will not be a fourth time."

As he spoke, the knight pointed to the visor of the helmet. Even with the pig's mouth helmet, Montaigne could still hear the regret in his voice: "The visors of the three outstanding knights were pierced by arrows during the attack, and we also stabbed them over. Several people, hope this will change their crazy idea of ​​riding in front of people's faces and shooting arrows... What are you looking at?"

As if to strengthen his belief in his own words, the knight's hand holding the long sword hilt obviously exerted a bit of force. The knights of the law who have been tested in combat are not afraid to charge each other, but the Jurchen's surprise attack method that fell at the same time as the night fell, and the alternate formations The unique tactics of kicking the battalion, galloping in the front and rushing in the back while taking advantage of the disorder, brought heavy psychological pressure to the knights.

Not too 'knight'.

In fact, they didn't know that Kang Guru was also very helpless. This kind of tactics is actually more risky than holding a gun to hedge, but this is a problem left over from history.

Among the Jurchen tribes, only the Yehe tribe paid attention to cavalry, and the rest were mountain fishing and hunting infantry. This determined that most of the Jurchen warriors under Kanggulu were not good at equestrian skills, and even the Yehe tribe's riders were accustomed to vertical riding. Horse gallops or simply mounted heavy infantry and mounted archers.

They are not like the nine-sided cavalry of the Ming Dynasty. The nine-side cavalry has always been useless, but the training subjects written in the military training book are for the cavalry to charge with fifteen-foot spears; Galloping doesn't work.

The French knights are like iron kings and eight shells. Let the plate-armored iron Buddha now practice charging with spears, and it is absolutely no match for the knights who have been trained persistently since childhood; If you go out with an arrow, they will be fine, but they will pull out a revolver with their backhand and knock you off the horse and cry, and you will not be able to find the ground.

There are only two roads left for the plate-armored iron stupa. One group of people fought with bones and gourds, long knives and axes, and the other group entered the camp one after another and took the opportunity to shoot nearby with heavy bows and muskets... It wasn't that they wanted to shoot close by. Heavy armor, heavy bows and heavy arrows can't shoot far, and you have to get close to fight for the chance to penetrate the visor.

It's all difficult.

"It's nothing, the world map made by the German Protestantist Mr. Heinrich Binting the year before last, the world is a clover."

Not only was Montaigne standing under the torch, but he was not wearing a helmet. The high-faced helmet he bought from Italy along with the armor was put aside, revealing his head, which was almost bald to the back of his head, reflecting the light under the torch, but With gentle eyes like that of a warrior, he handed the map to the knight with a smile: "Look, Jerusalem is in the center of the world, the leaf on the right is Asia, the leaf below is Africa, the leaf on the left is Europa, and outside of Europa there are The last remote island is the Isle of England."

"The small island protruding in the lower left corner is the New World, and the easternmost point of Asia is India. The world drawn by Mr. Binting is so big." Montaigne finally said the reason that made him laugh: "A country that does not exist in the world is very important to us. War is declared."

The scholar who never acknowledged his identity nodded, and the knight was nodding in response, when he suddenly pulled out the long sword at his waist and held it in his hand, all of them looked out of the camp at night, where there was another rumbling sound With the sound of horseshoes, the soldiers carrying the wooden fence gathered up their weapons in an emergency. The knight immediately ordered Montaigne to put on his helmet, shouted and ordered a group of infantry to gather around him, and complained to Montaigne: "The world is always like this, It makes people sleep restlessly."

Montaigne put on his helmet ridiculously, took a long time to fasten the untied belt on his body, and stepped on his horse in a strange way. These things already made him gasp, let alone carrying a heavy lance... Even if So, being optimistic by nature, he still didn't forget to say a few words: "Don't complain about the world, if we leave, he won't keep you."

All around, the camp was in chaos, and most of the soldiers who had just laid down and slept with their clothes rushed out of the blue and white military tents in a mess, and the sound of the Daming knights galloping past the wooden fence with ups and downs and whistling was close at hand.

This was their fourth raid on the camp tonight.

 Good morning!

(End of this chapter)

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