open sea

Chapter 1194 Dai Shan

Chapter 1194 Dai Shan
Feathered arrows shot at the light cavalry wearing mail armor and galloping across the wilderness. In horror, the cavalry pulled out their swords and reined in their horses to look around, but there was no movement around them, only silence.

The rider kept circling the horse with a sword in his hand, lowered his voice to comfort the frightened mount, and felt more and more uneasy. Just when he was about to give up his mission and ride his horse northward to escape this deserted field of wild weeds, there was a sudden noise from the right side , quickly reined in and turned the horse's head in that direction.

At this moment, as the rider turned around, there was a teeth-piercing bow-drawing sound in the bushes. Accompanied by the sound of a broken string, a heavy armor-piercing arrow with a long collar on the edge shot out. Armored suits collided and penetrated.

The rider who was shot by the arrow on the horse's back looked in disbelief at the arrow shaft as thick as the little finger protruding from his chest, and kicked the horse's belly with all his strength. The painful war horse stood up rhythmically, and suddenly stepped forward. run.

But before he took two steps away, three Jurchen archers wearing only thick sheepskin jackets and felt hats flashed in front of them, throwing a tripping rope that hung two stones one after another.

The huge French war horse's front hooves were restrained, and the owner who was injured on his back was thrown into the air, but because of the existence of Takahashi's saddle and stirrups, he couldn't get rid of it, and they smashed to the ground together.

The horse struggled and stirred up a cloud of dust, the rider was crushed by one leg and suffered secondary injuries caused by the heavy horse's continuous rolling, the long sword flew out of his hand as early as when the arrow was hit, even so, he still tried his best to think Wanting to pull out his injured leg, he pulled out the dagger on the saddle to try to resist.

The little chief outside the Guan who released the arrow came forward with a smile, and the three tribes also drew their weapons and rushed forward. One of them took over the heavy bow from the young chief, and saw the former glance at the broken arrow, and pulled out the arrow stuffed in his waist. The short-handled bone on the top of the sword, it took only one blow to bring down the wounded cavalryman, and then complained: "Broken our arrow, it's cheap for you."

After all, the three men rushed forward and quickly cleaned up the valuables on the cavalry. Soon the long sword carefully forged in the royal armory, the short sword poorly made by the village blacksmith, and the lock with several rings were broken. A turban, a chain mail with many iron rings damaged by heavy arrows, a plate armor that was pierced, and a plate armor shoulder guard were all neatly placed in front of the little chief.

Beside these objects, there are even worn leather gloves, smelly brown leather boots, deflated money bags, dirty crotch tights and shade bags thrown into the weed pile along with the dead bodies. When the crowd came out again, the entourage with two heads hanging from their waists respectfully offered the long-collared arrow to the little chief.

Even though it pierced through the cavalry and mail armor, the arrow was still unscathed. The young chief saw the leather money bag among the relics of the French cavalry at a glance. Suddenly took out seven identical arrowheads, put them into the purse and put them in his arms, and then the little Jurchen leader took back his big bow and leaned on it to look into the distance.

People are usually not so generous. They don't take any silver coins. If they use them to buy people's hearts, they must have some schemes in their hearts.

He is Daishan of the Nala family of the Hada tribe of the Haixi Jurchen, the grandson of the former Youzhu Kingdom of the Ming Dynasty, the general of Dragon and Tiger, the governor of Hada Wanhan, and the nephew of Kang Gulu, the general of the Baishan camp. He was forced to join by his uncle's tribe with a knife. Baishan Camp, on the battlefield and the troops are always assigned to the most dangerous work, and after the battle is over, they will always get the worst spoils. Only seven people died, and a decent horse has not yet been obtained.

It took Daishan a long time to figure out why his uncle Kang Gulu insisted on letting him lead his troops to be recruited by the court—if he died on the battlefield, one day Kang Gulu, who has the status of a general of the Ming army, would be able to go back. Has the Hada Department been unified?

It was such a simple matter that Daishan couldn't figure it out all the time. Even if he figured it out now, he still thought it didn't matter.

On the one hand, he did not want to and did not dare to challenge Kang Gulu; on the other hand, it was because Daishan bet all his future on the Ming army expedition, thinking that his treatment would gradually improve as the war gradually expanded.

For example, in this battle, what they respected was no longer Kang Gulu's order, but the order of Yuan Zizhang, the vanguard general of the Eastern Army Mansion. .

Six miles behind, Yuan Zizhang and Wang Youlin led the Beiyang Banner Army of four hundred and four hundred, and they were marching northward with them.

In fact, many young girls and true warriors have the same thoughts as Dai Shan. Since they set foot on the land of the New World, many of them do not plan to go back.

What do you miss about your hometown? Do you miss being frozen for a year and half a year, or the thrill of waking up and burying the whole tribe in the snow?

Daishan's bow is as tall as a man's. Why would he use such armor-piercing arrows when he is between the white mountains and the black waters?The original intention of this thing is not to break armor, but to guard against bears and tigers running out of the mountains.

Europa is much better. There are no big beasts here, and all the bald monks who are not fighting are running around. The land is suitable for planting and the climate is very pleasant. It rains in winter.

More than 8000 times more comfortable than the mouth.

The uncle outside Guan saw this, who can move his legs?
That's what Daishan thought. He didn't plan to follow his uncle Kang Gulu whose reward and punishment were unknown. He wanted to take advantage of this trip to make more contributions to General Yuan. It is much better to be a thousand households on the spot than to go back.

Just when Dai Shan's subordinates gathered in front of the horses to train the horses by themselves, there was a gunshot in the distance, making Dai Shan wittyly put the big bow in front of him, and quickly pointed at the helmets and armors lying on the ground. Said: "Put it on, call the others, don't worry about this lame horse, if someone misses, let's go."

At the same time, almost all the infantry archers, who were the scouts and skirmishers of the former army, gradually gathered and retreated slowly, just like Dai Shan's choice.

Yuan Zizhang led his troops away from the bridgehead fortifications because Kanggulu's strategy of plate-armored iron pagodas and weary soldiers had achieved great results. This effect was obtained by harassment for one night. After various methods, the French army finally figured out a method-walking knights near the early morning.

This method even nearly broke into the trenches of the Ming army at the bridgehead. If it weren't for the bombardment of the artillery that made the knights who were exhausted from preparing for the battle day and night retreat, they would probably have entered the trenches.

Dai Shan didn't know what that method was, but judging from Yuan Zizhang's military orders ordering them to ambush, rob and kill, and retreat immediately in case of a frontal conflict, he believed that in Yuan Zizhang's judgment, the enemy troops on the west bank probably already knew about this method. method, and this method may also pose a huge threat to the Beiyang Banner Army that is rampant all over the world.

(End of this chapter)

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