open sea

Chapter 1197 Fear

Chapter 1197 Fear
Seven, seven Arrows of Shenwei Mechanism accurately fell into the enemy's formation.

The trajectory of the other five divine machine arrows is even more graceful, passing the enemy formation perfectly and flying behind them, and then exploded in succession with the rockets that fell into the French army formation during the fall, exploding the prefabricated fragments in the air at a height of eight or nine feet iron shell.

It was a disaster, because behind the French line was a camp of merchants who came to labor as merchants, with merchants in velvet robes, hired guards in helmets, overworked prostitutes, and men trying to go to war after the battle was over. A young man who picks up some junk and sells it for money.

The fragments of the rocket hit them mercilessly, and the fragments and iron balls were like several squatting cannons approaching and firing, sweeping through everything like a gust of wind. In the blink of an eye, the tense atmosphere of the battlefield several miles away was still incompatible with the scene, full of laughter. All that was left in the camp was howling and crying and the fire of the tents.

Humans react in much the same way when disaster strikes.

The arrows of the Shenwei mechanism filled with granules of gunpowder exploded in the position of the French army. The lethality of the explosion on the flat ground was even higher than that of the mid-air explosion. No army in the whole world has ever faced such a disaster, even the one that has disappeared in the long river of history. The Bernal Legion of Spain in the Viceroyalty of New Spain has only received the baptism of the general flag and arrow.

The Shenwei mechanism arrow and the general flag arrow are two completely different weapons. The difference between them is like the difference between the small flag arrow and the early rocket.

Amidst the sound of successive explosions, the phalanx that was thought to be dropped by shells collapsed in an instant, and the horses were frightened and people stood up or ran wildly. Even the most experienced knights could not restrain their horses at this time. Best friends who have been close to each other in the past are on a rampage at this moment, trampling everything in sight.

In this era, bows and arrows are withdrawing from the battlefield, which means that the phalanx soldiers have fewer and fewer chances of being hurt by falling from the sky. In order to deal with the Ming army equipped with a large number of muskets, both Matteon and Charles chose to arrange soldiers in heavy armor. At the front of the formation, followed by elite soldiers wearing breastplates or half armor, and then all light infantry lacking armor.

Only the officers, flag bearers and military bands are guarded by elite soldiers.

If the fragment is lucky enough, it will injure three or more people; if the man is unlucky, he will be hit by ten or more fragments.

The exploding rockets brought great shock and confusion to the French army. This was not entirely shaped by the iron cylinder with the word "Shenwei" cast on it. In fact, less than 200 soldiers could be injured by the explosion of seven rockets. , There are even only a few people who die directly.

Life and death are all about luck, and some people are so unlucky that even if only one fragment hits him, it can kill him directly across his throat.

Some people stood next to the exploding rocket and suffered more than ten injuries in the instant of the explosion, but as long as they missed the vital parts, even if they were disabled, disabled or blind, if they could get proper medical treatment after the battle, this person would not die. .

But the wailing, crying, scolding and shouting of these wounded scattered throughout the phalanx further spread fear in the army, which is more frightening than people's lives being directly taken away by weapons.

Those who are unscathed want to see a knight fall from his horse, he is silent, his helmet is dented by a rocket, just ignore the neck and visor leaking red or other things, as if asleep Generally peaceful.

But what caught their eyes was the comrade in arms who was holding a spear and walking side by side with him just now, and whispered to him a certain peasant woman who came with the caravan with a lot of aftertaste, and squeezed out his wallet and money. Some other things, this man laughs shamelessly, he is fearless and brave, he is a veteran and a true friend who can relieve himself from the fear of facing the enemy.

But the next moment his spear fell down, and he raised his wrist and yelled at his mother in disbelief, tears, snot and saliva flying all over his face in embarrassment.

When he knelt on the ground, he realized that the earth-colored double-layer linen robe he was wearing was bulging with a big red hole, and the hemp rope tied around his waist could not hold the weight inside. Come here, the ruptured intestines flowed out with other things.

He is not dead yet, so I don't feel the anger to avenge him. I just want to do my best to help him cover his belly, and even the more primitive impulse is to help him stuff his intestines back, but he can't help him stretch out his hand. Thinking of something flying up when the explosion happened just now, I caught it and grabbed it in my arms. Now I feel wet and greasy. When I picked it up, it was his frostbitten hand.

The blood dripped into the soil and rolled into little balls.

The hand is still twitching.

At this time, the explosion that frightened people before is no longer terrible. What is terrible is that blood is pouring into the head, and there is no sound in the ears. An inescapable heavy heartbeat.

His head was white, and everything in front of him was chaotic, until someone pushed him hard and bumped past him, his spear had already been thrown away, and he didn't know where he was going to run or whether he could escape from the army formation, what? Military music, military officers, the most useless things that are usually the most useless when people need help most, all suddenly disappeared.

Then, out of the corner of the eye, I noticed a knight galloping in front of the formation with his spear held high and heavy horseshoes on his feet. He turned around and swept across the formation with his arms raised. He was actually shouting, but no one could hear it except for the few people at the front——suddenly All the sound came back again, because one could see the sky behind the knight, covered with small black dots.

Some moments may have passed and it is difficult to recall exactly what happened at that time, but as long as the impression is deep enough, no matter how long the past has passed, you can clearly recall a sound or a smell at that time, and it will leave a mark on people for a lifetime.

At this moment, the mercenaries from all over France, Switzerland, and Germany in the phalanx will always remember the smell of blood and gunpowder smoke, the sackcloth being torn apart with the neighing of horses as the background sound, and the most miserable screams.

No one knows exactly how many linen robes were pierced, just as no one can count how many soldiers were shot at this moment.

The tiger squatting guns erected in front of the Ming army spewed lingering gunpowder smoke, the scatter tube and the skids fell into the dust one after another in mid-air, and the cast iron pellets flew hundreds of steps away and fell into the square like raindrops. The battle results are far inferior to the explosion of the Shenwei rocket.

This kind of distance, unless it hits the eyes together, can only bring pain, and the pain... for a short moment, the mind doesn't seem to be his own. How can the French soldiers feel pain?

There is also a Fran cannon still firing.

On the chaotic battlefield, the gunners of the Franco gun position on the left side abandoned their guns and fled because the rockets fell nearby, but the gunners on the right side still stuck to their posts, firing shotguns forward as much as possible, and the time for changing sub-guns was shortened to a minimum , even if your hand was burned by the hot handle of the blunderbuss, you didn’t notice it, because—the cavalry of the Ming army came, and those plate-armored iron Buddhas in plate armor, bowls on their heads, and heavy armor on horses rushed forward with whistles up.

The long flail was thrown several times in vain, and finally it was swung on the helmeted head of the artilleryman. The sound sounded like a bell, and then he was knocked to the ground by the gourd, and was trampled into meat by the horse.

The smoke from scattered musketry rose from the French army's position, but there were few fallen horses in the Iron Pagoda. On the road, they used a small number of pistols, bows and arrows to fight back symbolically, and quickly swept across the flanks of the position, covering and killing the chaotic French cavalry who were chaotic by the rocket explosion. go.

(End of this chapter)

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