open sea

Chapter 1210 The Madman

Chapter 1210 The Madman
In the east of Panama City, in the courtyard of the Youjing Yamen, Deng Zilong was holding a knife with his eyebrows pointed at the ground.

He didn't exert any strength on the blade, but its weight of up to nine catties caused the muffled sound of the weapon to pass through the bluestone.

Although it seems that times have changed, Deng Zilong has always stubbornly believed that cold weapons will always occupy a place in this world, just like Chen Mu persuaded him to give up letting infantry use fast guns in the early years, but he himself put the sword head in the bird gun superior.

After so many years, Deng Zilong's sword has been changed several times, but the weight is always the same. Now the long sword he uses is a sailor-shaped sword with a sharp eyebrow. On the basis of strengthening the pricking effect, it can also be called a fish head knife.

The reason why it is said to be a sailor form is that the addition of reverse blades can increase the fault tolerance rate in relatively chaotic local battlefields.

If you don't hit it, stab it out; if you don't hit it, you can pick it back.

Today's Panama, the Qilin Guard on the shore of the Atlantic Ocean, has thousands of such weapons.

Of course, the knives used by ordinary sailors are slightly shorter and lighter than Deng Zilong's. Even the heaviest Yanyue knife they use is only five catties.

Marshal Deng has been waiting for the enemy to learn all of Chen Mu's tricks, and everyone will use bird guns, and then his long knife team will be able to rush into the enemy's formation and kill all directions.

But there is one most critical problem that he only recently figured out.

It turns out that apart from Daming... other people have to worry about running out of gunpowder. It's not that the gunpowder runs out on the battlefield and there is no supply, but that the armed forces will give up using firearms due to insufficient gunpowder.

Is the world like this?

He, who insisted on letting soldiers use cold weapons, could not help but shake his firm heart in the face of such information.

"Brother Manjue, you came just in time."

Deng Zilong danced a knife, put the long knife on the weapon rack, and walked towards the gate of the atrium. Lin Manjue, under the guidance of the guards, just bypassed the Western-style governor's office and entered the vast courtyard repaired by Deng Zilong.

"I was just saying I was looking for you. The imperial court sent some officers' armor on the last ship this year. They said that special materials were added inside to prevent bird guns from approaching and shooting." Deng Zilong raised his hand and patted his chest. How much did you sink in the past, your guerrilla army has thirteen pairs."

What Deng Zilong wears is the Ming Dynasty's new steel, ceramic, and copper-decorated composite breastplate and new bowl helmet. The armor and armor skirt have bulletproof designs on the chest, abdomen, waist, back, and thighs. Composite materials for enhanced protection—that's what the ship's officer who delivered the armor said.

No one in the Dongyang military government has tried it, and domestic production capacity is limited. Only 340 sets of this kind of armor were delivered to the Dongyang military government, mainly for the emperor to reward meritorious officers and prevent them from being assassinated at close range.

In the eyes of the imperial court, the relationship between the Eastern military government and Spain is very hot. Counting the money under the trade treaty makes your hands cramp. Besides, the mountains are high and the emperor is far away. However, the limited good weapons and armor must be scrambled by the domestic first, and it depends on the efforts of the emperor and Beiyang to send some to Dongyang.

The armor was limited, and it was specially given to officers, so apart from Chen Mu, no one else in the Dongyang Military Mansion would really test whether it could defend against muskets.

It was obvious that Lin Manjue had something to do when he came over. He walked in a hurry, even after hearing Deng Zilong say that the new armor could prevent the bird gun from approaching and shooting, his frown did not ease much.

He greeted Deng Zilong first with a military salute, then looked around, approached and whispered cautiously: "Shuai Deng, can you back away from the left and right, I have something important to report in my humble position."

The guerrilla commander's tone and demeanor made Deng Zilong aware of the seriousness of the matter. With suspicion, he waved to the left and right guards to make them retreat, turned to the gazebo in the corner of the courtyard and said, "Go over there, it's... Lautaro's injury?"

Lin Manjue shook his head.

Lautaro's injury may not be able to recover. This is no secret in Ukyo. The breastplate on his body was punched with more than a dozen holes by the spray from the Fran machine gun, let alone the people inside. The Youjing military doctor took out all the iron sheets that could be taken out, but the really terrible one dared to touch it and could not touch it.

If it is hit by a musket, it doesn't matter where it hit, as long as there is a possibility of taking it out, military doctors who are used to life and death will try their luck, but cannons spray?No one wants to try.

It may be more painful to not move, but people can last for a few days. The highest record of this kind of injury in the Eastern Army was on the [-]th. Standing upright, the same two people almost blocked all the scatter of the tiger squatting cannon. After the battle, the banner army cleaned the battlefield and found that this person was still alive, so they gave him medicine to keep him alive.

It's just maintenance, this kind of internal and external injuries can't be saved even if Yan Wangdi and Chen Shigong are here.

Lautaro's injury was more serious than that of the Spanish soldier, and he has survived that time, and the affairs he needs to arrange have also been arranged. In the eyes of most people, it is only a matter of time before the South Asian hero dies.

No one will be surprised when he lets go.

But apart from Lautaro, anything is big for Deng Zilong.

"It's the southern border. After Lautaro attacked Cali city and was injured in Peru, the western army took advantage of the victory and pursued it. They also dispatched a headless youth army leader from Peru to take advantage of the leaderless opportunity to fight east and west. Rebels from all over the country surrendered and fought until border."

Sitting in the gazebo, Deng Zilong paused holding the cocoa beans, then continued to pick up one and put it in his mouth, nodding his head and chewing slowly, waiting for Lin Manjue's next words.

There is no turmoil inside.

Hitting the border means that the commander of the Western Army has not actually regained much of the land controlled by the Lautaro Rebels.

In other words, he has recovered a lot of land, but those lands are not safe to defend, and are not suitable for planting and grazing. They are lands that are extremely easy to attack.

But Lin Manjue didn't come to him just to talk about these trivial matters, Deng Zilong suddenly became a little worried.

"He led 55 legions to Zhumapo in the southwest of Medellin, and there were [-] people stationed in the general banner Tang Dazhang and the banner army." Lin Manjue said: "Tang Dazhang said that when the head of the Western Army planned to lead the army to leave, there There was a bang, and then the two sides fought."

"They... fired the guns?"

In Deng Zilong's eyes, it has always been a very risky thing for the Ming army to receive the land recovered by Lautaro, and the garrison set up a border to build a barrier for Lautaro. He is not sure whether the Spaniards will accept it.

He also thought that the Spaniards would forcibly break into the border, for example, and the superior force put away their weapons and rushed to open the border defense. It's not a small trouble, but this is the most likely scenario in Deng Zilong's mind.

He thought about it many times, but it never occurred to him that the Spaniard would shoot first.

There was no anger on Deng Zilong's face, or even the idea of ​​revenge. He just put his hand on the stone table and tapped it a few times, then suddenly stopped, and asked very seriously: "Are they crazy?"

 Good morning!

(End of this chapter)

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