open sea

Chapter 1213

Chapter 1213
Chen Mu rushed to Panama as soon as he got the news.

Arriving with him in Panama, there were still 120 well-equipped Northern Banner troops from the Juniper headquarters.

At least from this point of view, the research direction of the monks in Lima City is correct.

The soldiers of the Qilin Guard were joining the Marine Flag Army at the pier to unload the ship's artillery and carry luggage. Chen Mu was already galloping towards Panama City under the guard of his own soldiers.

To be honest, when the incident was first reported to Chen Muna, he really thought it was Deng Zilong's little joke.

Just as Deng Zilong learned in front of Lin Manjue, Chen Mu also thought the same way, not to mention shooting and fighting, even if he raised his fist, the Spaniard would not dare to hit his soldiers!

After confirming that this was a fact that happened in Colombia a few days ago, Chen Mu's mind almost exploded.

It is no exaggeration to say that he has seen everyone in the Beiyang Banner Army scattered in Asia and Europe. Although he is not very impressed with everyone including Tang Dazhang, the general banner, everyone has seen and said At least one sentence.

Now 37 banner troops including officers have died in battle, and judging from their actions, they are all good officers and banner troops.

When there is no doubt that death is inevitable, the officer takes the lead, and the small flag, deputy flag, and preaching take the lead. When the flag army can survive, the flag army protects the officer. After effective mobilization, organization, management, and instilling faith in soldiers who have no connection, their cohesion even Father and son soldiers and brother soldiers who surpassed the old army.

They almost showed Chen Mu's highest demands on the Beiyang Banner Army.

This was probably Chen Mu's demanding request, and he was very unwilling: How could an army composed of 56 people not stop the [-] soldiers of the Western Army?
The source of resignation is not to blame Tang Dazhang and others, but because he believes that if Tang Dazhang's troops resolutely formed an formation to resist or retreat, the casualties would be less.

The death squad formed by the two small banners is tragic enough and well-intentioned enough, but it has destroyed the already insignificant organization of the General Banner Department. The enemy forces recoiled in the area and forced them to retreat... But this is an afterthought that the two general flags on the flanks and the aboriginal rebels who were resting nearby moved after hearing the sound of the guns.

Chen Mu knew very well that humans are not machines.

It is also clear that the ultimate purpose of the organizational form of the army is to organize the scattered idiot individuals into dragons.

The individual strength is small but the collective strength is great. A well-trained, morale like rainbow, full of honor, risking life and death, and willing to break the banner may not be able to defeat a team composed of 3000 people but the hearts of the people are not in harmony. , Inferior troops with weak fighting spirit and capable of firing muskets with a single turn back.

"Don't read it, I read the information seventeen or eight times on the boat, where is Tang Dazhang?"

As soon as Chen Mu arrived in Youjing, Deng Zilong had already prepared all the required information, but it was not surprising compared to the information delivered to the military government earlier. More than [-] officers from Youjing, including Deng Zilong and Lin Manjue, gathered in the city to prepare for the discussion, just waiting for Chen Mu to arrive.

There is no need to report these things. People know that Chen Mu will definitely come, and they know what he will do when he comes.

This person's mind and consistent style are too easy for subordinates to understand, which is almost impossible to see in people of this level in the past, but in this era - it is possible.

In a sense, he is no longer a person, but a manifestation of the rising status of soldiers in the Ming Empire, and the embodiment of the highest honor of soldiers in the empire.

"I am humble!"

Tang Dazhang did not expect that the first thing the commander-in-chief entered the conference hall was to look for him. Standing in the penultimate seat near the door, he hurriedly left his seat and bowed his hands to salute. The penultimate one knocked him unconscious with a pier arrow on the battlefield Xiaoqi Xiang Denghu, the two of them originally had no chance to discuss with the military here, but as those who witnessed the conflict, they had to be there. Deng Zilong didn't think it was necessary to let him wait outside... As for Xiang Denghu, he was called here at the special request of Chen Mu of.

"The battle was fought well. Your subordinates are all warriors. Mr. Chen has sent the battle report to Xiazhou. The court will reward you in the spring of next year, Xiang Denghu."

As soon as Chen Mu finished speaking, Xiang Denghu, who was next to Tang Dazhang with his neck exposed and his body wrapped in bandages, also left his seat and saluted: "The humble job is here!"

"Disrespecting the chief's order should have been dismissed and sent back to the village. Because the guard chief is eager, he will be fined for one year, and the fine will be executed after the court rewards him."

The two clasped their fists together and said: "The humble official takes orders, thank you, Commander!"

Chen Mu glanced at the many officers in the hall, and then he let out a sigh of relief: "Can the corpses of the fallen flag soldiers be taken away by the Western Army?"

This time it was Lin Manjue's turn to answer, he cupped his hands and said: "The western army retreated in a hurry, not only did they not take away our army's corpses, but they didn't even take away some of their own corpses. 55 bodies were never taken away."

"The Western Army once sent people to ask for it, but the frontier guards did not give it back; however, our army's twelve world peace guns, the flag troops' belongings, lighters and water bottles, a tiger squatting cannon, and [-] catties of gunpowder were stored for the Western Army. Take it away." Lin Manjue finished speaking in one breath, and then continued after taking a breath: "Now the equipment has been assembled for the Western Army, waiting for me to receive it."

Chen Mu didn't speak, and no one dared to return the corpses... Who knows how much money this rich man will ask the Spaniards for these corpses.

Chen Mu didn't answer the question about the corpse or equipment, he just asked: "What is Peru doing now?"

"On the third day of the change in Mapo, the Governor ordered the transfer of southern Chilean troops and the soldiers of the Gordo Legion to Lima City. Six days later, the garrisons in various places were fully reduced, and the Potosi silver mine also stopped production at the same time."

Lin Manjue said from memory, looked down at the information, looked up and said: "At present, more than [-] troops have been assembled near Lima, [-] small boats and two large ships in the port to deal with the conflict."

"Okay, I don't apologize when something happens, I must know that apologizing will not do anything, so I just stop dying, that's okay."

Chen Mu nodded one after another, and finally sneered, then nodded and said: "There are 32 ships, then their ships will be stuck in the port and don't come out."

"Receive, return the corpses to them, there is nothing to keep for the corpses of the leader of the broken army, and send an official document to ask them to take all the corpses away before the fifteenth day of the first month of the Ming Dynasty, including Pizarro's mummy in the church in Lima, Peru All the Spanish ancestral graves in Ecuador, Colombia, and Ecuador were taken away and put into coffins and boarded the ship. Before the [-]th day of the first lunar month, the Haiphong will allow these ships to leave the port and leave the New World to return to Spain by the southern route... In addition, we must continue Spaniards who stay in the New World stay here."

"The commander-in-chief wants to start a war?"

Chen Mu shook his head: "I didn't say start a war, let's try their reaction, let's ignore them first, don't worry about the maritime affairs. Between Panama and Medellin, we need to gather [-] Beiyang Banner troops and [-] Lin Shuai guerrillas The army and soldiers will be dispatched by Deng Shuai, and Chen will also land with a thousand households, and immediately go to the border line to prepare for the occupation of Cali and open the passage to Ecuador."

"Chen is ready to pay the miners in Potosí. Now I give them the power to choose whether everyone should leave before the [-]th day of the first lunar month, or fight a war before leaving."

(End of this chapter)

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