open sea

Chapter 1219 The Museum

Chapter 1219 The Museum
In this world, it is very difficult to have people that Da Ming cannot find.

The originally expected large-scale military conflict did not take place as scheduled, and even the South Asian rebels, who were eager to fight, sighed.

After the "Gift to the Emperor" operation, Longlegs followed the pickaxes and marched southwest along the ridge like countless small South Asian rebels.

They bypassed the smoky coal fields, passed through the ruins of villages and towns, and crossed dense forests. Before the first month came out after the big bang, he had already followed the Beiyang Banner Army to the city of Quito on the equator.

Ecuador means equator in Spanish. It is now understood by the Ming army as a province of the Viceroyalty of Peru, but in fact this province does not exist. The Spaniards just call it the equator. It is only in the eyes of the Ming Banner Army It looks like a province, but what really exists are the nineteen Inca settlements under it.

There are more than ten aboriginal villages in each settlement, the largest village has 700 people, and the smallest has only 23 people.

Thanks to the Governor of Peru, Toledo, the population change data of each settlement over the years has been well preserved. In the entire Equateur province, there are only more than [-] aborigines.

At most, 60 people lived here. Since Governor Toledo took office in the second year of Wanli, the Governor-General of Peru creatively set up a corvée named Mita system for the aborigines, allowing them to enter the villages of the reservation. For management, one-seventh of the young men are conscripted every year to participate in mining, bridge repair, and plantation labor, and work nine to ten hours a day.

The time is correct, it is nine to ten hours.

The Spaniards did not kill people on a large scale, but exhaustion, hunger, and illness caused the laborers to die in droves.

Year after year of death hangs over the indigenous people of Peru, and now it is difficult for the Spaniards to catch new laborers.

It was also in the city of Quito that many leaders of the South Asian rebels believed that they had fulfilled their mission. The rebels sang and danced outside the city, overthrew the gates in the city, and led their men to return home amidst the cheers of the South Asian natives’ celebration outside the city. Township road.

The Beiyang Banner Army stayed in Quito City for four days longer than planned, and then left [-] Banner Army households before the army continued to sweep down to the southwest with the remaining rebels.

As the city of Quito established on the basis of an important city in the Inca era, Chen Mu found that there were still many historical sites in the ancient city that had not been destroyed by the Spaniards after entering the city. He stayed for four days longer than planned to count these historical sites. Which ones take away and which ones stay here.

Even if he looked at it with the worst eyes, there was nothing about the Aboriginal monuments that needed to be destroyed-the Spaniards had done everything they could, should, and shouldn't do before then.

He just needs to pick out some things, not limited to the monuments of the Inca era, but also the sculptures, paintings and other works of art left here by the Spaniards. Part of it was completely disassembled, cut, and shipped back to Beijing.

He will send a letter to the emperor with the batch of things shipped back to China, suggesting to open museums in Beijing, Nanjing, and Youjing. Afterwards, among the selected cultural relics that are not so exquisite, they will be sent to Youjing Museum.

Send the Aztecs, the Inca, and the Spanish relics on this land to the museum.

In his mind, this move is very important, so important that it seems that only when this is done can Asia truly complete its farewell ceremony to Spain.

But Chen Mu did not edit the county chronicles for any big city, nor did he erect a monument. Although he drafted an inscription, he finally decided that he could not write the inscription himself, but handed it over to the deputy thousand households who stayed behind in Quito City, waiting for the future. The third generation of Lautaro from Panama, the guerrilla general Lin Xiao, came to do this.

"Yesterday you said that Lautaro's long-cherished wish will be fulfilled by you, and that his courage and spirit will last forever, but now you are saying that you want all Chinese schools in Asia to translate Lautaro as Lin Xiao from now on? "

"It's getting too fast, isn't it?"

Deng Zilong couldn't see through Chen Mu's hypocrisy, and complained on the marching road, which attracted Chen Mu, who was sitting on the horse, squinting and ridiculing: "It is not wise for two generals to gather together on the way to the enemy city, Commander Deng, why don't you go to the front Son?"

"I'll go to the front, and Lin Huer will tell you how many coal mines are still smoking in Colombia?"

Deng Zilong, who was a little behind and kept pace with him, had long been used to threats from Chen Mu, which had no lethal effect on him, just as Chen Mu had long been used to ridiculing him: "Although the guerrilla army has already marched 180 miles to scout, if you want to come It must be safe and sound, but it is still too risky for Lin Huer to be in the Chinese army."

"I'll support him in the back, so it's easier to talk about things... Tell me, what do you think, why do you want to erase Lautaro's achievements?"

Chen Mu looked at the undulating mountains in the distance and shook his head, saying: "I didn't erase Lautaro's meritorious service, nor did I erase Lautaro's existence, I just erased a guerrilla general under his command. He has sacrificed blood, but in the future, when others mention his name, he will not think of his feats, at least in this land, people will only think of the great achievements of the liberators of South Asia."

"In my understanding, Lautaro's long-cherished wish is to liberate South Asia and restore peace to South Asia. Maybe his wish is that the people in South Asia will be like when the Westerners did not come, but that's impossible, it's too long ago, old people with memories of the past They have all died long ago, and the South Asian rebels count as one, and you can see from them how the Inca lived in the past?"

"Their politics is not the Mita system stipulated by the Spaniards; their military is not wearing a breastplate and riding a Spanish horse with a spear; their culture is not going into a mine to chew coca leaves; their sacrifice is not going to a church worship here."

"At this moment, the imprint of Western countries on them is erased, and the old Inca memories no longer exist. What can fill their emptiness and make them no longer confused? Our culture is not a colonial culture. We are not good at diplomacy with other countries, we are good at turning international diplomacy into domestic politics."

"How can the natives of South Asia, or the whole of Asia, survive in peace? Listen to enlightenment and don't mess around."

"On this point, I believe that the result of Lautaro's wish is the same as my pursuit. I helped him achieve his wish. The interpretation of this name is naturally explained by me. People will always remember his deeds and his spirit. Changed the name."

Speaking of this, Chen Mu turned his horse's head and turned to the short slope beside the road, reined in his horse and turned his head, watching the Beiyang army marching southwestward on the official road beside him, he said: "He is a great man, but I'm not."

"When I go to sea, I will bear the fate of the country. If I am negligent, it will lay the groundwork for the situation in the world a hundred years later. I will not be a great person."

(End of this chapter)

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