open sea

Chapter 1225

Chapter 1225
Little Brother Zuo pressed the wrist release knife, making sure he could draw it out at any time.

He was very familiar with this exotic straight-edged knife, but he didn't have enough confidence to kill the old noble guard with his hand on the long sword in the first place when an accident happened.

The wrist-removing knife is usually used for assassination or slaughter. I heard that Ming soldiers often used it to cut off the tendons on the enemy's neck to take the head after the battle. However, it is not good at chopping and has no hand guards. Brother decided that if there was any change in the guard on the opposite side, he would run into it first. As long as the long sword could not be swung, he would be able to protect his sister and nephew.

The nephew is the key to allowing the siblings to survive this disaster.

From the names of the two people on the left and right, it can be seen how casually their parents named them. In fact, they are both accidental. Their father is a second-generation Spanish mixed-race veteran, and their mother is a local aboriginal slave in Lima. Before holding a wedding in a church, there was a sister on the right first, and then an elder brother on the left, the left. Because the father had been recruiting with the army to suppress the rebellion all the year round, he didn’t take good care of the family, the left died early, and then the younger left.

Although no one can tell whether their mother is a wife or a slave to the alcoholic father, but in the end a dozen or so thoughts of life rely on the alcoholic, and the siblings can get along just fine, hungry for a year and full for a year. Years, much better than most of the mulattos born in Peru.

At that time, whether they were full or hungry, it depended on when the kingdom far away in Spain was in a good mood and paid the army.

Because of the rebellion of the Netherlands for three years, the king was in a bad mood, even affecting his father's mood. He beat their mother to death after being drunk once.

Later, my father served normally until the first war in Mingxi was fought on Cangmingzong. At that time, Peru didn't care that it was called Cangmingzong. Because of Magellan's naming, everyone called that sea the Pacific Ocean.

On the eve of the expedition, he got drunk again, but he made an exception and did not beat their siblings after being drunk. Instead, he said that they had discovered a new land, and he kept talking about what Pizarro could do, and he could do it. Luanyu said that when he came back this time, he would buy a large manor and plantation for his siblings, and said that if he went to the new continent to become the governor, he would not have to worry about them starving to death--it has not had time to move people, The drunkard thought about it again, and said: If you two starve to death, I don't have to worry about it anymore, and fell asleep after speaking.

No one takes these wishes seriously. No matter what a drunk said the night before, he will forget it when he wakes up the next or third day. He said nothing as [-] soldiers boarded the ship.

At that time, the destination of the Spanish galleon sailed was Guam, but the place seemed to have changed its name in people's minds later. People called it the Battle of Linlai Island. Anyway, Brother Zuo waited for three days on the shore. After several months, it was finally confirmed that the old bastard was not among the survivors.

Later, the life of the siblings at the seaside was far worse than before, and the little Zuo brother who had no choice but to hang out on the street could not go on anymore, helpless, neither the Spaniards nor the Incas accepted him. Mixed-race children who do not hold together are even more difficult to accept. When the Governor of Peru recruited soldiers, he became a sailor for the Governor-General of Peru at a young age.

The status of the sailors is low, the class on the ship is clear, and they are the most depressed and angry. Xiao Zuo originally thought that he would be like this in his life, and he didn't know when he would be buried in the belly of the fish. The siblings finally ushered in their own luck.

It was not long after the Second Ming-Xi War started, and when the situation between the Ming army and the Bernal Legion landed in Mexico was still unclear, an exotic merchant ship with hard sails was washed ashore by waves, and the stern rudder was broken by shells. The sailors fled desperately, only the sister found the ship at night.

Later, my sister said that the boat was stranded on the beach next to their house. When she ran aboard, she was stunned by the scene inside the cabin—the wood of the whole boat was beautiful red, and the walls of the cabin were covered with beautiful hangings. It’s an extremely portrait painting. All kinds of wood and paper lamps are hung on the boxy grids on the roof of the cabin. Some of those lamps are on the top, and some fall to the ground, but they extinguish themselves and cannot cause a fire.

On the sloping cabin deck, bottles and jars made of pure white gemstones that she had never seen, as well as the fragments produced by their collisions, were painted with colorful patterns on portraits, animals, and landscapes, which she had never seen before. People and things I have seen.

Of course, my sister later recalled that there should have been corpses in luxurious costumes and falling shells and weapons in the cabin at that time, but she couldn't make herself pay attention to those unbeautiful sights at the time. At the end of the cabin, a foreign man was still alive. Her hair was combed in a high bun, covered with a delicate black net, her forehead was scratched by the corner of the table and bleeding, her chin had a well-trimmed beard that was neither long nor short, and she was wearing a short robe that she had never seen before. , with a clever crossbow pointing at himself in one hand, and a dagger without a guard in the other hand to protect the box behind him.

On the pieces of pure white gemstones everywhere, the crimson, white and blue satin covering the deck of the wooden box was also wrapped around the man, he said in jerky Spanish that his name was Ren Ping.

Delita tried to recall many times after that. Ren Ping always said that he said a lot at that time, threatened her and bribed her, but she didn't remember them all. He said he was from Huizhou of the Ming Empire, but she thought he should be God.

Only a god would ride such a magnificent ship and wear such exquisite fabrics.

So she firmly believes that it is her duty to rescue the gods in distress.

What happened later was like a reincarnation. During the confrontation in the sea battle of Turtle Island, the fleet where Brother Zuo was in confronted the terrifyingly powerful Ming fleet for half a month. The captain of the fleet ordered to return, and most of the people returned to Lima safely He also took a look at the Nantang ship from a distance, thinking that if he continued to stay in the army, he would lose his life at sea sooner or later, so he applied for discharge. When he returned, he found that there were more people in his family.


Like their mother, Little Zuo couldn't tell whether his sister was a wife or a servant to the enemy who let his hair down and pretended to be an Incas.

In fact, it is not important to the siblings, what is important is that he seldom drinks, and even when he is drunk, he does not beat anyone. He just speaks rhythmically at night in a language that no one can understand. Light a fire, sing and dance on a deserted beach, or sit on a cliff facing the waves and blow a stick with holes in it, and raise a cup to toast the moon.

But more often, Ren Ping will do useful things, teach his elder sister to weave, use wood to make a machine that can make one person spin and weave faster than ten people; teach his younger brother the skills of counting and doing business, and how to deal with relationship between people.

Later, the Second Ming-Xi War ended with Marshal Chen Mu of the Ming Empire and Duke Alva of the Kingdom of Spain signing a peace treaty in Mexico... For them, it is not worth caring who wins or loses this war.

Peace is far more important than winning or losing.

The elder sister was pregnant with Xiao Yuer, and the younger brother escorted Ren Ping to Changsheng, and followed him to Luzon.

Ren Ping never came back. He docked in Luzon and handed over the full cargo to Xiao Zuo, saying that he would take another boat to continue westward on the trade route to India, and entrusted him to take care of Xiao Yuer and Xiao Zuo. elder sister.

In this way, the two mixed-race children had a dream about the gods from the West, and their lives changed dramatically. They opened their own shop in the center of Lima City, and became extraordinary people in the city. Live a life that you never thought possible before.

In fact, there is also a record of this incident in the Eastern Army Mansion. It is about the conquest of the Eastern Army's supply ships that year, and there is only one sentence.

"Fanhai was hit by the wind, and a sea boat with 16 people from Quanzhou drifted away, and [-] people from Huizhou Renping on the bow were missing. '

(End of this chapter)

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