open sea

Chapter 1230

Chapter 1230
In ancient Europe, it was very common for bandits and bandits to kidnap plague doctors.

Because these plague doctors are not experts or famous doctors, most of them are helpless after the plague hit the villages and towns, so they raised money to hire them.

They are generally not high-level and do not have excellent medical skills. Most of them are second-rate township doctors, people who cannot gain a foothold in the hospital, young people who are fledgling and want to prove themselves, and amateurs who are temporarily cramming.

For example, this time London sent two plague doctors who were kidnapped on the road, and one of them was a fruit salesman in the vegetable market on the south bank of the Thames River before applying.

Another good point is that although he also came from a vegetable market, he is a butcher and was also employed as a ship's doctor by a merchant ship on the Netherlands route.

Usually, plague doctors are kidnapped, and the towns that employ them are willing to pay a ransom that is several times or even ten times higher than the usual number of people to redeem them, so that they can enter the epidemic area.

Under religious teachings, no one is allowed to dissect corpses, except for plague doctors... because the death rate in this profession is too high, regardless of laws or teachings, there is actually nothing that can restrain them.

Usually when a plague breaks out, ten plague doctors who enter the epidemic area can return one after the end and bring back a small amount of information about the epidemic.

However, in view of the medical skills of the two half-baked plague doctors, Drake didn't think they could have a higher level of medical skills than Cao Changqing, so he didn't plan to pay their ransom at all.

Maybe the cats were all killed. No one in England could stop the rats from multiplying wildly. When the plague spread, the city was full of crazy rats.

The English are not fools either. They have discovered the mysterious connection between the plague and cats: it must be evil cats that bring the plague.

So as long as all the cats are killed, the plague will be destroyed by itself!

In Cao Changqing's view, this is the great disrespect of the British natives to Lord Lu of Ming Dynasty!

Through a simple formula, we can know that 'Lu Wangye's brother is equal to a big orange', 'a big orange is equal to a cat'.

In the same way, 'Lord Lu's brother is equal to Emperor Wanli' is also correct.

So, what is the connection between cats and Emperor Wanli?

Luedian people are very disrespectful!

The East City of Plymouth was divided into four neighborhoods by Cao Daochang of the Muye Club, and the two nearest districts were called Yong'anfang and Qing'anfang.

According to the ancient naming habits of the Central Plains Dynasty, the names usually represent good wishes. They have always been called Yong'an, Qing'an, and Anding.

This is no exception. Thinking about it, I know that the Yamen in Plymouth will not sell any good land to the Muye Clubhouse.

Yonganfang has the largest vegetable market in Plymouth, surrounded by soldiers and sailors, and Qing'anfang has the largest brothel and apprentice street in Plymouth.

It is not the sailors and soldiers who are prone to crowds and chaos, but the seemingly stable apprentices.

Since England promulgated the "Artisan Act" in Jiajing 42 to publicly restrict the movement of apprentices to protect the interests of elderly craftsmen, householders and shopkeepers, the life of apprentices has become even more miserable.

They pay high tuition fees and suffer humiliation during their studies. No matter male apprentices are tied to pillars and beaten until they vomit blood and are not given food or drink, or female apprentices’ clothes are pawned by gangsters, they cannot participate in normal religious activities or even have sex with dirty people. living together.

They can bear these hardships.

What makes them most dissatisfied is that all walks of life recruit a large number of cheap rural labor, which increases the difficulty of employment for regular apprentices; in order to maintain their monopoly position, guilds continue to extend the schooling system, raise membership fees, cancel apprentice wages, and suppress the normal promotion of apprentices and helpers.

There are also older apprentices who never graduate.

The ever-increasing competitive pressure and uncertain employment prospects will undoubtedly exacerbate social conflicts. Therefore, communities where apprentices live are most prone to riots such as drunken riots and fights.

Just a few days ago, there was a big conflict in Qing'anfang. A dozen apprentices first surrounded the brothel, and then clashed with the French clients of the brothel during the riot, and died for no reason.

Except for Daming who has a resident guild hall, foreigners like the French and the Dutch all live in Yong'an Square with the sailors, but their captains may live in brothels. It is not a day or two that apprentices hate foreigners.

Many foreign artisans took their jobs, especially in London.

But apprentices can't beat foreigners with knives and guns, let alone provoke Ming people.

There are only over [-] people in the entire city of Plymouth, and apprentices account for less than one-twentieth of them, and there are only over [-] plus old craftsmen, and there are nearly forty Ming people staying in the city today. Hundreds of people.

Not to mention the castle-like enclosures and all kinds of weapons. If you bully the French and the Dutch, it means that they urgently need to vent their depression. If you seek out the Ming people, it means that the person is extremely depressed and simply does not want to live.

But after that conflict, the streets are quiet now. The apprentices in Qing'an Square don't mess around, and the sailors in Yong'an Square don't mess around, because the severe epidemic prevents them from fighting.

The street is quiet, the ground is not quiet.

Crowds of rats rolled back and forth like black clouds on the dirty dirt road, with a tingling momentum, rushing one after another to the water well under the weight of the boulders. End to end rushed to another street.

At the corner of the intersection stood three sailors wearing dirty clothes. They had daggers pinned to their waists, their faces were covered with thick mud, and daggers pinned to their waists. The triangle is worn on the chest.

There's arsenic in there.

Seeing Cao Changqing leading people coming, several sailors took off their round caps and bowed their heads to pay tribute. They were volunteers from the neighborhood who stood up spontaneously.

In fact, Cao Changqing's original idea was that everyone stay in the tavern room, stay at home, stay in any place where they can stay at ease and not go out, but it can't be done, even if the body collector is pushing and carrying five bodies wrapped in sackcloth The dead bodies were heading in the direction of the monastery, and there were still people walking around in Yong'an Square behind them.

Even with the use of knives, guns and artillery, no one can prevent the people of Yong'an Square from going out.

Because they have to go to the toilet, and Plymouth has no toilets like France - which may not be accurate.

In a small town like this with a population of less than [-], the center of the town is not the political center, but the place with the largest flow of people. Naturally, it is a vegetable market.

The toilet is in a small street next to the vegetable market. Every European town has such a small street. It is next to the vegetable market. It may be called Wooden Street, Squat Butt Street, or Hut Lane. It is always an open-air toilet. .

People going to the market will go to the toilet there, and people nearby will also dump their excrement there. This is just a habit.

In the words of a textile master in Troyes in the [-]th century who protested against the judge’s violation of his basic human rights to defecate there: “Our fathers defecated there, and now I defecate there, and my children will defecate there too!”

 Good morning, happy new year, this is a special Spring Festival, I hope everyone is free from illness and disaster, God bless China.

(End of this chapter)

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