open sea

Chapter 1232 Wonders

Chapter 1232 Wonders
Daming Port, Seville, Spain.

On the Guancheng Pavilion built on the mountain wall, Li Dan raised his hand to smooth the folds of the scarlet silk robe, took the blue and white porcelain bowl painted by the maid from the stone table, took two sips of the drink called chocolate by the Spaniards, and raised his eyebrows , signaling Yang Ce who was sitting across from him to relax.

"Try it, the Spaniards get cocoa beans from Asia, grind them into powder, add water and sugar."

Yang Ce is not as leisurely and elegant as Li Dan. He shakes his head and overlooks Daming Port. There are scattered camps at the foot of the mountain. Houses and shops have been built on the coast near the port. The streets and courtyards are surrounded by huge warehouses. Several turrets all show that Daming has completely taken this land into his hands.

Nor could he be as indifferent as Li Dan, whose ship had just docked when the plague appeared in Seville.

The ships of the Han Kingdom came to replenish supplies. The production capacity of the Azores Islands was not enough to support a large number of garrisons. There are not enough supplies to deal with the siege, and every few days a fleet will come to Seville to purchase supplies.

It is both official business and a holiday for the pirates on board.

But he didn't expect to encounter a plague. He didn't even ask people what kind of plague it was. He didn't care about loading the water and food left on the shore, so he fled into Daming Harbor with his empty boat and sail.

It is no exaggeration to say that even though it does not count as the King of Min of the Han Kingdom or the Four Sea Kings recognized by the Han Kingdom, Yang Ce and his pirates are the most frightening ones on the coast of Europe and Africa in the Great East. that one.

The emergence of hegemony puts everyone in the west coast of Europe at risk, and when he is entrusted to intervene in the European war, it completely disrupts the strategic deployment of France, Britain, and the Netherlands.

With his superior professionalism, he ruined his counterparts throughout Europe.

In fact, if the European pirates had achieved his achievements, they would basically be able to retire... Such great achievements will be praised hundreds of years later.

But as a Daming person, no way.

Pirates are also a shameful profession for Europeans, but those who are reduced to being pirates at sea often don't care about the shame.

The Central Plains Dynasty was not good. The earliest ancient pirates could be traced back to the time of Confucius. The old man traveled to study at sea, and when he came back, he told the king of Lu to "build a city in case of bandits". In Europe, the English could cross the sea to rob Spain, and the Portuguese could cross the sea to plunder France. When they go back, they still have serious identities.

The pirates of the Central Plains Dynasty went out to sea from Guangdong to plunder Fujian, and from Fujian to plunder Zhejiang. They went around to rob the emperor's son, and they couldn't get away as traitors.

Naturally, there are not many choices left for them, either to be wiped out by the government or to be recruited, if they don't want to choose either of these two paths - the seniors have also expanded the advanced career tree for the latecomers: the king.

Therefore, there were almost no real big pirates in the Central Plains Dynasty, or those big pirates were no longer pirates. For example, Chen Zuyi, who was offered a reward of 750 million taels of silver by Zhu Di, was the king of the Three Buddhas, Qi Bolin, and the war against pirates in the Ming Dynasty. It can also be called the Battle of Bolin State to Destroy the Country.

Just last year, Lin Daoqian of Fenghuang Port reported to the Nanyang Military Mansion with the Lord of the Three Buddhas Qi Feilong, hoping that the emperor would make the Lord of Feilong king, because their former leader, Zhang Lian, a pirate from Raoping County, Chaozhou Prefecture, committed suicide at that time. No. Flying Dragon Emperor.

Of course, I didn't report this matter to the emperor, but I just wanted the emperor to make him a king, because according to the official records of the Ming Dynasty, the flying dragon emperor should have died under Yu Dayou's hands.

But even though Yang Ce and his European counterparts did not climb the same career tree, he was also afraid of the plague.

People always hope and believe that tragedies and bad news will only come to others, and only happen to the ears that are close at hand but thousands of miles away.

And I am free from disaster, and I am always outside the pain and howling.

Standing on the sidelines has power only when it doesn't happen.

Yang Ce still hadn't recovered from the fright of the plague, and said suspiciously: "Are you sure there is no plague in Daming Port? If it doesn't work, let's go, let's go, go to Azores, or go back to Asia if not."

"Don't panic, drink this, the plague is more than ten miles away from here, you are safe now, all of you are safe, look at Seville, that city is not in a panic."

Li Dan looked in Yang Ce's direction, looking over his shoulder, he could see the majestic Seville Cathedral. This pavilion built on the mountain wall was named Guancheng Pavilion, but it was actually invisible from here. In the city of Seville, only this church can be seen.

"In Haojing, I used to wonder why Puyi spent decades or even hundreds of years planning to build a church. The more magnificent the better, until I saw this."

He looked obsessively at the cathedral. In fact, there was a reason for his efforts to build the cathedral. Not only was it beautiful, but more importantly, it had practical benefits.

For example, the old Maozi believed in the Orthodox Church because the Russians saw it in Constantinople, wow, there is such a thing in the world, it is so spectacular!
Building wonders increases cultural influence.

"Don't worry." Li Dan turned around and said to the impatient Yang Ce: "There is no plague in Daming Port, not only is there no plague, but the plague can't enter."

Li Dan had been preparing for a long time, and he waited for two full years for the plague in Seville.

"The Spaniards are proud of Seville. They say it is the gateway to the New World. The gold in the city can build a bridge to Asia. Such a slum."

Li Dan thinks he is well-informed, but his time in Seville has greatly broadened his horizons.

He grew up living with a group of homeless children in Haojing. He knew that children can be poor, that people can be so bad that they can’t eat for a few days, and that there will be extreme phenomena no matter where they are, but he didn’t know that people can have This poor method.

Especially in a prosperous age.

This era is absolutely prosperous for Spain, and Seville is the richest city in Europe. The locals even compare it with Rome, which they have never been to and say that Rome is a city. old city.

But Seville is full of vagrants. In those dark and narrow alleys, vagrant children gather together to steal, rob, and kill.

They have no teacher, because no one wants to take them, not even the old thief, because the old thief is also very poor.

This matter is difficult to understand, but it is indeed difficult for the thieves in Seville to live a decent life. The gap between the rich and the poor in this city is too great.

Poor people can't steal anything of value, but they can only steal from poor people.

An inappropriate example, in Daming, even the most skilled thief would not choose to steal Chen Mu's money, even if Chen Mu stood defenseless in front of him.

As long as he knew that it was Chen Mu, as long as he wanted to live, he would not steal Chen Mu's money, because he knew he couldn't escape.

More importantly, Li Dan didn't know that the elderly in this city can be poor.

 Good morning!

(End of this chapter)

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