open sea

Chapter 1252 Bookstore

Chapter 1252 Bookstore
"General, Beiyang is ready, but the reply tells us to wait and report to the Forbidden City."

Hu Liangpeng and Ye Xianggao were waiting on the wharf of the shipping and coal station, and when they heard the report from the Banner Army, they smiled at each other and nodded slightly.

Shi Yinchang and his students had already gone back, and Hu Liangpeng did not tell the students about the steamship at the end, so Hu Liangpeng felt that it was meaningless to continue talking like this. Seeing the old professor's thirst for knowledge and timidity, he felt that he had to take the children on board.

Steamships are not other warships, even if they are Liujia warships, there are no secrets in them. Ships all over the world are similar to them, except for steamships, which embody the most cutting-edge technology of the empire. Not to mention that the power of Jun is much higher, the structure is also advanced for several generations.

Of course, the difference between this generation and the first generation is not that big. It is nothing more than the difference between the matchlock gun and the flintlock gun. It is more labor-saving, more efficient, and safer.

The most important thing is that the emperor issued an edict that all soldiers and civilians who came into contact with the steamship must keep it secret.

Just like what Wanli said to Xu Guangqi, the steamship was his, and so was the shipyard.

This thing is the emperor's commercial secret.

The telegram was sent from Huai'an Mansion to Tianjin very quickly, and the only difficulty that delayed the time was still the Yellow River.

The only bridge on the Yellow River is in Lanzhou in the northwest. There is a seasonal pontoon bridge called Zhenyuan, which is erected every spring and dismantled before freezing in winter. There are several bridges on the Yellow River in history. Xianben Jin, with thousands of chariots, built boats on the river, and what he built was the earliest pontoon bridge in history - Pujin Bridge.

Then in the 50th year of King Qin Zhaoxiang, the pontoon bridge was repaired; in the Tang Xuanzong era, the wooden piles were changed into iron oxen, and the Yizhe cables were changed into iron chains. For more than a thousand years, until the end of the Yuan Dynasty, it was destroyed by war.

There is also Dayang Bridge on the Yellow River. Sanmenxia City has Dayang Pass in ancient times. The pontoon bridge was built in the 11th year of Zhenguan, and it was destroyed by the Yellow River in the early Northern Song Dynasty. 3.
There is a Mengjin bridge in Mengjindu, which was built by Du Yu, a general of the Western Jin Dynasty, in the first ten years of Emperor Wu of the Jin Dynasty. During the Song and Yuan dynasties, the Yellow River was diverted, and Mengjin swayed from north to south, and the pontoon bridge no longer existed.

Today, only Zhenyuan Bridge, which Zhu Yuanzhang commissioned to build by Deng Yu, Duke of the State of Wei, and named after Feng Sheng, Duke of the State of Song, still exists.

Everywhere except that side, you have to use a ferry to cross the river.

People are also used to the ferry, and no one thinks there is anything wrong with it.

Except Wanli.

He would have to wait for a long time for any telegram that passed the Yellow River.

Hu Liangpeng’s telegram was sent to Wanli, the Forbidden City, and it was approved. Not only was this approved, but when he returned after escorting the supplies, the Wanli Xinjian Primary Schools along the way would tell them that these children are the future of the empire.

But right now, Wanli plans to learn from his ancestors and build a bridge on the Yellow River.

The matter fell to the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

Why the Ministry of Criminal Justice?

Because of the river, Pan Jixun was the first to be promoted in the Wanli Dynasty. From the 44th year of Jiajing to the present, he has controlled the Yellow River, Huaihe River, and the Canal three times. He has more than ten years of profound experience and is the leading river control expert in the court.

If you want to build a river bridge, you have to use him.

However, Pan Jixun does not recommend building bridges. The Yellow River is turbid. If bridges are to be built, they must be built in Henan and Shandong areas. These places have a strong impact of river water and a lot of river sand. Building bridges will not only easily be washed away, but also cause sedimentation on the river bottom. , leading to greater flooding.

He suggested that if the emperor wanted to send a telegram, he should lay a hundred iron pillars in the river and use them to support the wires and hang them on the river. This is the most time-saving, labor-saving and cost-effective way.

And with this, it will be easier to build the pontoon bridge in the future.

But the emperor was not very satisfied with this. He didn't even want to build a pontoon bridge, but only wanted to build a permanent bridge.

If it is not permanent, how can you run the Qinglong Army?
However, if we want to build the Yonggu Bridge, we have to dig out the sand in the middle and upper reaches.

The amount of work is different.

No matter what the emperor thinks, Hu Liangpeng's most worrying thing has been resolved. He contacted the professor Shi Yinchang of Huai'an Mansion as soon as he received the reply, and asked him to gather all the children who are interested in the new ship to the Huai'an ship. The Coal Institute spent two full days boarding and disembarking the ship in batches to popularize new ship knowledge for them.

Regardless of Hu Liangpeng or Ye Xianggao, in fact, this lecture not only had a profound impact on the students of Huai'an Mansion, but they also learned more about the emperor's new school... These little children will be great in the future.

Children who are a few years old know more than teenagers. They can read, read, run, jump, and they will line up by themselves at the teacher's casual words. They have obviously received military training.

Later, Hu Liangpeng really tried it. He put the scabbard on the child and asked him to do a dance for himself.

To his disappointment, the child did not know how to wield a knife.

Shi Yinchang was a little embarrassed, bowed his head and said: "The textbook says that the students should learn the gun stabbing technique, and I don't know much about the gun stabbing technique, so I can only delay it for the time being and teach moral conduct first. Soldier instructor, from now on, the retired veterans from Beiyang will be dispatched by the imperial court to learn those martial arts."

"It's pretty much the same everywhere."

Hu Liangpeng also waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about this, old man, teach the children to be human first, and they can learn the knowledge later. As long as this person has a good heart, there will be no shortage of places to learn skills in the future. In the future, if there are 30 primary school students , why worry about the unhappiness of the heavenly dynasty?"

In fact, basic education has no other purpose, but literacy, numeracy, and common sense, to ensure that no matter where they go, they can learn things faster than others, and they will not be bullied wherever they go.

Hu Liangpeng can assert that when these children grow up, if they go to Beiyang for training, they will be able to form an army in three to five months; , This group of students went out with their helmets on and guarded the city until the bandits were wiped out.

They see a lot and know a lot, and when the imperial court is employing people, there will be no shortage of space for them to show their talents in the future.

"You still say that Mr. Shi suspects that he can't teach students well? He can have fun secretly."

On the way of departure, white clouds and mist spewed out from the chimney of the steamship, Hu Liangpeng said to Ye Xianggao: "Who knows what kind of achievements these students he taught will make in the future? What are you looking at?"

Ye Xianggao handed out the book in his hand, and said with a smile: "The Epidemic Code published by Wanli Bookstore will be tested this year, but it will not affect the ranking. It will make a good impression on people if you can answer it, and it doesn't matter if you can't answer it."

"Wanli Bookstore, printed by His Majesty? Five coins per volume." Hu Liangpeng looked through the book over and over again, and found a line of small characters on the last page, amused: "Your Majesty has a good way of making money, and the Ship Coal Institute is also the property of the royal family. "

 Good morning, late, Chapter 2 will be posted later.

  I read this book again yesterday, and it was enjoyable.

(End of this chapter)

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