open sea

Chapter 1259 Deserving it

Chapter 1259 Deserving it
The effect of the telegram on the Shu Fan is too great.

It took them only four months to dig the ditches for laying wires in the year before last, and two months to build the ditches into square ditches the year before last. During the process, they burned tiles according to the requirements of the officials from the Ministry of Industry sent by the court.

Telegraphs began to be built in Shu, and this new technology has already been put into practical use in half of the country. With sufficient experience, people no longer demand fine and beautiful stone troughs to place telegraphs—the pottery is fired into two round tiles that fit together. Wires and tiles have two ears, and the ears have small holes plugged with a stone tenon to fix them, and the soil buried outside can also prevent insects and damage.

But it was not until last year that the imperial court sent a fleet from Huguang to send a series of tools such as wires and steamers, as well as talents who could use new tools, to Sichuan. The new tools that had swept across half of the country were really known in Sichuan.

What is the biggest improvement?

News that could only be received in the past six months can now be known in seven to thirteen days.

If the news comes from Shaanxi, it will be faster; if it comes from Huguang, it will be slower, but it is much faster than in the past.

In fact, Zhu Xuanqi, the king of Shu, never received the wind that Wanli asked Xu Jue to reveal. It was the king of Tang who told him that the emperor was short of money to build the railway.

Zhu Xuanqi didn't know what the railway was mentioned by the king of Tang at all, and he asked all the officials in the palace, but he didn't know anything. Fortunately, he understood the most important thing, the emperor was short of money.

Lack of money, 6 taels of gold should be enough, right?

Not enough.

The reason for not giving too much at one time is that Shu Fan is completing the last instruction issued by the emperor: to build schools.

The emperor wanted to build a new elementary school in Wanli, and the old government schools should be repaired, and the local social studies and rural schools should all be brought under the unified control of the imperial court.

This is much more difficult than repairing telegrams. Most social schools and township schools in various places are built by merchants, gentry and officials among the common people. Although each society has its own, the financial resources of each party are different, and the construction specifications are naturally different.

The wealthy society is in charge of food and housing, and the poor society is just a hut. There is a huge gap between them. The Shu Fan is located in a relatively independent geographical unit. The exclusive ability to figure out the holy will - the specifications must be unified.

Shu Fan has been busy repairing various social schools, raising all social schools, rural schools, and private schools around Chengdu to the level of official schools.

This requires buying land, hiring workers, building a school, building a living room, repairing a vegetable garden, and building a new house for the people whose land has been occupied. Finally, in some places where the road conditions are too bad, it is necessary to build a road and build a bridge. It is convenient for students to attend classes.

As far as the Shu Fan is concerned, this is their job-even if they are located in a remote place, they still let the people feel that the emperor's grace is close at hand. This is the meaning of the existence of the Shu Fan for 200 years.

The royal family has given them too many rewards. Their palace city is the largest in the feudal kingdom, their palace walls are the tallest in the feudal kingdom, their mausoleums have royal rituals, and their daily expenses can use royal standards.

And what they did was worthy of royal rewards.

But this letter is later than the money.

As soon as the department of the household department took over the silver, the official documents here were sent to the capital along the telegram, and the household department had to bring it to the emperor, and also had to ask the emperor: Do you want gold or silver, Your Majesty?

But letters are different.

Although there are already telegrams, there are many letters of money and important events, and the Shu Fan does not have a code book that goes directly to the emperor. They must be sent to Xi'an by someone. There is a telegraph station stationed by Jin Yiwei, so that they can be sent directly to the palace in the form of cipher text. , there is no need to teach outsiders along the way to know.

As a result, the letter was sent to the Forbidden City later, and Wanli had already planned where the Shu Fan would go after the uprooting.

Definitely Toyo.

Xiyang is the worst place for the clan, Nanyang is close to the imperial court, convenient for business and the environment is not good, and Dongyang is the best place for the common people and virtuous clan.

During the time when the letter traveled from Chengdu to Xi'an, Wanli also checked the past deeds of the sons of the Zhashu clan. It is true that there were very few crimes and crimes, and there were many meritorious deeds, which moved him to feel compassion.

I feel sorry for transferring the Shu Fan to a foreign country, but I feel sorry for keeping him in Sichuan.

What's more, it's not just about money, the Shu Fans have too much land, they can guarantee that they will be virtuous until today, but they can't guarantee that they will be so virtuous in the future, as long as one bastard is born, it is enough to corrupt the virtues that the Shu Fans have upheld for the past 200 years It's spotless.

But if they really wanted to seal them, Wanli really couldn't bear it, and he was also afraid that the clan's heart would be chilled.

The whole world understands the confiscation of the bastard's clan, and the ruling and opposition parties celebrate with each other; the confinement of the lower-level clan that is difficult to live on, although people didn't understand it at the time, looking back and seeing that they did live well under the rule of the Eastern Army, they accepted it.

However, the virtuous, loyal and wealthy clans of the Shu Fan were sealed off from generation to generation, no matter where they were, they could not live a better life than they are now.

Those who have made merit should be rewarded, and those who have done it should be punished.

Otherwise, you will become a fool who can't tell right from wrong.

This kind of entangled mentality finally made him happy when the letter from the king of Shu was transmitted to the capital through Jinyiwei's telegram.

The first thing the king of Shu mentioned in his letter was about the joint declaration of the Tang king and others to lift the ban. The entire Shu clan did not support it, and of course they did not object. They valued the opinion of the court or the emperor more. He has always been adhering to the support of the royal family, in exchange for unparalleled trust and affection, and this time it is the same. No matter what the emperor intends to do, the people of Shu will still support the decision of the royal family.

It would be even better if the Shu clan could send their sons to Beijing to meet the emperor. They hadn't seen the emperor for a long time.

And now everything outside of Sichuan is happening too fast, they really urgently need to see the emperor and learn the latest things, such as what is the telegraph, what is the railway that the emperor wants to build, and what other people said about the Azure Dragon Army What is it again.

The pampered life made Shu Fan, the richest suzerain in the world, know all new things first, except this time they were an exception.

On the other hand, in the letter, the king of Shu reported the results of their repairs to the rural studies and social studies in Chengdu and the surrounding counties, stating to the emperor that there are hundreds of rural studies and social studies on the land where the Shu clan is located today. I am ready to welcome new teachers to teach students knowledge that is different from the past but beneficial to the world in the future, just waiting for the emperor to send him there.

In the end, the king of Shu didn't know what happened to the railway and the Qinglong Army Column, so he didn't know how much silver the emperor needed to build the railway. If the emperor still didn't have enough money, he would send another telegram to Chengdu, as long as they Yes, the kings of the thirteen branch counties of the Shu clan will raise silver and necessary supplies for the emperor in the shortest possible time.

Reading a letter made Wanli feel extremely comfortable... To be a vassal king to do this, they deserved to be the richest in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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