open sea

Chapter 1261

Chapter 1261
The last big order of Beiyang Shipyard was to put steel plates on the body of the steamship, using the technology of forging and riveting large steel plates.

Needless to say, there are many skilled craftsmen in the world capable of doing this, but only Beiyang and Xiangshan Shipyards are the cheapest because they are the most proficient.

Such large iron plates and steel plates are rarely used in daily life, and even fewer are riveted into larger pieces. In the past, only Deng Zilong's Goushengzi and Shao Tingda's boats had such strange needs. The craftsmen bring a professional experience of swinging a sledgehammer.

The craftsmen of Beiyang Shipyard also came from Xiangshan, so they will too.

In addition, there are many who are capable and few who are skilled.

It's not easy, and it's expensive.

Up to now, there are 93 Qinglong military trains running on the three sections of the Tianchang Railway from Tianjin to Changping, the Tonghai Railway from Tongzhou to Wulianghai, and the Yanqingwei-Datong Railway. There are only three dragons, namely The leading army ranks in the painting Wanli gave to Chen Mu.

The rest are copper and iron shells. Metal is much cheaper than wood. Not only is it easy to make materials, it is also easier to process, and it is not easy to damage.

There are still four trips in it, anyway, it still occupies a green place. Zhou Sijing, the head of the steam bureau, thought that since he didn't need to work hard to make a dragon, he should paint it with some color. They are all painted blue, and the four Huode Xingjun are all used when the railway is not used much, and Zhou Sijing is also idle.

Later, it was no longer possible. Beiyang gradually felt that the transportation was unfavorable. The bigger the better, the faster the better. It is reasonable to say that it can be as big as it can be.

The Steam Bureau has more Huodexing Lords used in the military ranks, Zhou Sijing can only discuss with the big customer Ye Mengxiong about the unnecessary procedures one by one, can the dragon shells be eliminated?Can the coloring be removed?Is there any problem with the ugly shell?

Ye Mengxiong naturally has no problem at all, as long as it can run, is safe, has a heavy load, and is fast, everything is fine for him.

Therefore, the efficiency of making Huode Xingjun has improved a lot. In the past, four units were produced, but now sixteen units can be produced.

Compared with the assembly of parts outsourced to various subway factories, the production time was the most delayed in the past, making shells and decorative objects, but now it is much faster without those.

However, even if they were produced later, their appearances are different. Until now, Zhou Sijing has not been able to make a fixed model for the Huode Xingjun of the Qinglong Army.

The earliest shell was simply a big square iron shell. Later, the driver reported that riding the Qinglong on the roof of the car was too anti-human, especially when transporting goods to Wulianghai in winter, it could freeze people to death. Later, Zhou Sijing made a car in front of the car. A small black room with open windows, several key buttons are placed in the room.

But it was still too cold, and the wind kept pouring in was not good for the efficiency of the boiler. Later, glass was added to the remanufactured ones, and the small black room of the cab was separated from the boiler room at the back with a door. The buttons were connected. Machine parts such as rods are also hidden in the wooden wall, which adds a little rest space for the workers in the boiler room.

But this is still anti-humanity. The emperor stood tired looking through the glass window, and sat down and stretched his neck and couldn't see the outside.

So Zhou Sijing lowered the position of the glass window a little bit, and the cab finally had a fixed seat.

In terms of lighting, there is a light post extending slightly forward in the middle of the front of the car, and a kerosene lamp with a spotting cup and a thick long wick inside a glass cover is fixed with an iron wire. The spotting cup on the back is made of porcelain, and the interior is designed to lead to There are two omni-directional kerosene lamps on the roof, and three lamps for night lighting.

These three lights are not for the driver to see the road. Even the light with a spotting cup in front of the car can only let the driver see more than ten steps ahead. The main function of the three lights is to let others see them... ...The speed of the fully loaded Azure Dragon Army column is similar to that of people jogging, as long as people see it, they can get out of the way in time.

The biggest problem is the beasts on the road at night, and there may be man-made mischief, so Zhou Sijing recently added an iron plowshare like a ram in the front of the newly produced Azure Dragon Army column near the ground, regardless of whether it is a human, Beasts or logs on the rails can be shoveled aside when they hit it.

The improvement of the trucks had nothing to do with Zhou Sijing. The trucks were all made by Beiyang. At first they were large wooden planks with uniform specifications. There were no guardrails on the four sides. Relying on falling asleep, this added wooden guardrails.

Later, Beiyang has been trying to find the limit of the load of the truck, and also improved the compartment to maintain the combat effectiveness of the soldiers. In the past two years, the truck was still a mixture of people and goods. Last year, the people and goods were packed separately to make better use of space. The cargo compartment is separated.

In fact, they are basically the same from the outside, they all use detachable wooden walls outside the guardrail, but they are different.

Banner Army’s compartment is very large, with folded wooden boards on both side guardrails and the middle compartment floor, which can be pulled out to sit 11 people on each side, and three people can sit side by side in eleven rows in the middle. The difference is that there are no these chairs; the wooden walls can be sealed or not, and there are wooden windows that can be opened and closed on the walls, so that you can breathe in and observe the outside world.

These changes were accompanied by the use of the flag army, complained again and again, and gave feedback to the Beiyang Army, and then modified the design one after another later. Up to now, the carriages have basically become customized.

According to the rules set by Beiyang minister Ye Mengxiong, all the Qinglong army trains driving in the customs must be equipped with a soldier box and a cargo box, which means that at least one Beiyang army with the general banner can be used for this army train to move.

Of course, in addition to the Beiyang standard carriages, there are also Wulianghai Qi Jiguang’s non-standard carriages. His carriage has no roof, and it was remodeled in Wulianghai with Cheying’s partial box car to make a carriage with the same width as the track. The protective plate on the other side was added, and the wheels were replaced with the shape of the track to make up for the lack of early compartments.

Don't look at the crudeness of the modification, it's easy to use outside the Great Wall.

The first army can't pull a few hundred soldiers, carry so much cargo, and the speed is slow. After leaving the customs, they often encounter Mongolian horse bandits... They have just returned, who knows who is who on the vast grassland?The bannermen in the standard carriage stretched out their guns and fired them, trying to scare the horse bandits away only by killing people.

The desperadoes of nomadic tribes are the most vulnerable to death in battle, but if they are not accurate, in fact, even the banner army with the best shooting skills will find it difficult to accurately hit when both sides are moving. Don't run horse bandits.

Qi Jiguang's non-standard carriage was different. There were no seats in his carriage, but the barrel of the Franco cannon was sticking out in the dark.

Very well-behaved.

(End of this chapter)

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