open sea

Chapter 1301 Negotiations

Chapter 1301 Negotiations
Yang Zhaolong, the county magistrate of Muye, never thought that the war in Muye would come so early. As a county magistrate, he was very dereliction of duty, and went to the battlefield before the people were educated.

This indoctrination taught them the preciousness of human life, and they still carried the concept of war shared by the Iroquois and Huron. They were born to participate in war, and they must end in battle. Even if they died in battle, it would continue in the adopted captives. life.

I don't know which genius came up with this idea. The enemy was captured. After a sacrifice, the priest said that he had been possessed by the soul of the soldier who died in battle. The prisoner knew it well, but what could he say?

Said that he was not possessed, and then announced the failure of the sacrifice amidst the regret of the priest, and chopped him to death with a stone axe?

Or pretend that the sacrifice was successful and continue to live?

Anyway, no matter how the captives are selected, in the end only those who successfully sacrificed will survive, and those who fail to sacrifice will die.

It's like a liar who promises to give birth to a boy and get his money back if he doesn't give birth to a boy.

Over time, the tribal warriors had no fear of death in battle.

Not to mention no armor, even no weapons, they dared to fight with the French muskets with a crossbow, not to mention that now they have refined ring knives and combined medicine crossbows.

The reason for barbarism's victory has never been barbarism, it is precisely the result of barbarism itself getting closer to civilization, learning from it the knowledge that is beneficial to itself, and has not been affected by the deep-rooted vices.

The battalion and armor system of Yang Zhaolong's Miao soldiers broke up the establishment of the Muye aboriginal tribes, effectively integrated them together, and established a North Asian army directly led by Beiyang military officers, trained by Yang's Miao instructors in Banzhou, and armed with iron weapons from the Chinese Dynasty. .

In Old John's field of vision, the Ming army's offensive formation was very neat, so neat that it didn't look like a surprise attack at all, but a battle he had never seen and only heard of. The formation of five unique army formations was overwhelming. Press down on the siege camp.

No one ever knew that the Ming army in the city had so many soldiers.

The Makino Baojia in the costumes of the third battalion of Miao soldiers is at the front. Each battalion has more than 30 foot knights wearing plate armor but not burqas. They all carry shields with various coats of arms. Carrying blunt weapons such as meteor hammers and gourds, the army as a whole is under great pressure.

Behind these people are also light infantry, but they generally wear leather armor, cotton armor, chain armor, and a club with three pipes at the end. A small number of people in the team are barefoot, and they look like sailors. These horses were originally mounted by the Elan cavalry infantry, but now they are all requisitioned.

In the end, ten squadrons of Ming army cavalry lined up in majestic horizontal formation. Old John was sure that the cavalrymen who gave him money were among them. The eye-catching red tasseled helmet gun, let people remember at a glance, never go wrong.

While the enemy army was pressing towards the besieged camp, there were still many noble lords who were supposed to command the troops in the front line bargaining with the earl in the camp, and several nobles led small groups of troops to leave the camp before the battle came. retreat north.

In fact, the battle has already begun. A respected nobleman in the camp is a good friend of Sir Miller. He thinks that Sir Miller died in a tunnel, and he vowed to save his best friend's body from the hands of the Daming, so that it would not be killed by those aliens. The followers of the cult, led a troop composed of more than 200 people from the front line to the entrance of the tunnel in the camp, and commanded the troops to attack the Ming army lurking in the tunnel.

The more chaotic the entire siege camp was, the more pressure the Ming army's orderly march would put on the front troops.

To make matters worse, the walking plate armored warriors using heraldic shields in front of the Ming army created an illusion for the nobles in front of the siege troops. Almost every nobleman had attendants who were proficient in heraldry. They thought that noblemen were involved in this rebellion , and also sent riders to try to negotiate with the flag with the same coat of arms.

It turned out that there was no surprise at all. The Baojia Army in the Muye camp on the left had already fired their crossbows. The dismounted infantrymen of the Kingdom of Alan, who were carrying their coat of arms shields, watched the cavalry in the enemy's formation with the same painting on their shields approaching, and felt nothing at all.

The commander of the battalion, who was heavily protected by the dismounted infantry in front of the formation, held the flag in one hand and drew out the saber with the four characters of Ming and Dongyang cast in bronze. All of a sudden, all arrows were fired, and the flagpole fell to the ground. Nail it transparent.

The commanders of the three battalions are all oriental veterans who participated in the Second Ming-Xi War. The commanders of the Muying camp of the Chinese army and the Muying camp of the right wing were all flag soldiers before that war. Makino became the general manager of the Baojia, which means that he has cut off the way to retire and become an officer.

The general manager of the left wing is because of his excellent grades in Beiyang, and he was a small flag when he went east. He didn't get any meritorious service in the second war in Mingxi. Later, when he went to Muye, fate made him seize the opportunity to fight again. What did he say in this battle? I want to make some meritorious deeds so that my general is worthy of the name, so I am most anxious, wishing I can snatch the suona and blow it, so that the troops can move faster than the other two battalions.

Most of the officers from the Banner Army of the Eastern Army have this problem. Although they don't know why, they just feel that the enemy is all chickens and dogs, and they can be broken with a hammer.

Even this time, without the standard Zhenshuo cannon of the Eastern Army, they still felt that victory would be very easy, so their morale was like a rainbow.

Speaking of the paradoxical situation, the besieging troops who were planning to line up to attack the city should feel relaxed and happy when they saw the Ming army leaving the camp. Instead, there is concern about changing the chain of command that is chaotic and dysfunctional.

When Earl Charles led the crowd out of the camp, the few minor nobles who had escaped from the battlefield had already left, and the Ming army's line had also completed its transformation during the march. They stopped for a short while two hundred paces away from the camp, and twelve gun carriages were set up on two wings. , bombarded the two catapults placed outside the ditch of the camp with shells.

The remaining gun carriages continued to advance slowly with the fourth battalion, and were dispersed and merged into the third Muye battalion during the march.

During this process, the English siege army only used one swivel cannon to counterattack. Instead, the catapults suppressed by intermittent artillery fire threw two huge stones into the open space between the two armies-they had insufficient gunpowder.

Even so, the English artillery still surprised the leader Ying Ming in terms of range.

These days, with the same standard guns, other people’s ranges are a bit shorter than Ming’s. The same is true for the Dublin troops in Alan. Only here, he found that the artillery of the siege troops had the same trajectory and range as the Ming army’s artillery. About the same.

Quite surprising, but this new discovery has no effect on the situation of the battle. The enemy has only one cannon to use, and the gunners don’t understand the lethality of ricochets on the formation. It is not easy to know where to shoot at this distance, and it poses a threat to the troops. limited.

Soon his troops advanced to a distance of a hundred paces, the enemy's longbows and his own crossbows began to shoot, and his horse-drawn artillery cart finally followed the troops to the front line, exposing all the horse's buttocks to the enemy.

This distance is the world of shotgun.

(End of this chapter)

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