open sea

Chapter 1359 The vicissitudes of life

Chapter 1359 The vicissitudes of life
It was raining lightly in Mexico, and the air was slightly cool. Standing on the clock tower in the central square of the city, Chen Mu stood overlooking the city he had shaped.

Looking into the distance, the town is shrouded in rain and fog. You can see the farthest long bridge under the city gate that was stopped due to the rain. The gate guards in the gate pavilion are registering the carriage numbers of the people entering the city.

On rainy days, the horse carriages are covered with small parchment paper, which is made of mulberry bark transplanted by Changsheng. The workmanship is the same as that of the oil umbrella. Make more oil umbrellas, but they are also installed on cars recently.

The roads are full of vehicles and horses, and everything is in order because the vehicles are on the same track. It is hard to see the chaotic street scene in the past westward invasion era.

The "West Invasion Era" is the name of the 16 years of enslavement in Spain from the 57th year of Zhengde when the Aztec capital was conquered to the [-]th year of Wanli's reign.

In 57 years, the vicissitudes of life have been changed with a flick of a finger.

Time can change everything, just like the two carriages stopped on the edge of the square not far from the clock tower.

The carriages are one in front and one behind, with the same shape. The official carriage in the front belongs to the Inspection Department of Changsheng County, and the private carriage in the back belongs to the northern short-tailed leopard tribe, which is the northernmost tribe in Changsheng, bordering Jincheng.

The counties in Asia are each equivalent to a large county in Ming Dynasty in terms of population, and larger than a prefecture in terms of land. Although the land is vast and the population is sparse, the magistrates are increasingly unable to manage them.

If the communication between the various places is not smooth, they can only rely on self-government, and it is imminent to change the county and promote the government.

Chen Mu stood on the suspended clock tower and looked down at the two carriages circled the central square for half a circle before finding a parking space. Then the doors of the carriages opened, and two printed umbrellas came out, with acquaintances at the front and back.

Needless to say, the ones in front were inspector Pei Xiao in black Jinghai uniform and two followers. Judging from their attire, they were the archers of the inspection department.

They are so easy to recognize, dressed in black, and armed only with a black round helmet with an eyebrow cover, an official knife hanging on their waist, and a quiver and a bow bag on the left and right behind them.

Pei Xiao has done a good job. Now the garrisons from Changsheng to Mocheng are almost all maintained by his 32 inspection divisions. The daily small-scale drills can also ensure that a team of more than [-] people can be pulled out when necessary. Prepare troops.

Chen Mu knew what he was going to do, and the rainy season was coming, so he brought the bow cabinet made by Chang Sheng to Mocheng.

Ming bows are mostly compound, most afraid of being damp and decayed, hard to make but easy to break, in order to deal with this shortcoming, there is a bow cabinet with a hidden bow on the bottom and charcoal on the bottom.

In the past, not everyone had a bow cabinet. Soldiers with decent family conditions could buy a bow cabinet at home to store bows. Those who had no conditions could only put bows by the stove in their spare time and take good care of them. Once they were heated for too long, It will also destroy it.

As for the conditions without even a stove, it was even worse. When sleeping, I could only wrap my bow in my arms to keep warm.

But now it is much less troublesome. Most of the archers here are responsible for patrolling and inspecting archers, each with its patrol area and outpost. Each inspection department has [-] to [-] bows and only needs a large bow cabinet to solve the problem. The cost is not too big.

The one who got out of the rear car was the former tribal leader, the Macaque. The Brave Macaque always thought that Bai Tao was fooling him when he told him that the Spanish army was retreating. Master, finally believed in this fact.

But believe it or not, he still planned to fight Da Ming until the last moment, but the Dutch who supplied him with muskets and horses never came again.

If there really was any hostility towards Da Ming from the short-tailed leopard, it really didn't exist, he was just unconvinced towards Bai Tao.

He was quite happy for the Ming people to enter his tribe, and the five-rank Wang Huashi taught them Chinese and various skills, but his attitude was not correct enough, and he kept watching from a distance jokingly, not too interested in going deep into it.

Therefore, until the year before last, the tribe of the short-tailed leopard had almost no other changes except that the crops had more food and the tribe could afford more children.

This situation continued until the year before last, when the Short-tailed Leopard competed with Bai Tao's White Horse Division for a long time, seeing that Bai Tao could be the leader of the three major alliances, he was naturally unwilling to be outdone, and took advantage of the opportunity of the various ministries to challenge Bai Tao.

Bai Tao ignored him and felt astonished—what year is it?In the ninth year of Wanli, why are there still people who believe in force?

Who cares that you have two hundred and seven horses and one thousand two infantry in your Bobtail family, and who cares that you have defeated the Spanish team?
Even if you can fight again, can you beat the Eastern Garrison?

In Asia these days, for the aboriginal chiefs, only Tongbao is the most important, whoever can bring Tongbao to the tribe, they will support whoever is the leader.

The disastrous defeat made the short-tailed leopards realize the importance of Daming Tongbao, and they followed suit and followed the old path of doing business with white horses.

However, the short-tailed leopard is not so lucky. He can only catch up with the huge depreciation of cocoa beans. Mining gold mines, and later went to Mexico City to register a company.

Strictly speaking, the Bobtail Panther Company is a human company.

Although other tribal chiefs did not support the short-tailed leopard as the leader of the alliance, many leaders still had to give him face, because he was indeed a powerful leader among many tribes. When the Spanish ran rampant in this land, not everyone could The first time to fight with it and gain something.

It is natural for Bai Tao to change from a tribal leader to a businessman, but the short-tailed leopard is different. He just wants to compare with Bai Tao.

Without comparison, he felt uncomfortable all over.

The short-tailed leopard that used to wear a golden knife now wears a mirrored waist knife made by the five-level professor Wang Huashi in the tribe. He is wearing a brocade cloak and a layer of gauze. It looks like the old boy of Ming Dynasty.

Under the enlightenment of his five-rank king Huashi, children can speak Chinese, women can make cloth, young and strong can use a waist knife and a bow, and the warehouse is rich and the people live in peace. The original intention of the envoy.

But the short-tailed leopard is not satisfied with these, and this alone does not allow him to overwhelm Baitao in business.

More importantly, if he can't help other leaders, if he can't help other leaders, why should others support him as the leader of the White Horse Alliance?
So he started a labor company. On the one hand, he contacted immigrants from Ming Dynasty. Whether it was hiring farmers, guards, laborers, messengers, grooms, or porters, whenever these labors were needed, the short-tailed leopards could go deep into the various ministries and find people who were willing to find work. young man.

Therefore, the short-tailed leopard is now a household name in the three counties of Mexico City, Jincheng, and Changsheng. He even found three Cheyenne hunters from the northern Great Plains to serve as guards in Panama for immigrants.

Even Chen Mu needs him, and he wants to hand over a contract to hire a large number of Li Fu.

(End of this chapter)

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