open sea

Chapter 136

Chapter 136
The casualties were counted by the storyteller, and they were negligible.

Seventeen people were killed in the battle, three of them died from longbow throwing, and a fast gunman under Deng Zilong was shot in the eye by a piece of iron that exploded in his chest; in addition, more than 17 people were injured. The armor is very useful, but The main reason is that Wei Balang broke up the morale of the enemy with a cannon, and then the small flag arrows, bird guns, and quick guns hit the enemy in waves.

When it comes to close combat, those who charge the most and have the highest fighting spirit almost die; those who are more cowardly also run almost; Blindfolded in the gunpowder smoke, he ran around, and was caught by Deng Zilong, who slashed wildly with the long knife at the tip of his eyebrows, and beat more and less because of it.

Almost crumbles at the touch of a button.

They profited handsomely.

Captured more than 50 black captives. They were fierce and fierce while holding weapons, but they were submissive when they put down their weapons. Let people guard them, and they will not escape.

Perhaps these strong and tall men were used to fighting for the tribe, and when they were defeated, they were sold to the white people, and then the white people sold them to others to do what they wanted.

Maybe it's because they came across the sea, or maybe it's because slaves are cheap, and their armor rate is astonishingly low. Apart from the seven unsuitable plate armors from the corpses, the most are hundreds of western-style iron helmets, some with red Tassels, more than 30 muskets, several crossbows of different standard strengths, more than 200 longbows, more than [-] iron spears, and some broken Japanese armor, Malay armor and Indian... turbans?
The last thing was useless, the poor and crazy Banner Army pulled out these coarse cloths and piled them up in a pile, and Chen Mu ordered them to wrap them back again.

Although he was also a little puzzled, there is Sikhism at this time?
But he still told the Banner Army, "This is a belief, and it should be respected. Everyone has his own master on the battlefield, and taking other people's lives is inevitable, but the headscarf must be wrapped properly."

"There is no need to destroy what others insist on for a lifetime and a half."

The same is true for a large number of Christians. The gold and silver crosses were collected by the Banner Army. Chen Mu stopped Sun Ao who was urging his subordinates to return the cross, "Let the Banner Army tie a wooden shelf in front of the pile of corpses." Just do it."

"True piety doesn't care about the material."

Chen Mu weighed the bag full of gold coins in his hand. There were 25 Cruzados in it. He still didn't quite understand the purchasing power of this thing, so he put it in his arms without thinking about it. The real loot was not here.

It is Haojingao, and it is also two centipede boats.

"Qianhu, you asked the adopted son to seize the boat, and his origin is unknown." Deng Zilong sat on the high stone steps of the church foundation with Chen Mu, holding the wiped eyebrow sharp knife, with a run-on smile on his face, said : "Aren't you afraid that he will seize the boat and run away?"

It's not that Chen Mu didn't worry that Li Dan would run away in two boats by himself, but after thinking about it later, it wasn't necessary.Chen Mu is limited by his official status, and he does not have so much autonomy in his behavior while enjoying power, but he has expressed his thoughts on Haihai to Li Dan.

In the long run, the six words "Xiangshan Qianhu Chen Mu" are more important to Li Dan and those behind him than the two centipede boats.

Their band of pirates was also incorporated into the Chen family's army lineage during this operation, and besides... Chen Mu smiled: "Dan'er is a smart person, I believe him."

Deng Zilong curled his lips, more and more feeling that behind the smiling face of the Shangguan Qianhu he was following, there was a cunning and cunning.

'Dan'er is a smart man, I believe him. '

These words are so loud, why don't you just say that forty or fifty old, weak, sick and disabled can't drive two centipede boats?

Why don't you just say that Chen Lin was entrusted to take two general sailors to patrol the open sea?
If he is not smart, he will definitely be played to death by you!
"Eight-door golden locks leave a door for people to break through." Deng Zilong sighed, and then said: "Qianhu, for this battle profit, give me 200 taels of silver, and find some military craftsmen who are familiar with the Guangzhou government." Quick gun, what the hell are you dialing!"

"Let's use bird guns. The craftsman Guan in the institute has been leading people to do it all the time. Look at these guns in Fanyi, there are big and small guns, and there are also guns with revolving fire. They are all innovating and improving."

There were several matchlock guns and flintlock guns of different shapes beside Chen Mu. Sitting on the stone steps, he took a heavy matchlock gun with a fork that was nearly seven feet long and showed it to Deng Zilong, saying: "This gun Gun, the projectiles shot out are more than one or two, and they penetrate the long card every eighty or ninety steps, and smash the iron armor of the small flag, right by my side. Without the long card, the iron armor can't stop it, and people will be beaten through."

As he said that, Chen Mu picked up a two-foot-long pistol, and raised the snake rod. The top of the snake rod was not a match but a flint. Chen Mu used great strength to pull the blunt trigger. "This is safer than a matchlock, but there are still some problems. Either the fire is small or it is difficult to pull and aim."

"This! It is exquisitely made and expensive."

When Chen Mu said this, he had already picked up another captured bird gun. It was very different in shape from other bird guns. The wooden handle was carved with exquisite patterns, which was obviously of great value. It fires flint, but it is much more expensive and more reliable than ordinary flintlock guns.

"Look at that cannon. I think the cannonball weighs at least ten catties. Ten catties of projectiles can knock down seven or eight people every few hundred steps. Wherever it hits, it will be bloody. Cannons with such power and range must be Yes, but not many, at least I haven’t heard of Guangdong. As for Haojing, there are three forts—twelve gates.”

Chen Mu took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, tore off a piece of paper from Shi Qiji's military casualties booklet, then found a small bag from the spoils around him, twisted out the familiar shredded tobacco, rolled it in the paper, took a puff, and coughed twice Throw it in the soil and step on it with two feet.

"Cough, it's really choking!" Raising his hand to disperse the smoke, he said to Deng Zilong: "The times are changing, and the whole Ming Dynasty can't feel it. It's just us and those pirates. Other people's ships are getting longer and stronger, and other people's guns The bigger and bigger the more fierce, those old guys with quick guns and guns are okay now, but they will not be able to do so in the future."

Deng Zilong is not someone who can accept new things so quickly. Looking at those strange-shaped bird guns, he didn't speak for a long time. After a long while, he pointed to the church foundation under his feet and said, "Qianhu is interested in Is this land a government office?"

"This Feng Shui is not good, the five elements belong to fire, and everything is easy to burn." Deng Zilong pointed to the opposite, the earliest Portuguese city hall, and said: "It's not bad there, it lacks water and trees, let's use it as a government office."

Chen Mu was very surprised, and said in amazement, "You know fortune-telling?"

Deng Zilong shook his head, and smiled with a reminiscence look on his face: "My ancestors were in the field of public opinion, and when they grew up, they made a living by showing others. Practicing martial arts, that's when he took the martial arts exam, and he claims to be a rough person; in fact, Deng is also superficial and sensible, a student of the Yangming school who learns by heart, and can draw plans and draw squares."
The church is St. Paul's Church, which caught fire three times, and the cathedral burned down to a memorial archway.

Teacher Deng Zilong is Luo Hongxian, the number one scholar in the eighth year of Jiajing, a great geographer in the East, with high academic achievements, and Deng Zilong couldn't beat Mr. Luo, so he became an apprentice after being beaten.

The method of planning and drawing squares is inherited from the predecessors, that is, the scale of the map, and Luo Hong first made a breakthrough compared with the predecessors.

Luo Hong first created the legend of map symbols, and the existing "Guang Yu Tu" used 24 geographical symbols for the first time. Interested friends can take a look.

Deng Zilong is not only a military strategist, but also a geomantic scholar and poet with family background.

Because Luo Hongxian has passed away at this time, he will not appear in the book, so a little more introduction.

(End of this chapter)

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