open sea

Chapter 1390

Chapter 1390
Dong Yiyuan didn't want to accept these prisoners. They seemed useless, and they would waste food if they were brought into the city.

The Ming army did not lack water, but food was everything. Hundreds of households in charge of food and grass inspected the granaries three times a day, and led the banner troops under their command to carefully distribute everyone's rations.

They already had some Cossacks and shooting troops captured, and it didn't make much sense to recruit them into the city.

Qi Jiguang may not be able to deliver food to them as soon as the spring begins, not to mention that even if there is food in the spring, they still need to leave a margin for accidents.

Originally, Dong Yiyuan planned to wait for them to be hungry for another two days before sending troops out to bring back the firearms and equipment.

As for people, it's useless.

Regarding the shooting army or musketeers, they were all translated by Cossacks and Mongols. For the Ming army, they were a group of Raksha national ax and musketeers.

Although this group of people seemed to be much better nourished than the Cossacks, each of them looked like they had a lot of flesh, and they were almost the strongest soldiers they had seen along the way.

This 'strongest' does not count Ming soldiers including Jin Guo.

Human beings are divided into tall, short, fat and thin in the womb. People who can grow 1.8 meters can grow 1.6 meters if they are not full.

Not to mention other places in Ming Dynasty, a half-sized man with a long body entered the martial arts training ground of the Beiyang Military Mansion, and spent more on food than the military salary every day. The words are too big, and in the end they can only be infantry.

And the Great Ming and Jin Kingdom, which Altan Khan didn't have much history, was also an exception.

Speaking of wealth, Qi Jiguang's army marched from east to west, and he didn't see any country richer than Jin.

Among other things, the combination of agriculture and animal husbandry in three hundred miles, [-] to [-] armored horses are pulled out to run all over the ground, a small khan is more powerful than the orthodox Mongolian khan, and there are a lot of meat, eggs, milk and vegetables for dinner. What fineness?
For Beiyang and Jin Guo's soldiers, 1.6 meters and eight can only be regarded as the minimum standard.

Out of Daming, there are soldiers from other places, but in terms of physical condition, there is really no one who can be admired.

It is said that Napoleon was low, but in fact he was taller than his European contemporaries, and Prussia's [-] troops and [-] troops were all lower than him.

Zheng'er Bajing is a big and tall Corsican.

Under the current situation, this group of shooting troops is almost useless to Dong Yiyuan,
But this group of people is very interesting. They actually fight with themselves outside the city, which makes Dong Yiyuan feel that it is not a bad thing to bring them into the city and let the flag army have fun.

In this way, the number of captives in the city has reached a hundred, which has significantly improved the situation of more wolves and less meat when listening to stories.

The Cossack who told the story earlier is now greatly promoted as the new interpreter.

In the winter of the 11th year of Wanli, the city of Isker was peaceful and peaceful. It was not until the end of the new year that Dong Yiyuan asked Qi Bai’s son, Qi Cheng’en, ​​to take a few riders to brave the wind and snow to invite Karacha and Kuchuhan back. In their capital city, they made venison dumplings and celebrated the New Year together.

In the eyes of Kuchu Khan, Karacha and the chiefs of the Siberian Khanate who were running around, this matter was extremely magical.

They assembled tens of thousands of troops from various tribes, and spent half the winter mobilizing for a tragic and decisive war, calling on people to take back the land that belonged to them for generations no matter how many people died.

Uraz, the leader of Kazakhs, was even more anxious. His uncle Tavukal Khan sent him to lead an army to help Siberia. The main purpose was not to help Kuchu Khan fight, but to keep an eye on the Ming army and find out its true strength.

It was a harsh winter in Siberia, and Uraz's troops were hiding in Kuchuhan's Maodong. Why did news suddenly come that Daming had captured the city of Isker?
Also called them to celebrate the New Year.

Are you bluffing me?

If Karacha hadn't known Qibai, he would think it was Yermak's trick to make them freeze to death on the way to New Year's greetings.

Now Karacha knows Qibai, so everyone always thinks that the Ming army has been defeated by Yermak, and wants them to freeze to death on the way to New Year's greetings.

He captured Cheng'en on the spot, and sent five riders to escort Cheng'en all the way to the city of Iscal, only to find that the city had really been captured, and the two of them went back to tell the leader of Karacha the news.

On the way here, he suffered from frostbite, so he simply stayed in Iskel City to raise him. Dong Yiyuan gave him two buckskin jackets when he returned.

In this way, those great nobles of the Khanate who were well kept warm went home happily and lived a year according to the Ming tradition.

The gunpowder was limited, and the Ming army used the gunpowder captured by the shooting army to make hundreds of firecrackers, and melted them with their axes to cast two 10,000+ pieces of Ming Lucky Tong Bao—this is a specific kind of money, not counting the currency of Ming Dynasty, it is The Ming army in the city was playing to relieve boredom.

Just in time for the new year, various lanterns were hung on the city of Isker, and the sound of firecrackers resounded through the night sky.

Dong Yiyuan, as the head of the family, packed a lucky bag for generals such as Zhu Yu, Chechen Khan, and Qibai, soldiers of the Long Live Army, armored cavalry of the Jin State, and the Mongolian Qing Army.

Kuchu Khan, the leader of Karacha, the leader of Kazakh Uraz and their followers who came to pay New Year's greetings were no exception. Everyone had a share, and they all gave out hundreds of lucky coins.

After the New Year passed, the Cossack captives cleaned the cannon skins on the city wall and found a letter tied with a feathered arrow and shot on the top of the city.

No one knows when this letter was shot on the city. The letter was signed by the Cossack leader Yermak, and the recipient was the leader of the army who recaptured the city. To be precise, it was a letter addressed to Dong Yiyuan.

But Yermak didn't know that it was the Ming army who captured the city, so he scolded Kuchu Khan severely in his letter.

After the letter was translated and handed over to Dong Yiyuan, General Dong was stunned.

The letter said: Damn Khan is the ass of a Siberian donkey and fucks goats in the snow. He is not worthy to raise pigs for the Cossacks. He dared to take their city. The sea and grasslands prove it. They will take the city back tonight , only give a moment to surrender, or get ready to fight, whoever loves who grandson!

Dong Yiyuan thought for a while, and estimated that this letter was shot into the city on New Year's Eve.

Because except for that day, the Ming army had people on duty every day in the city. It doesn’t mean that people on duty can prevent people from touching the city. of.

But only when the arrow is shot that day will the letter not be discovered.

But... when Dong Yiyuan saw the letter, it was already the fifth day of the first month of the 12th year of Wanli, and it was only after the fifth day that the floor was swept away.

They didn't feel the breath of war at all. When they resumed duty on the afternoon of the first day of the first lunar month, there was not even a ghost outside the city.

Later, Dong Yiyuan thought about it, maybe... Maybe Yermak was scared away by the sound of firecrackers being set off in the city that night.

This guy is a year beast.

Whoever persuades his grandson.

well said.

(End of this chapter)

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