open sea

Chapter 1410 Leading the Bow

Chapter 1410 Leading the Bow
The street was going to be chaotic, with horseshoes stepping on the muddy street, Wei Jinzhong didn't even want to think about how the mud came from the street when it didn't rain.

You can't think about it, it's either blood or urine.

Every now and then, the roadside has to pass through a large manure pile that is as high as a person, and the luster has dried up.

As it got closer, Wei Jinzhong was afraid of being killed by the defenders' muskets and dared not ride a horse. He held up his bow and saw a few tables that had been overturned on the street, so he taught others to help them up, and commanded the Eastern Banner Army nearby.

He considered the situation very clearly, the virtue of the defenders was a rabble, and even though there were a lot of people, as long as the morale could be damaged, they would collapse like the London Battalion in the blink of an eye.

He doesn't know anything else about blowing morale, he knows he has to kill people, he can't just rely on close combat to kill the frontmost enemy like the trapped Muye squad, after that, not many people can see it, it's bad for morale The hit is limited.

If you want to kill, you have to kill what you can see.

"Hit the one holding the torch...well, we're knocked down. Then hit the one who left the team and ran forward. Hurry up!"

"It's down, it's beautiful, man! Show us another hand, can the one holding the flag do it?"

The combat skills of the Eastern Banner Army may be far behind that of the Western European feudal knights except for infantry and guns, but all of them are masters of gunpowder fed by tens of catties or hundreds of catties of gunpowder.

Lifting the blunderbuss, fifty or sixty steps, as long as the lights are not in the dark, you can almost point where you want to hit.

Although there were only a few Eastern Banner troops, they fired their blunderbuss in turn, and four bludgeons in a row went over and knocked down three of Wei Jinzhong's command targets.

In the eyes of the defenders, it is hard to tell how many soldiers were killed or injured in the battle with the Muye soldiers in front. Even if they are injured, there are many people after all, and they can retreat in a blink of an eye.

But it is very clear to the people that the two torches fell to the ground, and the flag bearer was shot down. For them, it was like watching their own family members fall one by one, and everyone was afraid that they would be the next to be hit. .

Even the offensive against Makino's team is not so fierce anymore.

The power of firearms lies in their power.

As long as you wear a breastplate and a helmet, you may not be able to kill a person after three or five rounds of sword and spear strikes. A small lead will fall down if you hit it.

But it was slow to reload, and Wei Jinzhong was the only one who fired a few shots in a row before turning off the fire, and they all jumped off the table to reload.

However, Wei Jinzhong got angry and wanted to show off a bit. Regardless of whether the ammunition-loading flag army had time to look at him, he first raised his arms and pointed at a man who looked like the captain of the guard not far away. He raised his bow and pointed an arrow. : "That's it, I hit him in the face."

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Gong aimed a little bit, and the arrow from the bow was like a roll call. In an instant, the leader of the defending squad wearing a high-top helmet and a half-length armor was commanding soldiers to besiege the Muye army one moment, and screamed in the next moment. At the same time, he covered his face and fell down on his back.

What Wei Jinzhong was holding was a small bow. Compared with the big bow, it was faster, had a longer range, and was slightly less powerful. However, with this extraordinary skill, no matter how small the bow was, it was powerful enough to kill people when it was shot in the face.

"Tsk tsk, you have no luck."

Hearing that no one was cheering, Wei Jinzhong shook his head and said something to the Eastern Banner Army who was still loading ammunition, seeing two defenders infantry coming from the street with their weapons upright, he quickly shouted: "Someone is approaching! "

After speaking, he jumped off the table, but instead of retreating, he raised his bow and set up an arrow to meet the spearhead that was about to be stabbed, and shot the arrow into the eye socket of the enemy again without aiming at it.

Frightened, another enemy army turned around and ran back at a faster speed.

Even Wei Jinzhong didn't forget to laugh: "Grandpa can kill you with his eyes closed, so why not run away!"

After saying that, regardless of the fact that he had just stretched his bow, he shot another arrow, which hit the man's ass.

With the screams, he raised his bow and trotted forward, drew the knife to end his life, put the knife back into the sheath neatly, then moved the thumb of his right hand twice, changed the bow to another hand, and continued to walk and shoot again. It's Sanjian.

Confidence is like strolling in the courtyard.

The gunpowder smoke cleared with the sound of bangs, and the following Eastern Banner Army fired a few guns with precision. The four defenders who were besieging the nearby Makino team fell in response, and the appearance of reinforcements immediately relieved their pressure.

Immediately, the two ring knife fighters took advantage of the moment when the enemy was terrified and rolled into the enemy's formation freely, swung their knives close to their bodies and chopped down several people at once, bringing the team back to life.

The defenders assembled in one place were not subordinate to each other, and their organization was divided by the crowded refugees, and each team gathered around their own captain. Only by defeating the plundered London did they have the courage to besiege the Mu camp. .

Now seeing his own people being shot down one by one by muskets, bows and arrows, and each of them was killed, his heart was already occupied by fear, and he immediately lost the courage to fight, and the offensive against Muye camp was not as violent as it was at the beginning.

Once the breath in my heart is vented, it will be difficult to get it back.

The Makino soldiers had the opportunity to regroup, and when there was a gap, the crossbowmen would fire at once. Under the cover of the arrows and shields, the ring swordmen had a chance to recoil.

The defenders who besieged them were afraid of the crossbow arrows they shot, and also afraid of the projectiles fired by Wei Jinzhong from the flanks. Their energy was scattered and they couldn't bear them two or three times, so they collapsed one after another.

Seeing that the troops were about to be dispersed by the reorganized herdsmen, the flames reflected the aristocratic knights in the crowd who lifted their visors, waved their spears to scare the retreating defenders, and screamed for them to continue charging, besieging the crowd. A well-equipped Ming army.

As soon as the knight yelled, his voice stopped abruptly. With an arrow with tail feathers still trembling in his face, and a hole punched out of his chest by two iron pellets, he fell off his horse with a slant.

His yelling not only attracted the attention of his own defenders, Wei Jinzhong also stared at him for a long time, but because he was covered in armor, he was afraid that feather arrows would not be able to penetrate, so he patiently waited for the Eastern Banner army to reload.

Seeing that the reloading was finished, the knight lifted his visor again, and immediately shot the feathered arrow and the blunderbuss at the same time, calling him dead or alive.

Seeing that even the knights were killed, the street was like the ripples of a lake thrown into a big stone. Starting from the soldiers around him, they all turned their heads and fled backward like a flock of sheep washed away by wild beasts.

Wei Jinzhong didn't care about this critical point, he jumped two steps forward with his bow and arrow in his bag, drew his waist knife and raised it above his head in a gesture of raising his hands, then turned his head and shouted to the Eastern Banner Army: "What am I going to do? Hunt them down, quick!"

This time, not only the regrouped Makino Squad, but also the London soldiers who retreated to the rear followed up.

The four Eastern Banner soldiers even put on the thorns for the bird blunderbusses. Relying on the solid armor on their bodies, they held the blunderbuss stabs obliquely and strode forward, leaping over Wei Jinzhong who was holding a knife, and took the lead to charge the enemy.

On the chaotic street, the defenders at the back surrounded the refugees and wanted to rush forward, and the defenders at the front were killed and all weapons and helmets were thrown away and they wanted to run back. The crowd was in a mess at the corner of the street, only waiting for Wei Jinzhong and others With the tails up, each one is waiting to be slaughtered, and there is no way to fight back.

When they chased them to the corner of the street, the defenders and reinforcements enveloping the refugees were even more incapable of organizing defenses, so they simply turned around and fled towards the Tower of London.

(End of this chapter)

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