open sea

Chapter 1412 The Raven

Chapter 1412 The Raven
In the dark prayer room, the priests in black robes bowed devoutly, their hands tightly clutching the cross hanging on their chests, and their lips tremblingly muttering something.

The sound of cannons outside the double walls of the White Tower shocked the senior residents of the Tower of London—the ravens who have been watching the conspiracy and killings in the Tower of London for 600 years.

Following the custom of the Romans, England has prepared niches for ravens everywhere from the slaughterhouses to the banks of the Thames, relying on ravens to clean up the stinking carrion and garbage inside and outside the city.

Especially around the Tower of London, these huge black birds with curved beaks can be seen everywhere in the treetops and city walls.

Because the open space outside the Tower of London is also the execution ground for the royal family and nobles, the execution ax of the executioner is called Raven Stone in English.

According to their tradition, the corpses of the prisoners who were beheaded under the Raven Stone were often abandoned on the execution ground as a punishment, and every bloody storm caused by palace conspiracy was finally eaten away by the black whirlwind attracted by rotting flesh.

The clergymen covered in black robes worriedly listened to the sound of gunfire and the sound of fighting in the distance, and looked through the small window of the prayer room at the outer wall illuminated by torches.

The high wall made it impossible for people to know the battle situation two hundred paces away, but the old monk's eyes showed faint worry.

The stream of people holding torches in the distance poured in from the street like a river, and seemed to have surrounded the enemies approaching the Tower of London. The monk didn't care how long the battle outside the White Tower would last, nor did he care about the number of casualties of the defenders. He only hoped that No more artillery for those invaders.

The artillery, which had no threat to the city wall, rang again, and the raven flew away.

The clergy kept repeating a sentence tremblingly: "On the day the ravens fly away, the White Tower collapses and the crown falls to the ground."

The monk was supposed to go north with the queen and leave London. For this war, it would be useless for an old monk half buried in the ground to stay in the city, but he is still here because of this prophecy.

No one knows exactly who and why this prophecy was left behind, but people firmly believe in it.

Holding torches, the two teams of guards in the White Tower retreated from the west wall where the battle was taking place, and quickly assembled on the east wall outside the ancient Roman city wall by stepping on the green field where the Queen Mother's head had fallen.

It was almost dawn, and the early morning mist covered the monk's eyes with a layer of gray. The battle in the city seemed to be extremely tense. For a long time, he couldn't hear any shouts and roars.

Only the faint sound of weapons colliding and intermittent screams from a distance proved that the fighting had not stopped.

He saw a few knights leading a large group of horses passing through the street in the east of the city. After a while, the city gate opened, and the soldiers in the entire Tower of London were shouting the name of Baron Charles.

Until this moment, the monk's hanging heart finally fell, and he closed his eyes with relief - the guardian of the city is still there, and the army in London has not been destroyed.

Baron Charles was wearing gold-plated black plate armor, his bloodshot eyes were slightly swollen under the raised visor, at this moment he felt the same as the old monk.

The Tower of London hasn't fallen yet!
Guiding the refugees to other parts of the city is extremely laborious, and it is no less than fighting with the Ming army with real swords and guns.

His troops are slowly entering the city. More than [-] soldiers are preparing to enter the Tower of London to replace the White Tower guards who stayed up all night. The baron dismounted from his horse and took off the plate armor on his right hand. Careful garrison positions are required.

Someone reported to him: "Sir, the enemy is beginning to waver, and intends to break through eastward from the north bank of the Thames south of the Tower of London."

"Send men to the south wall to stop them, tell the people outside the city to retreat east, and block them at London Bridge."

Charles only narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment before making a decision. He yawned uncontrollably, and said, "These enemies are very strong, we must surround them, kill those who can, and kill the rest until the rest are willing to surrender." ——If you instigated the defenders, you must figure out how to do it!"

The baron had too many doubts in his mind.

The battle and conflict went on for nearly four hours, and he just figured out how the Ming army broke through the city of London.

Previously, based on the fact that the Ming army quickly captured Westminster Abbey as soon as it entered the city, he was inclined to guess that there was an internal response from the Ming army in the city. Seeing the defenders fighting side by side with the Ming army made him more convinced of this.

But he still couldn't figure out how it was done, he never considered this happening.

How could any London garrison join the enemy?

They have different appearances and do not understand the language. In the chaotic battle, they are easily mistaken and attacked. How could anyone join the Ming army?

But fortunately, in the eyes of Baron Charles, the truth will soon be revealed with the surrender of Wei Jinzhong's troops.

In his opinion, there was no need for Wei Jinzhong to continue fighting.

There are only about 500 people left in this Ming army. Although their armor looks better than that of the British army, it is limited and cannot make up for the exhaustion of fighting all night.

On the other side of the city wall, hundreds of longbowmen were shooting with precision.

The defenders gathered on the street continuously. Some of them were defeated in the previous pursuit, and some were killed mercilessly. At this time, they all regained their face and rushed to charge the Ming army.

However, the lonely and deep Ming army could only form an formation and carefully defend against counterattacks. Right now it looks like a balance.

But in fact, there is very little balance in the military. Each unit has different supply capabilities, and no one can evaluate a unit without its rear support capabilities.

Outside the Tower of London, on the streets and lawns about [-] paces wide, the fighting was still going on, and the defenders surrounded them from all directions, guarding every street corner so that Wei Jinzhong and the First Mu camp could not escape.

Wei Jinzhong didn't know how many enemy troops there were around him, he was going crazy.

Layers upon layers of people fell in front of the Ming army, but they rushed forward one after another like a tide. It is a fool's dream to let them go back the same way. More than [-] enemies followed behind, blocking all the gaps.

Under the Tower of London, there are places of death everywhere. Only Wei Jinzhong, who was left by the defenders, saw it, and made up his mind to break through the estuary.

However, the enemy troops in the north of the estuary gathered at the estuary and blocked the other side. Now the only thing Wei Jinzhong can transfer is the London Strange Bridge.

When he boarded the London Bridge, Wei Jinzhong was full of thoughts about the reinforcements. He hoped that Ying Ming, who was dozing off in Westminster Abbey, would lead the army to rescue him when he received the news.

After a short battle, both sides suffered casualties, and everyone's attention was on the drawbridge on London Bridge. As long as the drawbridge was not put down, the Ming army would be a dead end in their eyes.

If he doesn't come again, I'm afraid that Wei Jinzhong will really die here as the city god, and there will be no place to escape.

Suddenly there was a commotion in the rear of the enemy army, and the long-lost cry of killing suddenly erupted from behind the defenders, and Yingming's reinforcements came.

(End of this chapter)

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