open sea

Chapter 1417 Dilemma

Chapter 1417 Dilemma
The Huojun who taught the captive pancakes was Liu Zhi, a native of Baoding, the first phase of Beiyang Banner Army, learned several foreign languages ​​in Dongyang, and was assigned to guard the prisoners.

There were quite a few prisoners in Westminster Abbey. There were about 40 defenders who surrendered during the battle, two monks and more than 20 nuns who surrendered, and more than [-] family members of noble merchants who hid in Tibet at night with Bai Lier. Hundreds of people.

Ying Ming had a big heart, so he left twelve Huojun and two military doctors to take care of all of them.

Fortunately, most of the captives were women and girls, and most of them had the awareness to be captives. They were relatively easy to manage, so there was no chaos when Westminster Abbey's defense was weakest.

Liu Zhi actually had the idea of ​​finding a wife for Brother Pao Ze among the captives.

The first and second phases of the Beiyang Banner Army are not like the changes in the world. The fifth and sixth phases, from the court officials to the common people, have longed for the sea. In those two phases, they basically had no children of officials and eunuchs. .

It is not easy for a small family to find a wife, and the strict military law prevents them from being able to rob them casually like the bandits of the rebellious army. What's more, even if someone really robs them, they will not be able to pass the general's test.

Perhaps the situation of marriage is better in Nanyang and the West, but in Dongyang, the first thing that Qijun gets married is to send a report to Zhao Shizhen in Changsheng, and the wedding can only be held after approval.

Because the military government does not allow them to treat the people of Asia like the Spanish invaders for the sake of the orthodoxy of the court in Asia.

After going to sea, due to the negligence of the military government, this order has not been changed deliberately. If you want to get married, you have to find the highest military officer. In Alan, it was Han Jinhuan, the commander of the National Restoration Army, and now it is Puzhou General Ying Ming.

It doesn't matter if Banner Army wants to sleep with someone, but if he intends to get married, he must obtain approval from the military government.

The question is whether Ying Ming, the general in Puzhou at this time, is still the general banner when he leaves the garrison of the Dongyang Military Mansion, so this matter has been shelved in Puzhou for a long time, until recently Ying Ming started to start, for example, acquiescing to the servants Wei Jinzhong was a pimp.

The Oriental Banner Army, which is majestic all over the world, also has sufferings that are unknown to others.

In fact, these simple flag soldiers have not changed their views on spouse selection before joining the army. For ordinary people from small families, finding a wife has always been a difficult task. Compared with their appearance, they pay more attention to whether their wives can get along with them after marriage. support.

But according to the actual situation, marriage is not difficult for the vast majority of Eastern Banner soldiers. Those who choose to retire after this battle need not worry. After five years in the army, they generally have saved enough to buy land, From the capital of the house, he has already become the best among ordinary people in terms of financial resources.

Banner troops who do not plan to retire but plan to return to Asia to continue serving also have strong competitiveness in Asia, and their social status far exceeds that of ordinary people.

Even if this person has not gained anything during his three-year overseas service, has not made any achievements, and has no other income, just because of his long-term training, he can eat and drink without worrying about food and drink, and has a military salary of more than [-] Tongbao per month.

In fact, it is very difficult to find the first phase of the Banner Army that has not made any achievements in the entire Oriental Army.

The first phase of the Banner Army now has less than a thousand in one state, two oceans and three ports under the jurisdiction of the Eastern Army Mansion. Can retired early, and there were even fewer under Ying Ming's command.

There are only more than 70 people in the first phase of the Banner Army in Ailan and England. Liu Zhi is one of them. His identity is still a Banner Army, but this is because he is a Fire Army. There is no promotion route, so he was just taken out of the combat sequence and placed in Yingming's participating generals.

In fact, the twelve Huojun and two military doctors in Yingming's general department each have at least six merits in their military registration books.

A meritorious character is five first-level or equivalent meritorious deeds.

For example, Liu Zhi, there are twelve meritorious characters in his military registration book, four of them are based on his understanding of the local language in a battle in the north of Ailan, so he mobilized the people to rush for the two hundred households of the Fuguo Army who were being pursued. , Transport dry food for three days, so that the troops can complete the 340-mile march without resting, and lure the main force of [-] rebel nobles into the ambush zone.

They have meritorious deeds, and those who want to stay after the war will definitely get promoted, and those who don't want to stay can also receive money according to the reward and take a boat home to become a rich man.

Some people are unconventional, they don't plan to return to Daming or East Asia, and want to stay in Puzhou and continue to serve, so it becomes a problem to marry a wife there.

That's why Liu Zhicai tried to understand the situation of the captives. After all, these women looked cleaner and pleasing to the eye in England's general environment, which was acceptable.

As for many peasant women in the countryside, they are really unacceptable.

A normal peasant woman in the Ming Dynasty would brush her teeth, clean her body, wash her hands and face, and even women in families who made a living in the city would put on some makeup.

It's all saved here, some people will wash it in a limited way, but more people won't.

The Ming army traveled to many places, usually they would live in villages and sleep in people's homes when marching in other places, but in Ireland and England, as long as it didn't rain, they often slept in the yard or in the middle of the village.

Due to the large number of sheep raised, the people often migrated. Some aristocratic families with hundreds of family members and hundreds of servants could not settle down for a long time.

There is no floor, the floor in the house is dirt, and the rich have wooden floors or simply spread hay on the ground twice a year.

But in fact, apart from the porcelain they haven’t learned yet, there are wooden floors, ceramic tile floors, and carefully polished stone floors in this land, which are only used by the feudal nobles and new traders who own the land. .

There's everything in the hay and the ground, spittle, vomit, leftovers, and more outrageous urine.

For the soldiers of the Ming army, the stone ground next to the well in the village was cleaner. Anyway, there was no bed in the house. Ordinary people could sleep on the ground with hay and animal skins or linen mats. What is the difference between cloth covered with purple perianth?

Therefore, in Liu Zhi's eyes, women from aristocrats or wealthy families are people who can barely be admired by the Eastern Banner Army, but they obviously show the characteristics of wasting food without knowing anything, which does not conform to the Ming Army's concept of mate selection.

The Eastern Banner Army, preparing for officers, had one foot away from the status of ordinary people, which naturally raised their demands on their wives.

Temperament and conduct are not good to understand, let's not mention it for the time being.

Those with high requirements will not be able to sing, sing, sing and dance, play the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, flute and flute strings, and needlework.

Those with low requirements do not know how to read and write, various crafts, bookkeeping, and cooking.

Then what's the use of them.

 Good morning!

(End of this chapter)

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