open sea

Chapter 1422 Another World

Chapter 1422 Another World

After Yang Ce entered London, in the eyes of Bai Lier in Westminster Abbey, the war situation seemed to suddenly become fierce.

The tranquility of Westminster Abbey, the cook's home in the past, was broken in an instant. Every day, countless wounded soldiers were sent into the temple from the front lines from all over the country.

There were already many beggars and homeless residents in London. After the southern city was captured by pirates, the people heard that the Ming army opened a porridge factory in Westminster Abbey to provide relief, and hundreds of people fled from there.

The interior of Westminster Abbey was divided into three parts. The high tower of the monastery was still used as a backup command center for the senior officers of the Ming army after the defeat of the war.

Neither the military doctor's camp nor the cook's camp could accommodate the hungry Londoners who came from outside the city, so they could only be housed in a few streets outside the temple.

Those who came early were able to shelter in the stone-walled courtyards that had not been destroyed by the war.

More people who came late could only sleep in the lines drawn by the Ming army with charcoal and lime on both sides of the street, huddled together.

The cold wind in early spring was still biting, and they shivered, complained, groaned, and sighed in the wind, holding a bowl of wheat porridge that was as thin as clear water.

Liu Zhi, who was temporarily imprisoned in the logistics service, couldn't bear to see him. He persuaded Makino Baihu, who had used wounded soldiers to reorganize the troops in Westminster Abbey, to go to the streets to screen out the people, distinguish the elderly, women, women, and children from the strong men, and redistribute the houses facing the street. for their temporary residence.

Liu Zhi wanted to get all the people into the house. They had a large number of unoccupied houses in the west city, but they couldn't stop the production inside and outside the city. Not long after separating the people, a group of pirates took all the people from the street. man.

They have to go out of the city to resume production, and they can't violate the farming season. Yang Ce's production capacity of this land is far more than Ying Ming's.

There are good fields all around London, and the pirates of the Han Dynasty who live in the wind and sleep in the open are the most shameful people to spoil the good land. Besides, they are more clear about the strategy than Yingming's troops. Next year, this place will be the rear base of the West Han United Fleet to attack the Netherlands, even with military funds. To buy, there must be food.

Not long after the officers of the United Fleet of the Western Han Dynasty arrived in London, the pressure on the Westminster Military Medical Battalion doubled. Yang Ce responded to the past with a more secure key defensive strategy and began to further squeeze the living space of the defenders in the city.

He blocked the city gates outside the city with Spanish and pirate troops, and repeatedly fought with the defenders street by street with large-scale troops in the city. Almost every day, more than a dozen wounded soldiers were sent to Westminster Abbey for surgery. More than a dozen wounded soldiers walked out from here and went to the front line again.

The medicines of Ying Ming's military doctors were not enough, and Yang Ce's troops didn't need medicines either. They only needed surgery, and the seriously wounded were not sent to Westminster Abbey.

"They fought again in the west, and the lowlander's intestines came out, and after he was stitched up, he held his stomach and followed the officer. I don't think he will come back."

As the pressure on the military medical battalion increased, Bai Lier also changed from a cook under Liu Zhi to a military doctor's assistant. This time, she was not forced to recruit because she knew some Chinese, so she was sent by the Dongyang military doctor to appease the wounded soldiers. Delivery Tool Responsibilities.

Seven girls like her were assigned to the military medical camp, which belonged to the temporary establishment. They were given three packs of Muye cigarettes and six packs of rock candy in one month, and they could eat two meals a day. They ate whatever the Ming army ate.

This kind of salary is already very high. Although they don't pay directly, in fact, even if they pay two and a half taels a month, they can't buy three packs of Makino cigarettes.

However, no matter who owns the Makino tobacco, it has a price and no market. Only in Spain can it be quickly sold at the price of one and a half yuan a pack. Not in England, but they can exchange it with the Spanish soldiers in London. .

Although he has a new job and is no longer a captive completely enslaved, the atmosphere in the military medical camp is too oppressive, and the air on the grass is filled with the smell of blood that cannot be dispelled.

Bai Lier still likes to talk to Liu Zhi at the Huojun's side in her spare time. It's much easier here. Compared with working in the military medical camp, she would rather roll cakes in the Huojun camp—if she can eat them.

The first women who arrived at Westminster Abbey almost had their own jobs. Most of the factories outside the city were re-opened by the Ming army. Some of them were taken away by their families, and most of them were family members of the old nobles. Their aristocratic status is of no value to the Ming army, so they are still working.

Bai Lier is quite special. The Ming army adhered to the attitude of attacking the textile industry in England, and did not reopen the workshop in a cooperative way. Her family completed the transformation from a giant businessman to an unemployed person during this war.

Now Liu Zhi has a group of new cooks, mainly women with children recruited from the people on both sides of the street, so as not to starve the children to death due to the lack of food due to the war.

Regarding what happened in the military medical camp, Liu Zhi had nothing to say. He just shook his head and said, "They are troops from the Han Dynasty. They are different from us. I don't know what kind of military law they practice. It seems to be stricter than ours."

The continuous flow of troops from the Han Dynasty into the city, and the countless wounded soldiers entering the camp day and night were also seen by Liu Zhi. Those soldiers of all colors and skins from various countries fought under the banner of the Han Dynasty, which is a novelty in itself. thing.

He couldn't understand how Yang Ce controlled many soldiers who couldn't even speak Chinese, and made these soldiers with different cultures, ideas, experiences, and nationalities obey him with a fearless attitude. , A bloody battle with the defenders.

However, it can be guessed that maybe the Han officers who followed the wounded soldiers to Westminster Abbey were the reason. They were like the European troops Liu Zhi had encountered.

Although the family property was confiscated by the Ming army, Bai Lier was more and more willing to call herself a military doctor's servant or fire army cook under the Ming Dynasty.

When Liu Zhi discovered this clue and asked the reason, Bai Lier just laughed, and she couldn't figure out why.

This should have nothing to do with being a prisoner, because Liu Zhi never forced her to do anything except not letting her out of Westminster Abbey.

Maybe it was because she was bound by too many feudal religions in the past, or maybe it was because she had never seen a strong man like Liu Zhi who defended women, children, and the elderly, or maybe it was because the Ming army taught her what respect is.

There is no respect in their culture, only compliance; no discipline, only education.

The reason for the existence of all words is limited to religion and aristocracy. This is a world where there is no living space for the lower classes.

The existence of the Ming army allowed her to peek into another world.

(End of this chapter)

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