open sea

Chapter 1426

Chapter 1426
In any case, it seems that Emperor Wanli has a foregone conclusion about sending King Lu to the Dongyang Military Mansion.

Even the Empress Dowager Li couldn't persuade her. In the end, everyone agreed that King Lu was only going to live in the Dongyang Military Mansion for a period of time this time, not counting as a feudal vassal, and would come back later.

Unexpectedly, before Lu Wang had time to be happy, his brother Wanli gave him another letter and asked him to pass it to Chen Mu.

He also told Ye Mengxiong to be optimistic about King Lu.

Lu Wang said that he was very scared in his heart, always suspecting that the emperor's brother really planned to go to the domain without preparing anything for him.

In fact, Lu Wang thought too much, Wanli did plan to let him come back, but it was not the same as the return time that Lu Wang imagined.

Last year, Zhu Zaiyu wrote a letter to the imperial court, in which he mentioned that the Imperial Clan University of the Eastern Military Mansion was doing very well, and that many members of the imperial clan had learned a technology that could not only make a living, but also enrich the common people.

No worries about food and clothing, and respected.

This brought great interest to Wanli. This time, King Lu was sent there, not only to be a mascot when Chen Mu held the Heavenly Kingdom Conference - but also to send him to the Imperial Clan University.

To learn a skill and personally experience the life of the Imperial Clan University, he was stipulated to write a letter to Wanli every month and return it after two years.

If there is no problem with this route, Wanli even plans to set up imperial clan universities in the two capitals of the mainland, north and south, to complete the imperial clan's education route from Zong clan to imperial clan universities.

As for the prince, Wanli also considered everything. He had to learn about religion, lecture on scriptures, and understand military affairs, and it was best to have personal experience in governing and leading an army before succeeding to the throne.

People always have a sense of superiority. In the position of the emperor, especially with Wanli's complacent little head, he would take it for granted to summarize who is better than his ancestors.

I won't talk about who is weak, but he can sum up who is strong, and after summing up, he can come up with a truth.

People, you still have to practice.

Why is Grandpa Taizu so powerful?That is the person who personally led the army and ruled the world.

Why is Grandpa Chengzu so powerful?That is the person who Qi Bing Jing Nan swept the world for the second time.

Why is Grandpa Jiajing so powerful?That's... That's because grandpa is a Taoist leader and a god, and there are no gods who are not good, not to mention that grandpa likes cats as much as I do, so it must be good, who said grandpa is not good?
Put his mother's shit fart, I won't listen!
So, if the emperor wants to be powerful, he still has to pacify the world himself. Once he pacifies the world, all the ills will be eliminated, and vitality will be everywhere.

Even if you can't pacify the world, you can always go to other places to experience what it means to pacify the world. Our Ming Dynasty can't be pacified, so can't the Spain of King Shunyi of the West and He Ruisan's Fu Lanxi still be pacified?

They don't dare to dance here, but when my son rules the world, shouldn't they dance?

At that time, let the prince at the Imperial Clan University of the Eastern Military Mansion tell them the truth, jumping is the prince's own conquest.

Once Wanli thinks about it this way, the Imperial Clan University is immediately endowed with extraordinary significance and becomes an important part of training the prince.

At least Wanli thinks that if he is allowed to choose, which kind of life will make him grow more and be happier.

He hoped that he could be trained like Lu Wang and Buta Shili since he was a child and reduce some of the day-to-day sutra feasts, and then set foot on the most powerful military ship in the empire as a young man to set foot on the newly conquered land to study.

In the side room of the Qianqing Palace, he could even rely on the long sail of the Wanli ship table, holding the eldest son of the emperor named Chang Luo, to make up the extraordinary experience of an heir to the empire in the new land for several years.

When he was studying, Chang Luo would get the loyalty and support of thousands of wise and brave men there...

When foreign enemies invade and civil strife breaks out, Chang Luo will lead the invincible army of the empire through several extremely difficult and difficult battles and finally win...

He's going to have a couple of prominent, innocuous scars on his body...

A few years later, Chang Luo returned to Beijing with a warrior loyal to the empire, a beautiful woman dedicated to his father, and an unparalleled reputation. He accepted the emperor's review in the Forbidden City after a long absence.

Thinking about it, Wanli even felt a little jealous, how he wished that it was himself who could go to Dongyang!

A dignified son of heaven, he could read and write in April, and he knew how to persuade his father not to ride a horse when he was six years old.

"Your Majesty, the lord of the world, ride alone, and would rather not worry about a prong."

Not to mention leading the Imperial Forest Army to practice hard in winter, summer, cold and heat, marching and training, fighting and assassinating, throwing and shooting, setting up fortifications, building camps and digging trenches.

He knows astronomy and geography, and when it comes to horseback riding and boating, which one of us Zhu Yijun is worse than him?
After learning a whole body of civil and military skills, in the end, he talked about practice all day long and repeated orders to others, but he himself had never practiced anything except military training!

It's simply unreasonable. Could it be that Zhu Yijun can't compare with Qi Jimei when he goes to the West, Li Chengliang when he goes to the Northeast, and Lin Xiao when he goes to the East? Can't we build our own business?
The more I thought about it, the more enraged I became, and the more I thought about it, the more jealous I became, and finally frowned and put the baby Zhu Changluo on the deck of the Wanli ship, lifted it over and slapped that little butt twice.

Wang An was so frightened that he hurried forward to stop him, almost knelt on the ground, and said repeatedly: "Oh, grandpa, what's wrong with you, the eldest son of the emperor didn't cry or make a fuss!"

Wan Li, who was stopped by Wang An, stretched his arms out of the sun and moon chapter pattern robe and pointed at the boat, crying like a wolf, and Zhu Changluo said viciously: "I hit him so that he would not cry or make trouble! "

"Good luck, Luogeer!"

Wang An was terrified, and even had some doubts about life.

Bending his waist in front of the Wanli ship, he kept raising his hand to protect Zhu Changluo, and his head quickly turned several times between the emperor and the eldest son in a few seconds.

He opened his mouth and couldn't speak.

'What did the man miss? '

Just now the emperor was fine, but he was muttering about 'clan university', 'bring me the beautiful palace people back', and his expression changed in a blink of an eye.

Hey, damn it, it's really unpredictable!
How did he know that at that moment just now, Wanli had already spent half of Zhu Changluo's handsome life in his mind, and even thought about where the lovesickness mole on the corner of the mouth of the beautiful palace lady brought back to him would grow!
In the end, I was studying, practicing, and kneeling habitually. Although I didn't cry, I often made Lu Wang cry and make a fuss. What happened in the end?
It's not like I went to Tianjin more.

On the contrary, this white and fat boy who weighed two pounds didn't even know how to call his father smoothly, so he got everything easily.

How annoying.

"Hey, the most annoying thing is that we have to wait for this matter. I have to wait for more than ten years, which is too long——Wang An."


"Why don't you go too, go to Dongyang, take all the painters in the palace and those who wrote, and bring back to me everything you have seen, heard, thought and thought, I really want to see it Already!"

 Good evening, sorry for the late chapter today.

  I need to ask for leave tomorrow, and I have to go back to my wife's hometown for family business.

(End of this chapter)

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