open sea

Chapter 1429 The Duchess

Chapter 1429 The Duchess

In Madrid, the capital of Spain, the guild hall named Daming Building has been open for more than half a year.

Most of the buildings on this land named after the Ming Dynasty are inseparable from Li Dan, and this Daming Building built in the bustling area of ​​Madrid is no exception.

However, this Daminglou guildhall has nothing to do with the merchants of the Ming Dynasty. It occupies a very large area in terms of ceremonies. The same Daming Street in Mexico, but Yu Philip's obstacles failed to succeed.

Philip has sufficient reasons to worry that once the Daming Street plan is implemented by Li Dan, there will often be small groups of Ming troops in and out of the hinterland of Madrid, which will bring great pressure to the city management.

In the end, Daming Tower was built, but neither Li Dan nor Philip wanted it, and the two of them were powerless to stop it.

The owner of Daming Tower is Die Niang, the wife of General Fu of Portugal and the mother of Li Dan, Governor of Spanish Customs.

Die Niang went to sea from Haojing last year. She heard that there was a plague in Spain. Her son Li Dan and her concubine Fu Yuan were both in Spain. She did not have a marriage ceremony with Fu Yuan, and she was not bound by the court's laws, so she set off on the boat and traveled all the way. It went to Ottoman through the Western Army Mansion, and then entered Spain through Ottoman.

The sea routes in this world are unimpeded for a Ming woman who can speak in the Siyang Military Mansion, and they have their own people in every key port in the world.

The arrival of Die Niang set off a revolution in Spain.

Beauty revolution.

First of all, those merchant wives and daughters who often went in and out of Daming Harbor with their husbands found that Die Niang's makeup was compared with them, like a phoenix in the sky and a sparrow on the ground, and begged Die Niang to dress them up.

Afterwards, the outfit from Daming was like a stone thrown into a calm lake, and it was out of control.

Women naturally love beauty, so makeup is a science. In this science, many civilizations in the world have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the world has different aesthetics. Daming can't be said to be ahead of others, but his makeup will not die.

Because the most mainstream cosmetics in Europe in this era is Venetian lead white, also called lead soul.

Before the arrival of Die Niang, Venetian Lead White was once the most prestigious, expensive and toxic foundation in Europe in this era.

As the name suggests, it's lead, and people used the Greek-era method of putting pieces of lead in vinegar and letting it rust, scraping off the rust and collecting it, putting the lead back in the vinegar to rust, and boiling the scraped rust in water After cooking, the bottom sediment is lead white.

Although lead whites are quite effective sunscreens, they are also very toxic. Long-term use will not only fail to achieve the original intention of whitening, but will also make the skin look haggard and old.

The city of Venice is famous for its women with heavy makeup and the best quality lead white.

The purity, opacity, and satin-like finish of Venetian Lead White make it the finest of white foundations and the most enthusiastically sought after.

In southern Spain, however, Venetian Lead White is no longer popular.

Instead, it is pearl powder and hosta powder from Daming.

From the first time Die Niang disembarked at Daming Port, she was the figure that the nobles in Spain desperately needed to curry favor with.

The words of this old woman who still has charm have a different kind of magic.

As long as she says a word, tobacco merchants can easily get the right to purchase one or even two shipments of Muye Tobacco; the same goes for silk merchants and handicraft merchants.

The goods carried on these Ming ships have different values ​​in the eyes of different people, and even His Royal Highness Philip needs to please her, because that means the military salary of one or even two phalanx legions.

If you let Die Niang speak for them, it becomes a science.

Her husband controls the army in Portugal, and her son controls the customs in Daming Port. It is obvious that no one dares to provoke Di Niang even though Spanish men are naturally romantic and lack a sense of responsibility.

I could only send my wife and daughter to hang out with Die Niang, so that Die Niang later mentioned in the chat with Li Dan that the rouge and incense she brought were not enough, and Li Dan discovered another blockbuster product of Daming.

Not one, but a set.

The way Die Niang came to Spain was shorter and safer, so the news was quickly sent back by Li Dan via the Western Army Mansion, where he ordered and invited people from Haojing merchants.

His land in the city was simply given to Die Niang. King Philip forbade Li Dan to open Daming Street in Madrid, and finally let Die Niang repair the garden.

Of course, in Philip's mind, it was not a garden, but a manor.

It is called Daming Tower, and its full name is the Duchess Manor from Daming.

Philip's spies in Daming Harbor learned that Li Dan was planning a new business, and he wanted to take part in whatever he said, and finally he generously granted Die Niang the land.

Die Niang still thinks it's inappropriate, in order not to affect Fu Yuan, she doesn't want Philip's title, but Philip must give it.

In the end, he even said, "This king pays tribute to the emperor, so he is a vassal state. Since it is a vassal state, is there anything wrong with ennobling you?" 'In this case.

Just kidding, Philip is almost losing money. In recent years, he has been deeply influenced by Li Dan. In the court, he always talks about the poverty of the people, which is not pious, but the richness of the people.

Later, Li Dan and Die Niang had no other choice, and agreed that in addition to paying taxes to the customs, they would give Philip an extra [-]% of the goods.

The matter was settled, but the delivery of the goods was much later. It was not until March of the 12th year of Wanli that the first batch of goods was finally delivered to Daming Building in Madrid.

Just half an hour after the carriages and horses stopped at Daming Building, countless carriages arrived one after another carrying noble ladies from various mansions inside and outside the city of Madrid.

These rumored women almost included the families of the rich and powerful in Spain, including the daughter of King Philip, the wife of the Duke of Parma, the wife of the new Duke of Alva, and countless nobles, wives and daughters of merchants.

In fact, as long as one of these people appears, the others will gather around this person to form a circle. At this moment, Spain, which is undergoing a beauty revolution, has only one focus in this circle.

They were waiting for Niang Die, oh no, they had been waiting for Mr. Die for a long time for this batch of goods from Daming.

According to the custom of Ming people, they regard Die Niang as their teacher, so they have to add the word "Mr." to their address to show their respect.

When these wooden boxes that crossed the ocean were transported into the city by the Daming Guard Banner Army stationed in Daming Port on tall horses, the women waiting in the manor cheered in unison.

In their eyes, the lacquered wooden boxes containing rouge, gouache, incense, and small tools are the most precious treasures of this era.

But in Die Niang's view, it is countless gold and silver mountains.

 Good morning!

(End of this chapter)

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