open sea

Chapter 1490

Chapter 1490
In the long and narrow river valley, the wheelbarrow was parked at a position where it could no longer move forward.

A small group of civilians looked at the Suncheon Anmin flag fluttering on the side of the simple outpost built of wood on the mountainside in the distance, unloaded the goods from the car and took them with them, and quickened their pace.

This is the rear of the rebels where the defense forces are sparsest. Walking south along this river, you can walk out of the valley and enter Derbyshire under the control of the Ming army.

There are more than 20 of these people, including middle-aged men, women and several children. They look like a few families born and raised in England, but they are carrying luggage that is incomparable to donkeys and mules, and they are moving towards the north step by step.

The man named Walder was carrying a canvas flour sack on his shoulder, and another in his other hand; the woman was carrying a pannier for tents and other supplies, and she was leading a child.

The child didn't hold anything, but around his neck were three armed belts that hung down to his knees and were full of ammunition.

Several families, almost all of them, carried nothing but more than these, and some even led horses.

They looked short and thin, pale with hunger and looked like they were about to die. They didn't even have the strength to speak, but walked silently.

Tired, they sat and rested for a while on the pebble beach by the river, staring straight at the Suncheon Anmin flag halfway up the mountain, and then got up and still walked firmly.

They are farmers from the barren countryside in the north of Derbyshire. They heard that Liu Ruguo of the Suncheon Anmin Army was trapped in the mountains by Drake. He raised his own grain and transported it to the north. The armed belts hanging on the children's shoulders were sent by the Derbyshire garrison when they saw them. here.

Despite the language barrier, no one doubted their intentions.

These people are the first batch of registered people in Derbyshire or today's Derby County.

It can be said that among the first batch of registered citizens who are still alive, almost all of them are loyal to Ming Dynasty.

Because they have no choice.

When the Scottish Legion went south, all the villages and towns were plundered by the Scots, and the nobles raised troops and forced the strong men, causing the local population to drop sharply.

Then the Scottish Legion was defeated by the Ming army, and the pursuing Ming army killed them back. Ying Ming appointed the general banner of the Beiyang Banner Army who was injured in the battle to act as the county magistrate.

The rough population registration, the rough clearing of the farmland, the rough division of the land, the peace did not last long.

Then the Drake Rebellion brought the flames of war to this place for a time, and the administration, economy, and agriculture of Derby County suffered huge damage, and the greater harm was to the people who had already been ruled by the Ming army.

Because the Ming army said that the land was distributed to them, except for the grain tax collected twice a year, as long as the land is not abandoned, it will always be theirs.

Fortunately, the land in the north of Derby County is barren and mostly mountainous. Many people who are afraid of war choose to flee to the mountains for refuge.

Because they think that the nobles will definitely let them hand over the land, and may even blame them for it, not to mention staying there is likely to be involved in the war.

Regardless of the standpoint of the war, except for professional soldiers, most people simply do not have the courage to stand up to the war.

Some elderly people or ordinary people who did not take this seriously and had expectations of nobles stayed in the village.

Although the queen has surrendered, who is not angry?This is their country, and their country's army is back!

The war ended soon, and some nobles and monks followed Drake's defeated army to other places, and those who did not leave could only remain anonymous. The thorough military struggle also completely destroyed the most traditional feudal rule.

The people who hid in the mountains returned to their hometowns, and those who stayed were few and far between.

Wade just walked step by step until he went deep into the mountains. He and his wife and children were almost starved to death. Then he finally met the little leader of the Suncheon Anmin Rebel Army and sent him to Liu Ruguo.

Liu Ruguo never thought that local people would come to deliver food to him.

The rebel army doesn't have much food, but it hasn't reached the point of shortage. They have a grain road in Sheffield in the east of the mountain range, and the Ming government army will organize people to transport grain to the mountain from there. They are also cultivating and planting in the mountain area, and even There is surplus grain to raise pigs and chickens.

They were just tired from the previous continuous battles, and the soldiers needed a period of rest.

Wade didn't send much. There were 800 rounds of ammunition, more than [-] catties of food, and some odds and ends of tents and cloths.

But Liu Ruguo is very grateful, and it feels good to have support.

In fact, he wants to know why Wade brought people to deliver food to him... Usually, the common people avoid them, just like in the lands ruled by the English in the Kingdom of Alan, he couldn’t find them even when he set up a flag in the village to recruit soldiers. He realized that it would take a lot of money for someone to follow him.

Not to mention that it doesn't cost money, people sent the food over.

"We thought they were going to ask, that they were going to scold us and take the land back, and they didn't," Ward said.

Liu Ruguo knew that what Wade was talking about referred to the nobles who fought back with Drake.

"They didn't ask at all, and they didn't say anything, but one day, the lord's cavalry suddenly appeared in the fields, and with swords and spears, they drove everyone they saw."

"The lord gave an order to let the cavalry kill those dirty and lowly peasants who occupy the land."

"Dirty, filthy peasants, oh!"

Wade didn't have much sadness on his face when he talked about this, he just curled his lips: "Some survived, were recruited into the army by the lord, and then died in the battle with the Ming army; some people followed the lord and ran north."

Walder shook his head, his eyes were empty, as if he was recalling the scene he saw when he fled back to his hometown from the mountains after receiving the news that the war was over.

"Fields and roads were stained dark with blood. Corpses were stabbed to death by spears and hung at the gate of the village. Many people were killed in wells and underground."

Liu Ruguo didn't know what to say about these things. He thought that those who died were self-inflicted-if you accept the land bestowed by Daming, you should stand with Daming; if you are willing to serve the lord, you should separate yourself from Daming limit.

No one can grow the land given by Da Ming, but follow the lord.

He even wanted to ask, is it possible to enter other shops in this land, carry a bunch of things in your arms without paying, and still want to have a good relationship with the shop owner?

But he couldn't say that he couldn't laugh at these English people because they wanted to stand with the nobles because they were greedy for the benefits of the Ming army.

All this can only be experienced by themselves, although many people will be the price, but in the end people will understand.

Liu Ruguo could only say: "The people got the land, not because the Ming Dynasty asked the people for it, but because the Ming Dynasty drove away the nobles."

"My lord, please kill those nobles, you must kill them."

"I don't have any more, but as long as I can kill the nobleman, even if I die, I don't want the nobleman to come back."

Liu Ruguo took a deep breath, nodded his head slowly, and took a long time to breathe out, saying: "The noble will not come back, and will never come back again."

 This is Chapter 2 yesterday, I slept through it.

(End of this chapter)

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