open sea

Chapter 1511

Chapter 1511
Yang Ce discovered in The Hague that there were still more than 4000 catties of gunpowder hidden in the cabin.

It was a rare commodity, and he even liked the Dutchman a little.

The Dadongyang branch of the Han Dynasty has a big business, and there are several troops specializing in muskets, and the consumption of gunpowder has always been very high.

Although there are always Spanish, Portuguese, and Yilan maritime merchants, navies, and pirates to send him with ships and goods.

But in the past two years, for some reason, everyone's enthusiasm for doing business in his sea has not been high, which makes him very sad.

If there is no place for production and sales, we have to rely on imports.

The big head of imports is naturally the rich and powerful Oriental military government.

Chen Mu is very generous to his direct line troops, but Yang Ce is almost going to his grandma's house for him.

It really wasn't that Yang Ce was speaking ill of Mr. Dongyang Chen behind his back. A bull-nosed Taoist priest and a few bum businessmen had built a big village called Plymouth in Yilan and asked the imperial court for support. What about Dongyang Chen Mu?

Escorted by the Eastern Fleet, it was handed over to merchant Li Yuxi to fight the War of Independence in Puzhou. It was [-] catties of lead bars, [-] rods of matchlock bird guns, and [-] catties of gunpowder.

What about Yang Ce?

Marshal Chen told him to go to the Azores, the disgusting Spanish bald man, and even the boat and people. Yang Celian Shihe pulled him on, and pulled out an unprecedented large pirate fleet on the Atlantic Ocean.

He was given a few boats, dozens of cannons, a thousand or so old guns and [-] catties of gunpowder.

It's not a gift, but a qualification to buy it for him.

And regardless of luck, if you buy a ship and a gun to go to Changsheng, buy a gun to go to Jincheng, and buy gunpowder to go to Chile, if you want to get the goods in Daxigang, you have to pay more.

To be honest, Yang Ce still has a good temper, otherwise what is the name of the little scholar who talked to him about these things?Yes, Zhao Shizhen, Zhao Shizhen died eight times long ago.

In the end, Yang Ce had no choice but to buy the gunpowder from Zhao Shizhen with African gold at a high price. He bought the goods picked up in Daxi Port, and took everything else by himself, especially the ship.

He didn't take the sea route. Xu Zhenming's Panama Canal has only been built for less than two years, and he still has to go to Tierra del Fuego. It will be the second year after the ship sails to the east coast.

In the end, [-] pirates landed on land, and sailed on dry land all the way to the east coast. After they left, Panama went to Daxiport in the east of Mexico.

To be honest, Yang Ce spent half of his life in a gap, and sometimes he was so confused that he didn't know why he was alive.

He learned his mother's dragon slaying skills from the martial arts lecture hall in Guangzhou, but the result was worse than his classmates who entered the guard, and was thrown into the pirate's lair by Gao Gong.

The students also had various gaps, but the things on the objects basically followed the establishment of the three major military bureaus of Xuanfu, Nanyang, and Beiyang, and the gaps in the objects gradually improved. The only problem was the training and salary of the soldiers.

As for him, everything is missing.

The task Gao Gong entrusted to him will never be completed, Lin Afeng is very satisfied with the title of King of Han and Fujian, and has sent people back to the country to pay tribute every year since he was granted the title.

The biggest dream is what those students have at their fingertips - to create a platform that allows them to use what they have learned.

For ships, he has the Flying Shark from Phoenix Harbor; for guns, he has the Phoenix Cannon imitated from Zhenshuo;

But if you don’t wear armor anymore, you can’t have no weapons anymore, so he created the Sanghai imitation matchlock blunderbuss, a purely hand-crafted and skilled production line, with a monthly output of 45 muskets.

But he can't do anything about gunpowder. Without it, there is nothing.

With the size of the Songhai Kingdom alone, the musketeers can play whatever they want, but the big fleet fires heavy artillery salvos. Don't even think about it like him, who is always on the move. Land field artillery It is useless to think about it.

If it wasn't for the shortage of gunpowder and the fear of Chen Mu's political problems, he would have taken the big fleet to Madrid for a while.

There must be no shortage of gunpowder. If Chen Mula hadn’t been given a big job in Spain the year before last, and this year he was hired by Spain to send him to Yilan like a plague god. He might be planning to lead Sang Haijun Conquer the Sahara and hold the nitrate-producing land in your own hands.

All of a sudden, the pirates who occupied the Hague shipyard came to report that there were more than 4000 catties of gunpowder on board?
But Yang Ce was so happy, he was not happy because of the four thousand catties of gunpowder, but: "Where did they get the goods!"

Daming people who don't go to sea in this world don't know how precious it is.

Yang Ce only knows of five places where nitrate fields are used to play with excrement and urine, and they can produce 20 to [-] catties of gunpowder in one go. Of course, these five places also use nitrate fields to increase production.

The Chilean desert is shrouded in the shadow of the No. 240 black-hearted ghost in the world. The official price of Ming Dynasty costs 400 taels of gunpowder. If you lose an offer of [-] taels, you can only hear it from the black-hearted ghost. He has to tell You want gold.

There is also the land of Ming Dynasty, the salt salt from Shanxi, the mine salt from Gansu, and the cave salt from the south. The cost of shipping it over is much cheaper than buying it directly from Chen Mu, but it needs Lin Afeng to engage in tribute trade, and the sale is not like the Eastern Army. Such a large shipment volume.

Furthermore, it is Bengal, which is concentrated in the northeast of the Indian subcontinent and is shrouded in the shadow of the second largest black-hearted ghost in the world. Old man Yin is even more extreme than Chen Mu, and he will not sell it to pirates at all.

Send people to Goa, and just bring back a sentence: What kind of bullshit Han country is a pirate, and pirates don’t sell it, they want to buy it and find the emperor.

The cowardice over there is mainly caused by Lin Afeng. Lin Feng tried every means to get the gunpowder, and found that the one who was most likely to get the gunpowder was the great monk Tianshi.

But that monk is unreliable.

Sending envoys is not enough, let Lin Afeng go there, saying that his mother's gunpowder is only given to people who are destined, and you will know if you are destined after seeing it.

Lin Feng passed by, and the great monk said that the face of the benefactor really has a relationship with my Buddha. There is a city in the northwest called "Here", which is hard to attack by the soldiers. The siege of Buddhist disciples caused many casualties. The benefactor went to capture that city. , The [-] catties of gunpowder will be my Buddha's gift to you.

He said the same thing, but his 10,000+ monk soldiers are not willing to storm the city, let the pirates storm it, the key is that the broken land is not near the sea, isn't that bullshit.

Lin Feng saluted with clasped hands, shook his head and said: This is the end of fate, let me take my leave.

In addition to the three under the jurisdiction of Ming Dynasty, the other two are Ottoman and Moroccan.

Osman is definitely not easy to deal with, and Morocco is the same. The final winner of the War of the Three Kings, if it weren't for Morocco and Spain's Fei Tuzi, he wouldn't be the king of Portugal.

Of course, you must choose one of these two, and Yang Ce will definitely choose the latter.

Morocco shares a border with Songhai, and sooner or later there will be a battle, and he will definitely win the saltpeter there.

Now, it seems that a new production and sales place has emerged in the world.

And it is very possible that the production of nitrate is not that much, but the strength of the occupants is not as strong as the top five. To be honest, the mainland of Ming Dynasty, the Eastern Army Mansion, the Western Army Mansion, Ottoman, and Morocco.

Adding in Spain, any country singled out one of the six, whether it can win is a matter of luck, but it will definitely scare itself to death before the war begins.

Who can afford these five?
Now here comes a guy who is likely to be a minor player, but owns a land that produces saltpeter?

Yang Ce felt that this land was destined for him.

 Good morning!

(End of this chapter)

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