open sea

Chapter 152 Revenge

Chapter 152 Revenge
"Deng Qianhu led the army to rescue Li Dan from the gate. I will take the centipede boat around and sink their boat first!"

Deng Zilong accepted the order with his hands clasped, and led the [-]-banner troops off the boat to go straight to the gate.

Chen Mu is more trouble-free here, driving a centipede boat with hard sails around Haojing, the artillery on the ship is gearing up, and the limited warships in the water battle can increase the morale of the flag army.

The Chinese-style hard sails of the centipede ship are newly made. The original Western-style soft sails require too many people to control. Compared with the Chinese-style hard sails, it saves manpower for sailing. Changing the sails has nothing to do with this, because the flag army does not control the soft sails.

From a distance, Haojingao was in chaos, the smoke from the three forts never stopped, and the settlements of Franji people with the meeting square as the center ignited fires and smoke, and most of the port was destroyed. Japanese pirates boarded from the beach everywhere On the shore, hundreds of ships of all kinds parked crookedly on the shore.

At the port, shouting and killing.

Hua Yu raised a long sword and led all kinds of people to cut blood under the siege of the Japanese pirates, occupied the corridor around the pillars and fought the Japanese pirates to the death, raised the sword and cursed in fluent French: "Give those black fan weapons, stop them, guard the ferry, let the Japanese Take away my face and see my brother!"

Heifan was frightened by enslavement, although they were strong and fearful, they all timidly followed Hua Yu and the others. They had no weapons and could only find some poles for self-defense. Vicious pirates have no fighting spirit at all.

Even if the weapon is fired, it will only increase the momentum, and it is still not the opponent of the pirates.

On the long embankment of the wharf, Japanese pirates attacked from south to north, and more pirates who landed from the shore rushed over with knives and guns, in order to eliminate the last enemy guarding the pier by Huayu and his party.After taking down the long embankment, their leader's big ship can dock at sea, so except for a few teams of people scattered to snatch the fort, most of the pirates who landed everywhere rushed to Huayu.

As they retreated steadily, two brigantine ships equipped with four or five cannons on the sea randomly bombarded the side string cannons everywhere in Haojing as if they were having fun, not caring where the gravel would be shot under the bombardment.

The fort fired back at the ship in the sea, but the accuracy was too far off. The huge projectile hit the sea and splashed waves higher than the ship's side, but it attracted the Japanese pirate ship even more recklessly.

"Hmph, Mr. Zeng San was frightened by Yu Zhifu's beating, and he even offered money to let those rogues go to fight Guanghai, saying that it was some kind of attack."

On the bow of the two-masted ship, his face was somewhat similar to that of Xu Laoyao, a local bandit in Huangliangdu who was killed by Chen Mu's gunshot. Mirror, seized the barbarian's cannon, the court officers and soldiers are nothing!"

He is Xu Jinmei, a pirate who went out from Xiangshan Huangliangdu.

"Go on, the officers and soldiers on the fort don't know how to use cannons at all!"

Fu Chuan suffered from the huge rear seat of the two cannons, and the hull shook violently. The two shells screamed and blasted towards the fort. One of them hit the wall of the fort, smashing the hard granite into a large pit full of debris. .

The gunners of the pirates are far more skilled than the bannermen guarding the fort.

"Climb up, I've been wanting to play Hao Jing for a long time!"

The lucky boat slowly lowered its sails and headed towards the Haojing Ferry. Another brig in the hands of the pirates received orders to continue to swim outside the coast, and occasionally fired a cannonball to bombard the fort.

Without the protection of the outer warships, the three turrets of Haojing are not enough to repel a large number of invading enemies, let alone the only one of the three turrets that can pose a threat to the Fuchuan on the sea-Franz Robot made these forts The original intention was to guard against Xiangshan, not the sea.

Even though dozens of underlings resisted with the stolen weapons for a while, Huayu still couldn't take advantage of the tide of pirates, and lost the control of the ferry and long embankment after fighting and retreating, he could only watch helplessly With the big pirate ship berthed, he fought and retreated to the meeting square.

No one could gather the Francobots who were fighting on their own. Some of them brought their servants and men to guard the mansion and fired guns against the courtyard wall, and some entered the city hall to hide under the leadership of Pereira. Followed by the island's Quanshang Shi Xiaolou and the small leader Li Dan retreated to the gate, and bombarded the shore with the gate fort.

Li Dan organized hundreds of people to attack the meeting square several times, but due to the lack of armor and old firearms, he was defeated by the numerous and more fierce pirates.

The fort at the ferry is lost.

"How about Hao Mirror?"

Deng Zilong led the flag army to arrive, asked Li Dan and immediately ordered: "You follow me, let the fort be more accurate, and the fort of the discussion factory cannot be taken again, otherwise the gate will not be guaranteed!"

The range of the three forts on Haojing is very interesting. The gates cannot hit the port but can hit the meeting square, which can be reached anywhere in the meeting square. This determines whoever occupies the meeting square will be able to seize control of Haojingao. right.

Deng Zilong led the army to march forward in fear, for fear that they would be bombarded by the forts of the port on the way, but who knew...their enemies were pirates.

The heavy artillery on the fort was dismantled by them!
It was not intended to be used to beat them at all, it was simply dismantled and intended to be transported back to the ship.

"Hmph, it's these gangsters again."

Xu Jinmei stepped on the shoulder of the captured Heifan and pulled out the sword, looked around and fixed her eyes on the fort, "Hurry up, I want to use this cannon to bombard the thousand households in Shaxiangshan to avenge my youngest!"

"If you can grab it, grab it, but if you can't grab it, burn it!"

Thousands of pirates rushed to kill them, and the Haojingao garrison couldn't resist at all, so they lost all important places. If Li Dan hadn't been alert and called people to send the tax officials to the customs first, there would probably be more casualties .

Amidst the shouts of killing, Deng Zilong led a group of fast guns and bird gun flag troops to rush down the mountain road. They rushed into formation and collided with the arrogant pirates rushing towards them. Clash with pirates and fight bloody battles.

On the other hand, the blunderbuss players at the back took advantage of the cover of the human wall, and raised their blunderbusses over their heads and let them across to the enemy in front of the formation.

Xu Jinmei, the leader of the pirates who came to seek revenge, was satisfied. She walked on the streets of Haojing with her sword in hand, and assigned her pirates to plunder everywhere. Then go to two teams of people to block the passage, just stop them."

They grabbed their things and moved them back to the ship. When they retreated to the shore, even if the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty descended to earth, they would not be able to leave them behind under the awe of several ship cannons.

"Cannon is a good thing. It can't kill many people, but everyone is afraid of it!"

Xu Jinmei looked around complacently, but did not see the mountain far from the settlement to the west. Old Duolu, the Franco machine man of the artillery factory, assigned craftsmen to move out more than a dozen artillery pieces, large and small, and set them up, waiting to be ordered to bombard. Big ships with hard sails of different shapes roared in, and plunged straight into the center of the two gunboats stationed on the sea and the shore of the Japanese pirates.

The red sun flag inlaid with dragons is hung on the ship, and the flag is Chen Mu, a thousand households in Xiangshan, standing on the fort at the bow of the ship.

The 34 guns on both sides of the ship pushed out the gun windows and aimed at the two two-masted Dafu ships respectively.

Chen Mu, who was approaching the enemy ship with a thick hemp rope tied to his arm, squinted his eyes and ordered, "Let go!"

Bang bang bang!

The sound of the cannon was deafening.

 The update may not be too stable today and tomorrow. I finished all the manuscripts yesterday, and it will take two days to stabilize.

(End of this chapter)

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