open sea

Chapter 1536 Almost

Chapter 1536 Almost

In the meeting hall with the closed gate of the Yamen of the Eastern Military Mansion, the air seemed to be scorched by flames, exuding a heart-pounding tension.

Envoys from 44 countries including Ming Dynasty gathered together, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and no one spoke.

They are discussing matters, discussing the process of the National Assembly of the World.

In fact, the so-called envoys of the 44 countries can speak to only a few countries, and only the Daming family has the power to make decisions.

Just now, Zhao Shizhen of the Dongyang Military Mansion announced in the conference hall that they placed 43 heavy artillery pieces on Mubin Mountain near Chaotian Palace. When the meeting is held, all envoys will stand on the main road of Mo County For the south of Chaotian Road, stand in a row.

When the military music sounded, the heavily armed Beiyang flag army phalanx lined up from west to east. The envoys of 43 countries should line up one by one, following the sound of gun salutes, and bowed three times and bowed nine times on the Chaotian Road towards the west of Beijing.

The 43 cannons will fire 44 salvos, symbolizing the surrender and respect of 43 countries to the Son of Heaven, and the last salvo is the welcome of the Oriental Army.

Then enter the democratic time, what Zhao Shizhen wants everyone to discuss is the order of saluting.

There was no sound at all, and the countries with the lowest seats basically did not speak, but looked at the front.

They sat in two rows, with eighteen seats on the left and right sides. Due to insufficient work, a few envoys on both sides sat against the wall outside the long table.

There are only two chairs at the front.

On the left is Ye Mengxiong, who is sitting solemnly in a bulging scarlet robe and python suit covered with armor.

Chen Mu on the right is also wearing a python robe, but his python robe is worn under the armor. There is a dragon inlaid with silver craftsmanship, a tall helmet spear and a bowl with red tassels are placed on the table in front of him. Er picked out his ears.

Behind the two of them, one on the left and the other on the right, stood the attendants holding the imperial sword Shangfang.

Between the two of them was Zhao Shizhen, who was standing and looking around at everyone, his expression would show his arrogance unconsciously.

On the left of Ye Mengxiong, the first emissary was Brother Acosta from Spain. He was wearing a black robe with a silver cross on his chest, and he was pressing scriptures on the table with both hands.

Behind Acosta are the envoys of many kingdoms and duchies of France and Habsburg in turn.

On the right side of Chen Mu, the first envoy was Kao Pasha from Ottoman. For him, he did not shoulder any bad mission this time. After he came back, Daming did not declare war on Ottoman, so it was considered a perfect mission.

For no other reason, the Ottomans had just captured Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and even Tabriz in the war with the Persians, and now the two sides are conducting a series of small-scale mutual attacks on the border, and have no energy to care about other things.

As long as Daming does not fight, for the Ottoman envoy Kao Pasha, he has no intention of negotiating anything with Daming here, eat and drink well, do whatever he asks, and go back by boat to receive the reward when it is time to go back.

He didn't even speak with the Pasha sent by Gosu Tan Kingdom who was sitting behind him, especially seeing his relaxed expression, everyone felt relieved.

Three bows and nine kowtows is not a problem, we kneel at home when we have nothing to do.

However, Kao Pasha's reaction made Acosta a little shocked. He was 1 unhappy in his heart, and he still didn't dare to say it.

Originally, he was counting on the Ottoman envoy, who had never fought against Daming, to say it, but he didn't expect this guy to see Chen Mu digging his ears with gusto, and he was even in the mood to drink the juice in front of him without complaint.

There was no other way but to move his own people to get on. As soon as Acosta cleared his throat, Ye Mengxiong, who was not angry, snorted from his nose, "Huh?" 'Looking over, he was so frightened that he also picked up the cup and took a sip.

Taking advantage of this gap, he glanced back and winked at the envoys from many small countries sitting outside the table.

He objected to this, not because he didn't want to do it, but because they wanted to form an anti-French alliance, and Spain was the leader of the alliance. In this case, everyone would kneel in the direction of the Ming Emperor, which would really damage Spain's prestige.

There are a lot of people, but none of them understand.

The only one who responded was the Monaco envoy, who stood up and muttered, "I am the first!"

Almost made Ye Mengxiong laugh out loud, but Acosta stared intently for a while before letting the Monaco envoy say what he wanted to hear: "Three bows and nine kowtows, that's not allowed."

Although the words were soft, it still made Acosta very excited.

But just as the words fell, a familiar voice seemed to pull Acosta from heaven to a bone-chilling hell.


Acosta hadn't heard Chen Mu speak in a bad tone for a long time, but when he suddenly heard a familiar tone, the hairs on his back stood on end.

The last time the owner of this voice spoke in this tone, thousands of Spaniards died in Mexico and the New World.

But soon, when he looked over, he only saw Chen Mu's calm face, tilting his head slightly, looking over Acosta's shoulder at the Monaco envoy behind him, and threw the little golden spoon for picking ears on the table .

With a little doubt on his face, he raised his hand and waved: "Where is Monaco? Expelled from Asia."

"The Ming Dynasty's Eastern Military Government does not recognize the Principality of Monaco as a legal regime."

After that, he turned his head to look at Acosta, and said, "I hope that when the Gibraltar Daming Guard Fleet arrives at Monaco, Spain can withdraw its defense against Monaco as soon as possible, so as to prevent a rift in the relationship between the two countries."

Brother Acosta made a rare effort, and hoped that Spain would fulfill its duty of protector. He mustered up all the courage in his life, and gently reminded Chen Mu: "Spain's Naples fleet in the Mediterranean Sea is farther away from Monaco than the Mingwei fleet." close."

But beyond Acosta's expectation, Chen Mu picked up the ear pick again and ignored him.

Acosta thought that Chen Mu would say something else, but he never thought that Chen Mu didn't even look at him, and didn't respond at all, which even made him wonder if he had ever spoken in public.

In the embarrassing silence, what was even more exaggerated was that Chen Mu turned around and chatted with Kao Pasha who was sitting beside him, talking and laughing in a low voice.

Not only chatting, he was still rolling cigarettes with cigarette paper, handed the cigarette to Kao Pasha after rolling it, and even lit him on fire!
After lighting the fire, the man with his tail up in the sky actually raised his hand and patted Kao Pasha's arm twice with a smile.

"I think your muskets are very good. The barrel craftsmanship is very special. Send me two craftsmen later? That's it. Don't forget, when you are about to leave, I will give you some. Ring, the best."

Kao Pasha had a great time, and even held a cigarette in his mouth and proudly showed it to the envoys of Tan Kingdom who were traveling with him.

What is panache, huh?As soon as the Minister of the East asked his subordinates to drive away a heretic, he turned around and rolled a cigarette for me.

"No problem, the Minister of the East asked two ships to come with me. When I arrive in Constantinople, I will put all the craftsmen on the ship for you. The gunsmiths, cannonsmiths, goldsmiths, silversmiths, coppersmiths and blacksmiths will all be given to you. OK."

Chen Mu took off the jade locket on his thumb at that time, applauded and said: "Okay!"

Acosta was still in a daze, but Ye Mengxiong had already turned his body slightly, and gently persuaded him: "Brother, I will take over here from now on, I think, General Fu is closer to Lisbon, it's almost enough."

After finishing speaking, Ye Mengxiong sat upright and said, "If that's the case, let Spain come first? After that, Fei Lanxi and the seven candidates, you line up, and Osman will come after the lineup?"

(End of this chapter)

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