open sea

Chapter 176 Showers

Chapter 176 Showers
Thunder exploded in the sky, and pale lightning pierced the sea.

Chen Mu saw a face, the owner of the face had sunken eye sockets, high cheekbones, dry beard and tired eye circles, those eyes also looked at him.

His intuition told him that it was Zeng Yiben.

The light flickered, and the opportunity was also fleeting. When he took out his short-handed gun and hit it, there was only darkness. Chen Mu didn't know whether he hit it. He only knew that he had led the warship through the huge fleet of Japanese pirates. On the one hand, Chen Lin also withdrew from the battle.

As an outstanding naval commander along the coast of Fujian and Guangxi, Chen Lin knows when to challenge and when to evacuate.

The short-term contact battle made Chen Lin realize that the artillery battle is indeed not dominant as Chen Mu said, but the fire boat burned over and successfully broke up the formation of the Japanese pirate fleet, taking this opportunity to narrow the distance to dozens of steps, jumping The gang seized a big boat, then set fire to two Fuchuan, and a burst of cannon fire killed and wounded many sailors of the Japanese pirates, and then led the team to drift away when the enemy's left wing was overwhelmed by the centipede boat.

Of course, some artillery support is essential.

He wasn't worried about Chen Mu, the two centipede boats fired more than 30 shells in one salvo, and Xiangshan made those strange things... Chen Lin knew that as long as he took care of himself, he would not cause trouble for Chen Mu.

Chen Chaojue could see clearly that he was an expert in arson, and any ship that came into battle with him, regardless of whether it was fought or not, would definitely burn, but Chen Mu was different.

The centipede boat passed quickly by the left flank of the Japanese pirate fleet, without even a moment of fighting, but the result of the battle was like a plague. As long as the enemy ships approaching these two big centipedes, no matter how big or small, either their masts were broken or they were unmanned, they all swayed Yoyo left the formation... there were at least five or six big ships!

Everyone was killed, and the boat was brought back to repair and still be used.

That was the real killer, much better than the arsonist he was.

The gang battle caused corpses to lie everywhere on the sea. There were not many corpses in the places Chen Mu passed by, only those unmanned warships drifting away.

It is too easy for centipede boats to break away from the battle line. They are much faster than Fuchuan. Fuchuan, which is powerful in a battle, cannot catch up, and the small fast boats that can catch up cannot beat them. In fact, no one chases him. Zeng Yiben’s Mentality changes in this naval battle.

Zeng Yiben didn't feel that he had lost the battle when he collected the defeated army in Xin'an County.

Although the loss was greater than that of the army, he gained a lot from plundering the entire Xin'an and the outskirts of Guangcheng. He loaded the wealth and took it away. The fleet and more pirates composed of Fujian people came back.

But this naval battle, which took place at night, was different.

Not counting the four empty iron chain boats, Zeng Ben lost at least a dozen large boats and a few small boats, the key is not the boats but the goods that were robbed on board.

If he continues to fight, he will not even be able to recover the cost of going to sea this time. For him, this is the real failure.

And among the large ships full of cargo that he lost, most of them were done by those two centipede ships, how could Zeng Ben not hate it?

"Order the ships, and if the centipede ship gets close, stick to it and fight with it!" Zeng Ben turned his head to look at the shallow hole in the mast with disdain, "The officers and men's guns are very crooked!"

Chen Mu wants to know Zeng Yiben's evaluation of his gun skills, he must sail back and sink Zeng Yin's ship!
What is crooked?
Your Mr. Chen uses hand guns, do you understand? You can only hit [-]-step hand guns on flat ground, let alone dangling in the sea. If Mr. Chen has a good arm, you can try it first. Even running fifty paces will kill you with one shot!

But Mr. Chen Jun didn't know that Mr. Zeng San underestimated him, and he was enjoying it right now.

"Get back a life, Brother Chen, how about your casualties?"

The Haikou fleet ran away after the battle. Chen Mu and Chen Lin were not in such a hurry. As long as the course was right, they didn't care how fast Zeng Ben wanted to run. get together.

Chen Mu looked around and found the lucky boat that belonged to Xiangshan. Seeing that Wei Balang was wearing an iron-valve helmet and seemed to have no arms or legs, he felt relieved. Just smash my seven brothers to death!"

Chen Lin frowned, "You just killed seven people?"

"Where can it be!"

A clear expression just appeared on Chen Lin's face, and he said, "Casualties are inevitable, guns come and go..."

"I was beaten to death by the gun!" I saw Mr. Chen shook his head in distress, stretched out three fingers together and patted the injured palm of the crane arm, "In the future, we should do less of this kind of thing, it's too dangerous!"

Ordinarily, less friendly casualties are a good thing, but Chen Lin sounded like he ate flies, and tilted his head to look elsewhere, "When I go back, Chen will start with the book, build ships, and build centipede ships!"

Not counting the few fireboat sailors under his command who were missing, more than 40 drowned, were hit by guns, and died in battle on board!

What a triumph this should have been!

They attacked pirates with several times larger ships and twice as many troops as themselves, and exchanged more than 40 casualties for Japanese pirates with at least [-] casualties, and burned enemy ships to rob enemy ships.

In recent years, apart from the joint navy of Qi Jiguang and Yu Dayou, has anyone else fought such a wonderful battle?

Naval battles are not land battles, but head-to-head battles. Whoever has more ships, guns, and soldiers usually wins.Being able to win with fewer hits and more at sea is rare in itself.

But he, Chen Mu, Chen Jun... Chen Lin saw that he was distressed because of the ten deaths, and said that he looked too dangerous, so he wanted to drown him in the sea!
what a man!
With twice as many troops, five times more casualties, and less than half the results of others, Chen Chaojue is still complacent?


What a shame!
Chen Mu noticed that Chen Shoubei's face was a bit ugly, and looked at the torch in surprise. What kind of chemical reaction is this? How could the torch turn green on his face after a naval battle?
He really felt the danger from the bottom of his heart, and it was only because of the speed of the centipede that he could pass through the enemy line safely. The shells were flying around the ship. Now that he was quiet, his ears were filled with the screeching sound of the shells during the battle. But after the fight, I was full of fear.

If the ship's side hadn't been raised to block the shells, a few shots hit the deck and a general flag would be gone.

Chen Lin didn't want to answer how many casualties he had at all. He looked at the gloomy sky in the south with a deflated face. He won't run elsewhere, and he doesn't need to harass him anymore, just wait for Tuen Mun to catch them all."

"Boat guns and bird guns can't be used in the back. There is not much difference between a land battle or a sea battle. Let's see where Brother Jing Chen intercepts him." Chen Mu also sighed. The casualties in the boarding battle will only be greater. Now he really understands The lives of soldiers in war are just numbers, and people have no time to feel emotional about more or less.

"I don't know how many people can be brought ashore after this battle, let's go, hoist the sails and chase after!"

A storm awaits them.

(End of this chapter)

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