open sea

Chapter 335

Chapter 335
The maritime security measures of the second batch of Banner Army were not bad, and it also brought Chen Lin to set up camps in Chenlai Island along the route from Taiwan to Luzon, which has achieved initial results. Develop and build stone villages, and the remaining seven islands along the route are wooden villages.

Use the artillery mobilized by the Nanyang Guard to set up checkpoint forts on each island, and deploy a fleet of patrols.The key significance of the establishment of the logistics islands is to shorten the interval between landings and reduce the danger of the supply fleet at sea—especially for typhoons.

Although there may be no typhoons this year.

Four thousand banner troops followed Sun Ao from Nanyangwei after several rounds and arrived in Manila Bay. When they arrived, the barracks in Wangcheng had been completed.The Spaniards needed the mansions in the royal city to enjoy, but Chen Mu's army didn't need them. He only needed the barracks, where his soldiers, horses, warships, and food camps were located.

But Sun Ao didn't come over, Chen Mu asked him to hand over to Chen Lin to patrol the logistics islands, so that Chen Lin could free up to participate in the next battle with Deng Zilong.After a good start in Manila, Chen Mu is not ready to lead the banner army into the next battle.

He wants to eliminate the enemies on Luzon Island, welcome merchants from Yuegang and Haojing, and help Suleiman handle government affairs before the arrival of the new governor. Donkey's own business.

In addition to these, more importantly, he was about to send the first official document to the court from the Minister of Nanyang.

But the scene froze a bit.

Just as he was happily leading two shoulders as high as his shoulders, the strong Andalusian war horse asked his staff which one was suitable for sending to Gaogong and which one was suitable for Zhang Juzheng.

Just as Chen Mu thought, Andalusian horses are much more difficult to raise than Mongolian horses. They are strong in impact, tall and strong, and they are definitely the best war horses, without a doubt.

But this is not the most suitable for Chen Mu, especially in the Luzon Islands, he will either give away these horses or give them away, and he has no intention of holding them for cubs.

Although this is not the most suitable war horse, it is definitely the best gift.

Just as he was happy, he found that Chen Ju, Xu Wei, and Zhao Shizhen looked at him strangely at the door.

One is wearing a python robe, the other is wearing a blue shirt and a green shirt, standing at the gate of the castle holding a folding fan and looking at him strangely. What is this scene?
"Something happened?"

Zhao Shizhen shook his head first.

"What's the matter?"

Chen Mu threw off the rein, seeing that the three of them were not quite right now, he saw Chen Ju arched his hands seriously and said, "Chen Shuai, I'll go to the castle to discuss matters, okay?"

Shaking his head, Chen Mu waved his hands without knowing it: "Go, go in first."

In the castle, Chen Mu sat in the middle, and the furnishings in the castle were still in accordance with the style of the Ming people, making the main hall of the castle the same as the official hall. After the three of them were seated, Xu Weiping stepped back from the others, and then he bowed his hands to Chen Mu and said, "Chen Shuai , we men have been going south all the way, even though we have a direct position as a military supervisor, we have never made Chen Shuai feel bad at all, have we?"

"No, Supervisor Chen is very good. He has never refused to give advice, and his obsession with military affairs has never caused Chen any trouble." Chen Mu looked at Chen Ju, then at Xu Wei and Zhao Shizhen. Chen Mu knew that Chen Ju had something on his mind, and the two of them also had some doubts, so he asked Chen Ju, "But why did Chen accidentally disrespect the supervising army?"

"That's nothing indebted. Chen Shuai didn't say anything to us men. He took care of him when he was a prostitute, and hid in the cabin of the army. We didn't complain about it because of personal matters."

Chen Ju waved his hand, showing two black teeth and smiled, and then asked Chen Mu solemnly: "We have calculated the account with the two shogunate staff, and the account is here."

He patted a volume of books on the table, bowed his hands to Chen Mu again, and asked, "Can you tell me, what is the purpose of this expedition to the South Seas to conquer Manila?"

Chen Mu spread his hands in a daze and didn't say a word. Isn't this obvious enough now? His mother's money!
A dozen or so ships have won 57 taels of cargo, not counting a big ship like the San Pablo, but just a few small battles at sea.

"Chen Shuai dispatched troops and generals, spending no less than 20 taels in Nanyangwei. If the number of soldiers and horses increases like this, he will have to spend at least 22 taels of military food and rations and 10 taels of land and water armor every year. , 57 taels of silver, just for one year."

"What's more, the source of the money is not open and upright. Although the enemy country is understandable, if the general wants to make money, he can lead the fleet to attack south every year, but there is no need to capture Luzon and expel the western barbarians, and there is no need to send such a large army. It is very expensive."

Chen Mu was delighted to hear that. Chen Ju is also a person with a sustainable development strategy in his heart. This is treating the Spaniards as cocks that lay eggs.

But he didn't interrupt, it was obvious that Chen Ju was holding back on this matter, he had to wait for Chen Ju to finish speaking, and then he would answer them one by one.

"If it is said that Chen Shuai intends to open a trade route in Luzon, but Luzon has a small population, silk porcelain cannot be circulated here in large quantities, and local specialties are pitiful. Today, our men have gold, copper, iron, medicine betel nuts, and so on. Guan Daomang, Pearl, Tortoiseshell, Huangwa, Jibei, and the sulfur that Chen Shuai plans to bring back."

"Gold and copper are also expensive in Luzon. Betel nuts, pearls, knives, tortoiseshell, yellow wax, gilt shells, cloves and other products, even gold and copper, are not in short supply in Ming Dynasty. Why bother to lead an army south to transport them here?" Chen Ju looked at Chen Mu. Don't make mistakes in his eyes, he said: "Not to mention bullying a small country and hindering Chen Shuaiying!"

Chen Mu's face is expressionless, the wonderful moment of his expression has passed, no matter whether Chen Ju regards Xiyi as a golden chicken for laying eggs or doing market research by himself, his expression is extremely exciting, when he mentions the "wiseness" that does not seem to exist in him , he no longer has the energy to display his beauty.

He just said to Chen Ju firmly, "You think I'm stupid."

Chen Ju didn't show the smile he imagined, nor was he relieved by Chen Mu's denial, his face was more solemn, as if he hoped that the general in command of the Wanjun in front of him was a fool who couldn't figure it out.

After a pause, he said: "Men, I really hope that Chen Shuai is stupid. The commander dispatched troops to hoard food and grass, and sent a fleet to Nanyang Wei to pick up his wife, and recruited pirates such as Lin Feng, Shi He, Dao Gan, etc. as minions."

"The commander-in-chief doesn't care about money, nor does he care about fame. I really don't know what to do with what the general wants. Unless..." Chen Ju's face was complicated, with a little helplessness, and asked: "After getting acquainted, if Chen Shuai wants to If you rebel against the emperor and leave your homeland, split the land and divide the country, and use the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty to open up private land, let us kill us here."

As soon as this remark came out, even Xu Wei and Zhao Shizhen didn't expect it. Xu Wei's surprise was not fake, and Zhao Shizhen stretched his arms forward to stop him, and blurted out: "Chen Jianjun, the commander has no such intention!"

As he said that, he looked at Chen Mu from the corner of his eye, only to see that Mr. Sai Lugong in the hall seemed to be okay, slowly blowing the foam with his tea bowl.

As if he was not talking about such a big matter as treason or rebellion, he even laughed out loud, shook his head and pointed at Chen Ju and said, "You still think I'm stupid."

"You don't know if you don't lead soldiers. There are more than [-] family members, banner troops, battalion soldiers, pirates, and Luzon soldiers in Luzon. You can go back and find the fire soldiers to settle the accounts. You will understand that every day you open your eyes, three to five hundred shi The military rations are gone, can Luzon Island feed so many people?"

After Chen Mu said this, his face was gloomy, he raised his hand and pointed at Chen Ju impolitely, then pointed to the north and said, "If you want to kill me, let the [-] troops starve to death here as lonely ghosts , just keep thinking about it.”

 Good morning!

(End of this chapter)

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