open sea

Chapter 361 Farewell

Chapter 361 Farewell
Chen Mu stared at not only Iwami Ginzan and Kyushu Island, but also Lin Afeng's old friend Tokugawa Ieyasu.

In fact, they are not old friends. Lin Feng has never met Tokugawa Ieyasu, but this does not prevent them from getting in touch.Tokugawa once purchased a large number of oxtails for whisking through merchants to make Tangtou.

But this connection is enough. Chen Mu needs a channel to get in touch with the three heroes of the Warring States Period. Trade is a good weapon.Chen Mu set a small goal for Lin Afeng - first find a way to make the poor in Sanhe rich.

"Sell silk, porcelain, oxtail, cotton cloth of various colors, the four treasures of the study, spices, sculptures, Yongle Tongbao."

"Buy wood, gold, silver, copper and iron, sulfur and saltpeter, oil, salt and grain, pickles and radishes."

"This kind of trade doesn't have to be done only with Tokugawa, it can also be done with other messy daimyos, anyone, no other requirements." Chen Mu raised a few fingers and said: "You can't sell ironware, you can't You can’t sell armor, you can’t sell books, you can’t sell gunpowder, you can’t buy armor, you can’t buy all the raw materials needed for life.”

"The above is prohibited. The first offender will be beheaded, which will harm the clan. Do you understand?"

In front of Chen Mu was not only Lin Feng, but also He Xingsheng’s merchants who were summoned to Macheng. Everyone was confused, and Shi Xiaolou, a wealthy businessman, asked carefully: "Chen Shuai, this is Luzon, there is a famine ?”

"No trouble, it's just that I need these things, they are cheap, but you exchange silver for copper coins, and use copper coins to buy food and vegetables there, and you can still make some money when you come back." Chen Mu spread his hands and said, "Whoever is willing to do this business, I will issue a wooden sign on the bow of the ship, allowing the ship to go to Japan, and if the return trip stops at the coast and is expelled by the navy, it can only be sold to Luzon.”

Most of the big merchants will feel that there is something tricky in it, and they are reluctant to participate in this business with taboos, but no matter how many small merchants below, most of them are willing to do it as long as they can make money.Thinking of keeping a profit, everyone actively reported their names and asked Chen Mu for the ship license.

In the end, Chen Mu ordered nine Quanshang Guangshang, and after dismissing others, he said to them: "You Japanese hunters ask about the composition of their forces, go to a place one by one, establish a good relationship with the local princes, collect information on each prince, and conquer the enemy. Friends, if necessary, you can send someone to Macheng for help with some ordnance, but this is the capital to save your life, don't tell others."

"The amount of ordnance you purchase in times of crisis depends on how much food and gold and silver you can transport from Japan to Luzon. There will be special registration in Macheng. There are no cannons in the ordnance, but there are spears and matchlocks, which are enough to change The situation of the war is also the capital of your wealth there."

With a solemn expression, Chen Mu bowed his hands to several small merchants, frightened them to the ground, and said: "I hope you will make a lot of money every day, and use your talents to prosper your business over there!"

These people are really small sea merchants, they all have only one boat, and they may not be big guys like Daifuku.

For them, this road is really a life-threatening journey, but the maritime trade route has always been a life-threatening journey, even in the past Manila trade route.

In this situation, until Chen Mu established Fujian-Guanghe Xingsheng and integrated Lin Afeng and other pirates, the man-made disasters on the commercial roads near the sea were peaceful, but even if the man-made disasters were peaceful, there were still natural disasters.What's more, after Chen Mu took Luzon, the big money-makers on this business road were gone.

They all joined the trade route after Chen Mu obtained Luzon. Seeing the opportunity in Japan at this time, they were both excited and uneasy, and their future was uncertain.

With good luck, they will be able to form a fleet of several ships to go to sea next time they return to Luzon; if they are not lucky, they may not be able to return.

But who can say for sure?
The merchants left very anxiously, Xu Wei stepped forward and said to Chen Mu: "If this is the case, is Chen Shuai saying that he is weakening them, or making them more fierce?"

"I don't know, but it must be poorer."

Chen Mu rubbed his cheeks. He forced himself to pretend to be righteous and solemn for a long time. His stomach was about to cramp. He raised his hands and said, "This kind of loss-making business can only be done once. If you do too much, you will become addicted!"

For him, a big gain is a loss.

But the few merchants sent out this time are indeed impossible to make a lot of money. How much money can they make by buying food, oil and salt at a low price, not to mention that this will definitely cause prices to rise, and they will lose money one day, or even after a long time Even buying gold and silver can't make ends meet.

But Chen Mu wanted to try.

In the dark prison cell of Nanyang Yamen Fort, the jailer walked to the bottom with a rich food box.The dishes in the food box were different from usual, and even a jug of old wine was prepared. Even for the Macheng Banner Army, this thing is a rare thing, not to mention how awkward the jailer is.

Only by repeating the meal of death over and over again, he calmed down a little and sent it to Salcedo in the cell.

The lack of sunlight for several months made Salcedo look much paler, his physical condition was extremely poor, and his spirit was extremely depressed.The disheveled hair and the dirty prison clothes looked to complement each other, making him even more embarrassed.

He didn't know how many times he cursed, cursing that this cell built by the Spaniards was actually used to detain the Spaniards!

The iron lock on the cell door was opened, and the sound of Ming warrior officer's boots stepping on the wet cell floor made the disheveled Salcedo look up. In the light from the torches, he saw Chen Mu surrounded by armored warriors.

There was an evil smile on the face that should belong to the devil, and he spread his hands to him, saying: "Have you eaten? Are you happy, you are going to be free again."

Salcedo raised his head and looked directly at Chen Mu. The Western officer showed a rare anxiety on his face, as if he was waiting for the next sentence, and the light through the cell door made him look even more lonely.

"That's right, Legaspi on Cebu Island has been defeated. Is he your grandpa or grandma... Forget it, you all call grandpa." Someone behind Chen Mu set up a chair for him, and he sat down and said: "Don't worry, when the castle on Cebu Island was breached, Regaspi had already escaped, and my people searched the island but failed to catch him."

"He may have escaped to Borneo or something. Now it is your turn to fulfill your mission. I have found a Portuguese merchant ship, and he will send you and my people to Spain to meet your king and bring According to my request - 700 million taels of silver or equivalent goods, I know that your king may not agree, he only has three choices."

"Sign the treaty, pay in one lump sum or pay in installments, he can get merchant ships to trade in Luzon again; or if he reneges on his debts, I will continue to collect debts with arms, so he will be more and more busy; or send you next year The Grand Fleet beat me, and I waited."

Chen Mu picked two brave flag soldiers to accompany him. At the port, Salcedo changed into a new suit and boarded the boat of the Portuguese merchant. He watched the captain take off his hat and salute Chen Mu on the shore, and watched Lopsided.

What made him feel mixed the most was the huge gunboat with various oriental gods on its prow floating in the bay.

On the ledger in the borrowed boat, Salcedo leaned against the side of the boat and wrote this with a quill.

"We once took pride in conquering the Philippines in the most proud state, and never thought that we would leave it in the most dejected state. What's more terrifying is that because of the devil's insatiable greed, I may never come back here..."

 Good morning!

(End of this chapter)

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