open sea

Chapter 409 Crushing

Chapter 409 Crushing

Deng Zilong actually doesn't like artillery battles very much. His iron-clad ship has eighteen cannons. The big ship uses a thousand guns, but the guns are not as good as the five hundred guns. As the flagship, the firepower is worse than that of the stern ship under his command. He likes it so much stand up?
Not to mention that Chen Mu also specially installed pure iron rams on this ship. Did Second Master Chen let the ship fire the cannons?
It's not a cannonball, what's that for?
General Deng practiced himself, and when the enemy fleet was about to retreat, at the right time, sixteen large sculls protruded from the bottom cabin of the iron-clad ship. The butterfly sails were fully spread, and they cut off the retreat route of the armed merchant ship straight from the middle. The iron-clad ship, like a big black rhinoceros, slammed into At the stern of a merchant ship.

Why do ironclad ships carry less troops, less guns, and less space, but use thousands of materials?
Because the dog is strong, it is stronger than Chihai.

In the waters west of Guam, there were two loud bangs.

One was the sound of a dog's ram piercing the belly of the merchant ship, and the other was the terrifying tearing sound of a giant tree breaking apart.

The collision was not enough, the ironclad ship almost "rided" on the armed merchant ship with its large size and full impact force.

It was smaller than a thousand-material ship, but the weight of the iron sheet was not light. The keel of the merchant ship was broken almost instantly, and the thick wooden spikes hung a large piece of iron sheet from the side of the iron-clad ship. The scratching sound made the scalp numb. Everyone underestimated the impact on both ships.

No, it hurts an armed merchant ship, it scares an ironclad.

Smash the side of the enemy ship, let the ironclad ship leave the sea at an angle of inclination, and sit on the merchant ship. The keel of the merchant ship could not bear the huge pressure and was broken. The ironclad ship slowly returned to the sea surface with heavier force. Not fast, but many sailors on board took their feet off the deck at some point.

They were thrown low, and then slowly fell down.

The barefooted sailors were in good condition, but the officers' boots were not so comfortable. The ironclad ship shot back into the sea, and the sea water overflowed the deck. When they landed, they all fell into the mud—including Deng Zilong, the second-rank town general. .

People are flying up, they can't leave their heads, their knives can't leave their hands, their whole body weighs 76 pounds, and they are slapped on the deck hard, which can make personal marks on the iron shell.

That was Deng Zilong, who fell harder than others, and got up faster than others. He stood up with a knife on his eyebrows and shouted at the first sentence: "Throw the bundle of gunpowder and blow them to death!"

What the fuck, he turned his head and straightened his helmet, and he saw the bow of an armed merchant ship raised high on the sea outside the starboard side, and the Xiyi navy was screaming everywhere, and everyone was struggling to climb up the bow of the mast.

Everything else is already in the sea, only the mast and a little bit of the bow are still tilted and slowly sinking in the sea.

What a boat, the dog's ass is gone.

"His mother, you son of a bitch, you can be promoted to a general for nothing!" Deng Zilong shook his head, patted the mast with emotion, and yelled without looking back while wiping his nosebleed: "Is the cabin flooded?"

Just now, when he charged too hard and sat too hard, Deng Zilong didn't expect to ride directly on it, and the rest of his own keel had problems, but soon a flag soldier climbed up from the bottom cabin and said: "General, it's okay, there is a problem." There is a crack, which is already being repaired, that is, fourteen oars are broken."

"Beat the drums and flags, chase towards the port, no one will hit the boat again!"

At this moment, if Deng Zilong were to sit down and write a book, he would definitely be able to conclude that the effect of force is mutual.

If he had known that the collision force of the ship with the big scull fully open was so strong, he would never have hit the merchant ship—he would have to hit the enemy's command flagship.

The three thousand warships hung with Liujia god statues were not as aggressive as Deng Zilong, and they would be comfortable. They crossed the messy battlefield full of merchant ship wrecks around the ironclad ships, chasing and crushing them all the way.

Crushing is not an adjective, but a verb. Those small boats carrying several or even a dozen soldiers cannot move fast just by paddling their oars, especially when the big ships are retreating in a panic, and it is difficult for them to survive being squeezed in the cracks. The sailors at the oars lost their strength, and the speed of the boat suddenly slowed down. Waiting for them were the three Liujia gods who came breaking through the waves.

The huge ship of thousands of materials ran over the small boat, and the bannermen who held the bird guns at the bow and fired downward salvos could not even feel the vibration of the hull, but heard a few "clicks" mixed with the exclamation below, and the zhang long boat was reduced to a pile of wood chips .

A 'coup d'état' had just been completed on the flagship Glory of the Guam Fleet of New Spain. Just like Lin Xiao, the admiral of the navy temporarily seized the command of the army commander Mendoza, because after more than half of the big ship was sunk, their The commander actually refused to retreat into the port and relied on coastal defense artillery and the army to resist the enemy.

If you don't withdraw into the port at this time, do you want to bury the entire fleet in the hands of the Ming army?
But Mendoza really didn't want to escape.

Before this battle, he was a staunch decisive winner. The great Iberian Peninsular fought all over the Mediterranean. What is the invincibility of naval battles?It relied on the boarding battle after the rampage.

Others have sixty or seventy sailors on a ship, but there are no more than a hundred people. My big Spanish ship has at least 100 people, and the big Galenic ship can hold three to 400 people. How can I lose the boarding battle?
Later, the Galen ship with 330 sailors and soldiers was sunk before reaching the Ming ship.

Hmph, victory is not done with force, these enemies are not honorable enough, they are so cowardly that they dare not let my boat touch their side.

I retreat first, as long as we are next to our ships, even armed merchant ships... When Mendoza thought this way, he happened to see the ironclad ships of the Ming army riding on the armed merchant ships in a mating posture.

That was not an armed merchant ship carrying 140 sailors and soldiers, it was 140 people who fell into the sea or corpses and a few armed merchant ships.

He saw his armed merchant ship shattered under the black monster.

At that moment, the flagship of the fleet that was resolutely withdrawing to Westport, Guam slowly turned its direction. Mendoza felt like a joke in front of this scene. Together, who can win!
The ship didn't turn around, not everyone's beliefs collapsed like Mendoza's, everyone decided to change the captain temporarily, the rudder was turned halfway and continued to sail to the port of Guam, in the process, another armed merchant ship was sunk, a The masts of newly built galleons are broken.

The retreat of six leagues can be described as arduous and arduous. When within the range of the Guam shore artillery, only the flagship and another Galen ship remained in this huge fleet. The armed merchant ships were all wiped out, and only seven small boats remained.

Those Ming warships blocked their harbors like villains, and even used artillery to throw shells at the harbor from a distance, looking extremely rampant.

It seems that God’s punishment for them has not yet ended. When Mendoza, who was ashen-faced, was surrounded by his subordinates and sat on the lowered boat, and asked him to go ashore and lead the army to deploy defenses, he saw three soaring sky rising from the island mountain. And black smoke.

That was the direction of their eastern outpost.

(End of this chapter)

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