open sea

Chapter 414 Stone Spear

Chapter 414 Stone Spear
Yang Zhaolong walked out of the wooden house yawning with a shy stomach, rubbed his eyes looking at the high sun, sat on the threshold bored and scratched the back of his neck.

Even in the desolate and ancient Xinming, the nobles from the ancient northern empire were still served, which made Yang Zhaolong look like he still maintained the posture of the noble son of Bozhou, but his body had changed a lot.

The most obvious ones are wearing leather boots and short shirts.

Not only Yang Zhaolong was like this, everyone in Xinming took off their thick-soled fast boots, and cut off their clothes and robes by one foot and four inches.

From the first few months to Xinming, there were no horses and cattle for transportation. People had to trek across the grasslands.

Yang Zhaolong touched the rib armor of the crocodile leather boots that wrapped his calves, and several wild dogs that were swarming wildly saw their master getting up from a distance, and came running quickly, wagging their tails slightly.

The maidservant who got up early brought the meat plate, and Yang Zhaolong took out a small saber and cut the meat into pieces and fed them one by one. After feeding them half full, he got up and washed his face.Wearing clothes with canvas patches on the knees and elbows and iron leather armor inlaid, with a whistle, a horse from afar came galloping.

At first, there were only a thousand people who landed in Yanglai Port. Later, two fleets were sent from Daming. Now there are more than a thousand people in Xinming, and more importantly, they brought pigs, cattle, sheep, and horses.

With these livestock, the life of the people is easier, and it is easier for Yang Zhaolong to travel to farther places.

Before the horses arrived, Yang Zhaolong had never left Yanglai Port for thirty miles. Finally, he mustered up enough courage to prepare well and headed east along the edge of the coast. He encountered a crocodile in the east river. He had never seen such a big soil. Dragon, and its fighting power is extremely strong.

Palm Leidou couldn't be hurt even a little further away, only two of them were killed by firing the blunderbuss towards the head, and the other one was washed away by the river and couldn't be found.

At that time, Yang Zhaolong was so frightened that he dared not go out for half a month, and thought several times to write a letter to say goodbye to his brother-in-law, asking him to hire another Gao Ming, but he burned the letter after writing it.

"The guns, dry food, water, and traumatic medicine are all ready. This is much more dangerous than fighting with others."

A bannerman of the general banner led a horse and rode behind, drove five carriages to carry water and food, and even brought some cotton cloth from Luzon.Yang Zhaolong rode his horse around the well in the center of the settlement for a few laps, raised his whip and pointed to the port, saying: "Liu Baihu, this time you go west along the coast, bring more water and food, and travel five hundred miles. After the topography is drawn, I will go south to see the local natives."

Seven wild dogs followed the horses and ran forward and grinning. Since taming these wild dogs, Yang Zhaolong has become the top predator in the 48-mile radius of Yang Laiwan.

The reason why the mileage is accurate is that 48 miles to the east is a big river, and there are earth dragons in the river.

However, just the day before yesterday, all the flag soldiers at the outpost 56 miles to the south reported that when they were hunting further south, they found traces of people and livestock activities.

Liu Baihu nodded in agreement, this is a down-to-earth officer of the Ming army, and in three months, he will be able to bring half of the Banner Army back to the Manchurian Boyi.

According to the news brought by the previous merchants, Lin Feng has received the order of the general to prepare the supplies for leading his troops to Majapahit, when a new banner army will come here to change defense, he will finally be able to return to the inhabited place.

Xinming is a good place, with beautiful scenery and abundant products, but Liu Baihu has a little grudge in his heart.

No matter how you look at it, this place is suitable for raising livestock. If you raise a pig or a sheep, you don’t need to feed yourself to get fat, but it is not suitable for raising people.

This will be his last voyage in Xinming, traveling five hundred miles to explore the way for Yang Zhaolong.

Yang Zhaolong does not feel homesick, but in the past few months, he has really felt that it is not easy to be a parent.

He greeted Liu Baihu, and told his subordinates several times, from putting meat in the nitrate ice cellar to taking care of the cattle and sheep, from plowing the fields to grinding the rice noodles, he explained everything for a long time, and then he personally led the team around the dense forest by the sea , Go to the grassland.

"Finally I can see people, I can't believe there is no one in such a big place!"

Yang Zhaolong had been thinking about seeing people for a long time. He was galloping on the vast grassland with dozens of riders, talking to himself over and over again. Sometimes he said that when he saw people, he shot them with guns first, knocked them down and captured the prisoners, and then he couldn't talk about the conflict and gave him some cloth.

To the south of Yanglai Bay, except for the settlements of Xinming people, there are small paths cut by carpenters in the forest. When entering the open land, the wooden stakes laid every other mile become guideposts, bypassing the snake nest hidden under the grass. Hole, zigzag pointing south.

At intervals of ten miles, there are small post stations with a wooden structure. Each post station has five families. They share a horse, two dogs, and several sheep.

Their dogs are not wild dogs like Yang Zhaolong from Xinming, but yellow dogs specially sent from Daming. They are loyal and reliable. Of course they are not as fierce as wild dogs, but they are the best sentinels in the wild.

Even if everyone rides a horse, after all, there is no road and dare not let go and ride fast. It is almost dusk when we reach the fourth small post station on the outermost periphery.

"My lord, they are maroon, painted with white ash, with few clothes, driving big animals like sheep and horses, grazing around." Holding a spear, leaning against the wooden wall against the long bird gun, pointing to the distance: "They have weapons."

"What weapon?"

"Spears, knives, and darts." Miao Bing said in embarrassment, "It seems to be made of stone."


After several months of landing in Xinming, Yang Zhaolong was familiar with animals he had never seen before, so he was not surprised to hear that there were things that looked like sheep and horses. He looked at his pistol, thought about the stone spear again, and said: " Take me to them, let's go."

Nomadic, grazing while walking, but Yang Zhaolong has never heard of anyone grazing on two legs.

It didn't take long, after only ten miles, the group of people followed the sentinels to the tribe of the Xinming natives. A few miles away, Yang Zhaolong saw the fire, and then saw the natives gathering together to gather around through the binoculars. Campfire dancing.

"Ten, 21 strong men, [-] to [-] women and children, their women are as strong as men; they are really lucky to meet Yang."

These natives are much closer to him than he imagined, and they are only 20 miles away from Yang Laigang. Yang Zhaolong got off his horse and called Xiaoqi to lead the horse. A few pieces of cloth walked slowly towards the bonfire of the natives.

No matter how backward the technology is, the people in a place are well-deserved top predators. These people obviously haven't fought a war for a long time, otherwise they wouldn't dance in the wilderness defenselessly.

It wasn't until Yang Zhaolong walked two hundred steps that they realized that there was an unknown intruder in the territory. Each of them raised their spears and darts, and looked cautiously at the guests they had never seen before.

"I, Daming Yang Zhaolong, Xinming County, no, the governor of Xinming Dynasty! Put down your weapons, these cotton cloths are for a gun to the sky!"

Yang Xiaoye yelled for a long time with his hips on his hips, shamelessly proclaiming himself the governor of Xinming, and answered him with a flying stone spear.

The sound of gunshots resounded in Xinming.

 Recommend the books of three friends, the word count is more than 80.

  "Back to the Tang Dynasty with Weapons"

  "The Strongest Chongzhen in History"

  "Cold Disaster"

(End of this chapter)

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