open sea

Chapter 448 Mutual Benefit

Chapter 448 Mutual Benefit
In any case, Tang Juan never imagined that when he submitted to Chen Mu to go to Macau to inspect the Portuguese leased land, Chen Mu led the entire Nanyang military government and had already begun planning candidates for the Ming Kingdom leased land in Seville, Spain.

Maybe the merchants in the future can only speak Chinese, but the subordinates dispatched in advance must be able to speak the language of the Iberian Peninsula. This determines that the Ming Dynasty officials who sailed to Spain for the first time are likely to be Haojing civilians.

Chen Mu often kicked the sand on the coast and looked into the distance. He had to admit that in the great idea of ​​obtaining overseas leased land for the Ming Dynasty for the first time, the manpower needed to realize it was likely to be carefully selected scum .

Tang Juan went to Macau with the warrant from the Nanyang Military Mansion. He originally planned to send a few flag soldiers to follow Tang Juan to visit, but Tang Juan only walked to Macau for two days. When the news from Macau reached Chen Mu, he also You can only set off to Haojing.

The Governor of Portugal in India sent a letter and sent envoys to Malacca and Indian ships, hoping to sign a treaty with Chen Mu.

After receiving the news, Chen Mu handed over the affairs of the military government to Gao Gong without saying a word, and Xu Wei's temporary supervisor Zhang Shijue was in charge of the military training. He boarded the Chihai ship and chased Tang Juan's tail to Haojing.

"After waiting for almost a year, it can be regarded as a letter!"

The fact that the Portuguese and Indian governors sent people was nothing else than Chen Mu’s request in the past to open open ship routes in Malacca and even Goa. It is a good thing for Chen Mu that he sent someone to sign the treaty this time.

"It's too much trouble to think about coming to Portugal."

Staff member Xu Wei smiled heartily while holding the side of the boat, and said to Chen Mu: "I think that the purpose of signing the treaty with the Portuguese and barbarians this time is to limit our merchants."

"It must be restricted. They have a new governor and their surname is Anthony, but his name is not Di Noronha, but Monis Barreto. This person wrote it clearly in the letter." Chen Mu nodded to Xu Wei, Said: "He called this treaty the matter of Ming Ming's armed merchant ships passing through Malacca, which is very illustrative, armed merchant ships."

Perhaps in the eyes of others, an armed merchant ship is a merchant ship, but in Chen Mu's eyes, an armed merchant ship is an armed ship.

Ever since Emperor Longqing’s overseas edict was issued, overseas Ming people, regardless of merchants and pirates, have been pardoned for all those who work for the Nanyang military government, and they will not be punished for entering the customs with military orders. A large number of good and bad merchants and pirates have returned to the imperial court. embrace.

Few of these people dared to return to Fujian and Guangxi. Even if they had returned to their hometowns, they still felt uneasy, and most of them still lived in Luzon and other countries.

The merchants of the Ming Dynasty had less courage to explore than the maritime merchants of the Western Kingdom. They were all safe people. They followed the army. Wherever the army went, they opened their business routes. However, a large number of Ming pirates were different. Except for Lin Feng, Lin Daoqian, Shi He, etc. used to be pirates and are now officers. Wherever the Ming army went, they tried to avoid them.

As soon as Malacca opened the blockade of Ming ships, they sailed to the west of Malacca one by one without Chen Mu's request.

Some of them hold the official position of the navy of the Nanyang countries, and some are the exclusive merchants of the Nanyang kings. They purchase ordnance from the Nanyang military government through various countries and include a few private firearms to arm their unprecedentedly powerful merchant fleet.

When going out of Malacca, hang the Minglong flag, and when entering Malacca, hang the Nanyang flag. When you see Portuguese people flying the Ming flag overseas, no one dares to offend. He knew the behavior of this group of people, and even those outflowing matchlock guns, general Zhenshuo guns and two hundred shark boats were all sold under his instruction.

The Governor-General of Portugal and India sent letters of dissatisfaction to Hao Jing several times, but Chen Mu ignored them. In his words: "In the waters under my jurisdiction, I have the final say on the sea. If I really can't control it, the sea is freedom." Yes, you can't control it."

He wants the Portuguese to beg him to garrison troops.

This is also the reason why the new Portuguese governor of India sent him a letter, and he boarded the boat and drove to Haojing—now it is time for the Indian governor to ask him to garrison troops west of Malacca and Malacca.

"Chen Shuai wants the dove to occupy the magpie's nest, or..."

Dove occupying magpie's nest?

Chen Mu glanced at Xu Wei angrily, and said, "Mr. Xu has learned a lot, why doesn't he say a good word?"

Xu Wei thought for a while, then looked at Chen Mu with a blink of an eye, and said, "Sit back and enjoy what you get? Fisherman's profit? Sitting on the ground and seeking perfection? Receive a reward for nothing?"

"Don't talk nonsense, this is called mutual benefit."

Chen Mu, who was sitting on the steps of the deck, was amused by Xu Wei, took a sip of a coconut in his arms, and said: "The western barbarians are the most powerful among the countries, and now they are defeating the westerners one after another. Pinto sent a message to the governor of India. People are not as powerful as Xiyi, dare to fight against me?"

"If he doesn't dare, then we will make friends. Like in the past, Portuguese merchants will send whatever we need to Haojing. Even if we go around for a year, the American silver we want will still be sent to Chen." , but it's not enough."

"The vast land is handed over to the Portuguese. What is the use of their several commercial stations? They can't even manage it; the Spaniards can manage it. They only know how to kill, rob, and seize. Have you heard what Daner said, Sa When Elcedo wanted to instigate him against him, he promised to go to the Canton Mansion and give him the land on both sides of the first river."

"That's the Pearl River. They have no choice. They have fewer people and more resources. Their soldiers and scholars have more learning opportunities than our common people, and management is easier. But they don't have a large enough bureaucracy, and they don't have ten years of hard work. Officials who want to educate the common people can only turn the occupied land into a feudal city for nobles during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period."

"It's different when we go. Set up townships, counties, prefectures, and provinces, measure the land and organize households, build roads, open reclamations and set up canals for irrigation. We will stay for a long time."

As he said that, Chen Mu changed the subject and asked Xu Wei: "Mr. Xu, how big of a market do you think the whole of Guangdong needs to force large areas of it to use steamers? The cotton and satin produced by those guards is enough for all the countries in Southeast Asia. From the nobles in the country down to the head of Guizhou to spend."

Xu Wei knew that what Chen Mu always wanted was to let Guangdong produce more things, he said in surprise: "Chen Shuai wants merchants to use the steamer, just order a letter, why do such a thankless thing."

"Direct orders are thankless. They all use steaming machines, so there is no place to sell the cotton cloth produced. If they can't make money, the people will not spontaneously improve the steaming machines. The technology will not improve. The steaming machines will always be mediocre. It is a steamer for weaving."

Chen Mu put down the coconut and smiled, and said: "For this treaty, I want to take Malacca and a corner of India, and the pirates of Ming Dynasty can go to Arabia to meet Ottoman. It's hard for them to keep the Westerners in the west, and if they If necessary, you should be able to sell a lot, Ottoman, India... what a big market!"

 Good morning!

(End of this chapter)

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